The most famous diseases of garden strawberries: Fusarium wilt

The most famous diseases of garden strawberries: Fusarium wilt
The most famous diseases of garden strawberries: Fusarium wilt

Strawberry is a tasty berry. In the forest, it can be found in fairly large quantities. There are also garden varieties of berries. However, this culture is rather capricious and requires special care. When creating the wrong conditions, various diseases of garden strawberries can even lead to the complete death of all plants.

garden strawberry diseases
garden strawberry diseases

What is wrong with strawberries?

The berry is most susceptible to all kinds of infectious diseases, among which the main place is occupied by fungal infections of the fruit. When planting and further growth of the culture, such infections very often occur, as well as microplasma diseases. They have a harmful effect on the berries. In the world literature, you can find more than seventy descriptions of various fungal diseases of garden strawberries: nineteen of them affect the leaves of the plant, twenty-four - root collars and roots, and thirty-three - fruits. The most damaging effects are gray rot, powdery mildew and spotting, as well as wilt diseases.

Types of wilt diseases

garden strawberry disease
garden strawberry disease

Wilting diseases are the most common. Many gardeners in various countries of the world have to deal with such a defeat of strawberries. In the Russian Federation, such infections are even considered economically significant, as they can cause significant damage to agriculture. Such diseases of garden strawberries are especially pronounced in new plant varieties. Among them, fusarium, verticillium and late blight wilt are the most common.

Fusarium wilt

This type of disease is very dangerous, causing severe damage to the plant. As a result of such an infection, more than half of the entire crop can be lost, and this can be revealed both at the stage of flowering rosettes and when the berries ripen.

How does the disease develop?

how to grow strawberries
how to grow strawberries

The development of this disease of garden strawberries begins with its root system. Due to the release of toxic substances, the vessels of the plant die off. At the same time, the infection can affect not only strawberries, it will also affect other crops in the future, such as potatoes, tomatoes, cereals and many others. Fusarium wilt manifests itself throughout the growing season, but in different ways. The initial symptoms of garden strawberry disease are manifestations of necrosis on the leaves, as well as the slow withering of individual parts of the leaf. In the future, the leaves and petioles begin to turn brown, then acquire a dark brown color and die. Rosettes of bushes at this time begin to fall apart. The plants themselves seem to sit down, pressed to the ground. The whole process takes about a month and a half, starting from the manifestation of the first signs of the disease of garden strawberries and ending with the complete death of the plant, its death. To exclude the development of Fusarium wilt, you need to know how to grow strawberries and plant them. It is also necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of growth, the age of plantings and much more.
