Pockmarked chickens: breed description and photo

Pockmarked chickens: breed description and photo
Pockmarked chickens: breed description and photo

The most common way of housekeeping is the breeding of chickens - birds that are undemanding to the conditions of detention and always supply their owners with fresh eggs and nutritious meat. Pockmarked laying hens are the most common among the rest, and are considered the most productive in home keeping. In particular, we are talking about the Dominant breed, which is an improved version of the standard laying hen.

Dominant breed: external characteristics

This breed, bred in the Czech Republic, is characterized by attractive external characteristics, which can be briefly described as "voluminous plumage and massive body". Due to the short legs, these pockmarked chickens look squat. The wings fit snugly to the body, which visually increase its volume. The head is rather small, with red earrings and a crest. In addition to the pockmarked, this breed is grown in black, gold and even blue colors.

Features of the Dominant breed

Pockmarked chickens-laying hens (dominant breed) are characterized by very strong immunity. When pathogens enter the chicken coop, they either do not get sick at all or are easily cured. This feature only plays into the hands of novice farmers who are not always able to provide the right conditions for the feathered livestock.

Pockmarked hens of the Dominant breed, actively grown in more than 30 countries of the world, are characterized by high egg production: about 300 eggs per year with an average size of 60 grams, which is the highest among these birds. They begin to rush relatively early, from the fifth month of birth. They are characterized by a docile disposition. Farmers do not need to build high enclosures, as this breed of bird will not fly over high fences. Both cages and pens can be used for keeping.

pockmarked laying hens dominant breed
pockmarked laying hens dominant breed

In the care of ryaba hens (photo in the article) are undemanding, vitamins and minerals that are not received in feed are easily obtained in nature themselves. Unlike conventional laying hens, they are able to withstand extreme weather conditions, which is why they are especially popular in cold climates.

Ryaba Hen: Pushkin breed

The Pushkin breed is called the ideal village chicken, characterized by a variegated black color, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, and high egg production. In addition, such ryaba chickens (the photo fully conveys all the attractiveness of such a breed) do not know how to fly at all. By nature they are very calm, with the approach of danger they do not fuss, asother species, but are pressed to the ground. Very tame and easy to catch.

chickens ryaba photo
chickens ryaba photo

The advantages of the Pushkin breed are:

  • unpretentiousness to the conditions of feeding and keeping,
  • high stamina,
  • almost complete (95%) safety of adult livestock,
  • good hatchability - 84%.

These pockmarked chickens got their name in honor of the place where they were bred: the city of Pushkin, Leningrad region. The external signs of this breed are:

  • long lush neck,
  • small head,
  • drooping leaf-shaped comb,
  • striped variegated color with white undercoat.

The average weight of a chicken is from 1.8 to 2 kg, a rooster is about 2.5 kg. Annual egg production - from 220 to 230 large, with a beautiful egg yolk. The meat is characterized by a beautiful presentation and high taste. Laying hens perfectly adapt to any conditions of the poultry house, they do not need a certain type of compound feed, light regime and temperature. Chickens are characterized by a high survival rate, fast growth and unpretentiousness.

Plymouthrock - a breed of speckled chickens

Plymouthrock is a perfect breed for the household. An all-purpose bird that produces high quality eggs and excellent meat.

Outwardly, chickens are characterized by beautiful plumage and a dense compact physique. They have a large body, broad back and chest. The tail is short, dense, highcrest. The beak and legs are yellow. The plumage is striped, partridge, fawn, black and white.

pockmarked chickens
pockmarked chickens

The most popular among farmers is the pockmarked chicken (Plymouthrock breed) because of its elegant appearance. Birds of white color are actively bred in industrial production. The mass of the hen is about 3.5 kg, the rooster weighs up to 5 kg on average. The annual egg production rate is 190 eggs.

Rocked hens are unpretentious in food, they need outdoor walking, where they can be fed with grass. Easily acclimatized. Almost never fly over fences. They are characterized by a high incubation instinct, therefore they are convenient in the household without an incubator. The bird is quite curious, not shy, can come close to a person, easily gets used to it.

Hungarian chicken Ryaba

Real pockmarked chickens can be called birds of the Hungarian breed, characterized by a beautiful variegated color, large body weight and high egg production. The most attractive is the Hungarian Giant - a fast growing, easily gaining muscle mass.

pockmarked chickens
pockmarked chickens

The bird is massive, stands out with rich lush plumage, well hiding the overall shape of the body. Chickens have a small tail, deep chest, large belly. Laying hens are characterized by a high maternal instinct: they themselves form a clutch, and incubate it carefully. They take great care of their offspring.

Any poultry house with a small area for walking is suitable for keeping such chickens. Good condition of the feather covermakes birds feel great at any temperature. In winter, it will be enough to lay a high bed of hay.

About the breed Hercules

Relatively recently, a breed of Hercules chickens was bred, capable of competing with broilers and surpassing them in meat quality. Already at the age of 6 months, rippled hens of this type weigh 3 kilograms, and males - about 6 kg.

Ryaba chicken breed
Ryaba chicken breed

Hercules chickens are found in 5 feather colors: white, golden, silver, pockmarked and cuckoo (black-striped). The bird is friendly, can be successfully grown on the same farmstead with geese, ducks, turkeys. The annual egg production rate is about 200 eggs, characterized by a very high yolk mass: 35 to 100.
