Maintenance of boiler houses: terms, technical services

Maintenance of boiler houses: terms, technical services
Maintenance of boiler houses: terms, technical services

Maintenance of boiler rooms is a series of several operations that must be carried out regularly. Refusal to carry out such work entails not only a breakdown, but also the risk of an explosion of the object. If it is, for example, a gas boiler. See article for more details.

Boiler rooms

Maintenance of these facilities is one of the most important requirements because it significantly increases their service life, as well as the service life of all additional systems and equipment available in the boiler room. The peculiarities of this operation include the fact that very expensive equipment is located in the boiler room, and therefore, in the event of a breakdown, the cost of replacing it will be very high. It will be much cheaper to spend money on preventive maintenance, which will avoid an undesirable violation at the facility, and, consequently, a violation of the heat supply in your home. It is also worth noting that there are several types of boiler houses. The main feature by which they differ from each other is their coolant, which is engaged in heat generation.

boiler service
boiler service


When servicing boiler houses, it is very important to know in advance which onethe type of heat carrier is set on this object. They are of the following types:

  • gas powered equipment;
  • oil-fired boilers;
  • solid fuel facilities;
  • electric boilers;
  • combined types of boilers.
gas boilers
gas boilers

It is important to understand that each of these boilers has its own specifics, which largely determines the process of checking and maintaining the boiler room. For example, if we take the gas version of the boiler house, then when checking them, the search for gas leaks will be a mandatory item, while when servicing solid fuel boilers, such a problem does not arise at all. It should be noted that the complexity of the inspection and maintenance of boiler houses also lies in their method of placement. If the object is built into a block in any room, then the maintenance process is facilitated, since the dimensions of the units are much smaller, and the equipment itself too. But if the boiler house is a separate building, then you have to carry out much more checks, since there is more specialized equipment.

maintenance of gas boilers
maintenance of gas boilers

Types of work

Since the boiler equipment is highly susceptible to natural wear and tear during operation, it is important not only to repair it, but also to carry out preventive maintenance. In addition to breakdowns, contamination of some parts or compartments may also occur, which also needs to be eliminated. For these reasons, two types of work are distinguished: watch-repair andplanned preventive. The last type of repair includes such types of repair and maintenance of the boiler house as current and capital. Inter-repair maintenance (watch-repair) is necessary in order to supervise and maintain equipment, as well as to carry out minor repairs of units and pipes. This type of work is not planned, it is carried out by the duty personnel of the boiler room and the mechanic on duty. Full and timely implementation of these types of work will reduce the cost and need for capital maintenance of boiler houses.

Planned preventive maintenance

These works are carried out according to a predetermined plan. Preventive maintenance of boiler devices and pipes according to the plan is required two or three times a year. Major maintenance of equipment should be carried out once a year. The amount of work that will need to be carried out during the maintenance of boiler equipment depends on the condition of all its devices, as well as on the type of heating element. Maintenance operations include the following:

  • partial dismantling of equipment;
  • carrying out disassembly and inspection work of individual boiler units;
  • repair or replace those parts that have become unusable due to wear;
  • inspection of individual parts of the equipment in order to determine their condition.

The purpose of a major overhaul is to restore equipment to its original condition and improve performance.

maintenance of boiler equipment
maintenance of boiler equipment


After the overhaul, the purpose of which is to identify and replace all faulty equipment, correct all defects of the unit, complete disassembly of the equipment, they accept the devices. It is worth saying that the main part of maintenance is carried out by a team or a specialized organization.

Acceptance of equipment occurs with the preparation of relevant documents, after the preparation and confirmation of which, the boiler house is considered to be serviceable and can be put into operation. Possible malfunctions that occur during the operation of devices lead to this. that there is a need for unscheduled, that is, emergency repairs. In order to minimize or completely avoid such problems, the state technical supervision carries out scheduled inspections of the internal and external elements of the boilers, and also conducts hydraulic type tests.

boiler room maintenance
boiler room maintenance

Gas boilers

It should be said that maintenance instructions for boilers are divided by type depending on the type of unit. Even, for example, for gas boilers there is no single repair manual. Different devices have different rules. For example, there is an instruction that is applicable to the repair of boilers such as KACV-1, 86 and VK-21.

This manual contains safety rules for repairs. It also establishes the admission of persons to the repair of equipment. These must be people at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, received the propereducation in an institution that has a Gostekhnadzor license and has the right to issue a certificate confirming the right of a person to repair boiler equipment. It is also worth noting that employees who have passed a full knowledge test are allowed to service gas boilers.

repair and maintenance of boiler rooms
repair and maintenance of boiler rooms

Employee clearance

Each enterprise engaged in the maintenance of boiler equipment must periodically check the knowledge of its personnel. That is, at least once a year. Also, this check should be carried out when transferring maintenance personnel servicing a boiler of one type to another. The last reason for the check may be the transition of the boiler from one type of fuel used to another.

It is also important to note that when changing duty personnel, which must occur on time in accordance with internal regulations, it is necessary to check the equipment. Arriving personnel are obliged to check the entries in the shift log, inspect all equipment, and also check the serviceability of alarms and lighting. These are the most important rules when working with gas boilers, since in case of malfunctions there is a very high risk of fire or explosion.
