Account register is a way of processing data

Account register is a way of processing data
Account register is a way of processing data
register it
register it

All incoming documentation to the accounting department must be subject to a strict verification procedure of both form and content. This takes into account the literacy of registration, the completeness of the indication of the required data and details, the legality of the transactions in question, as well as the linkage of the totality of the indicators presented there with each other. After all the necessary procedures, it is the turn of registration and economic grouping of the information received in the structure of analytical accounts. Thus, all information about the distribution and expenditure of economic funds, the sources that formed them, as well as the remains of the enterprise's property are received in the form of primary and summary documentation in a specific form of accounting, which is called "accounting registers".

Accounting registers
Accounting registers

What is this?

This is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions from beginners in accounting. Like any other economic concept, this term has several definitions. Here is one ofthem. An accounting register is a specific counting table that has a certain form. As mentioned earlier, they can be built as a result of the economic grouping of data on property owned by an enterprise or organization, as well as on the sources of investment of such accounting items. Such events make it possible to visually display all financial transactions.


Currently, modern scientists divide the counting register according to three fundamental features, such as generalization of data, purpose and appearance. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Data summarization

Classification of credentials on this basis makes it possible to distinguish between integrated and non-integrated structures. Such a division indicates that each individual register is either a deductive or inductive consideration of the available information. Therefore, there are only two approaches: "from the general to the particular" and "from the particular to the general".

Account register
Account register

2. Destination

This criterion is divided into systematic, chronological and combined records. Let's define each of them. A systematic register is such a structure in which each entry is made relative to the corresponding additional grouping feature. At the same time, registers can be attributed to the chronological type, in which all facts of the enterprise's economic activity are recorded in the sequence in which they arose. It should also be noted that both of these categories complement each other and allow timely accounting of financial turnover. A combined register is a combination of the first and second types.

3. Appearance

The last of the criteria considered highlights several forms that accounts can take. There are four of them: cards, books, machine media and a free sheet. The book looks like a bound, scribbled register, which is laced and signed by the chief accountant. Card - a printed table on a special form. The free sheet, in turn, is presented in the form of a table on a bound form. Machine media differ in that they place information not on paper, but on magnetic media.
