Workplace maintenance: organization and maintenance of the workplace

Workplace maintenance: organization and maintenance of the workplace
Workplace maintenance: organization and maintenance of the workplace

An important part of the process of organizing labor in production is the organization of the workplace. Performance depends on the correctness of this process. An employee of the company should not be distracted in his activities from the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him. To do this, it is necessary to pay due attention to the organization of his workplace. This will be discussed further.

General characteristics

Maintenance of workplaces at the enterprise is an important condition for high productivity and quality of work. Considerable attention is paid to this process. The workplace is the primary link in the production system. It is run by one employee or an entire team. It consists of several elements. These include:

  • production area;
  • technological equipment;
  • devices and compartments for storing various materials, including blanks, marriage,waste and finished products;
  • compartments for storing tools, fixtures;
  • transport and lifting devices;
  • devices for work safety and convenience.

In the process of creating a workplace, great attention is paid to its proper organization. This work includes measures to create the appropriate conditions that are necessary for the employee to perform the functions assigned to him. In the process of organizing the workplace, it is equipped with the necessary equipment, tools, signaling and transport devices.

Stages of workplace maintenance
Stages of workplace maintenance

Special attention is paid to creating comfortable conditions for the employee. Planning must be rational. This will significantly reduce the maintenance time of the workplace, increase labor productivity.

Service Items

The job service system includes several facilities. These include means, objects and subjects of labor. There are specific actions for each of these categories.


In the process of introducing the means of labor, a complex of necessary works is being carried out. They include providing the workplace with the necessary tools, its timely sharpening, maintenance and repair. Also included in this category is equipment setup. It can be performed in a complex or only partially for certain systems and mechanisms.

Works aimed at servicing the means of labor include energyimpact. Such actions are aimed at providing the site with different types of energy that are needed during the production process. Actions are taken to maintain units and mechanisms in working condition. This is prevention and repair. Also, the company's management should allocate appropriate resources for the current repair of premises, equipment with new, high-tech equipment for workplaces.

In the course of maintenance, attention is also paid to the objects of labor. This group includes actions aimed at their storage, transportation and control. In the course of this work, the reception and accounting, storage of various materials is carried out. Parts and tools are completed, and after that they are issued for further work. Loading and unloading operations are organized. This category also includes quality control of materials, raw materials and finished products.

The third component of the workplace service system is to provide the employee with everything necessary. This group includes his supply of the necessary information. Work is subject to distribution, during which each employee is assigned specific production tasks. Attention is being paid to sanitation and hygiene issues.

Organized public catering, household facilities. It is also required to provide high-quality medical care, to carry out labor protection measures. The cultural sphere also does not go unnoticed.

Types of control systems

The job service system can be centralized,decentralized and mixed. In the first case, the work is carried out by functional services common to the entire production. With a decentralized approach to the organization of the workplace, such functions are performed by the services of the workshop, site.

Combined service system is common. In this case, part of the functions is taken over by the central department, and a certain list of work is performed by employees of the structural unit.

Workplace service time
Workplace service time

According to experts, a centralized system of organization is characterized by significant economic advantages. It allows you to use existing resources more rationally. The efforts of the relevant staff will be concentrated at the right time. At the same time, intra-production planning is carried out more harmoniously. This allows you to optimize maintenance costs.

Maintenance of equipment and workplaces in a decentralized system allows shop managers to use subordinate support employees. Work in this case is carried out promptly. However, support personnel with such a service system cannot be evenly occupied, fully loaded with work. This does not allow rational use of available resources.

Most often, the service is carried out according to a mixed system. The choice of approaches to carrying out such actions depends on the type and scale of the production process. It is also influenced by the structure of the enterprise's divisions, the features of the equipment, the complexity of the finished product. The main criterionwhen choosing a system are the costs of material and labor resources that are allocated for this process.

Service Principles

Workplace maintenance is carried out in accordance with a number of principles. They form the basis for this work. The fundamental principles of this process are flexibility, economy, high quality, as well as precaution and prevention.

Before carrying out such procedures, the management will coordinate their actions with the operational planning of the course of the main production process. It also requires the delivery of everything necessary for the work of employees, such as materials, tools and other necessary things.

Maintenance of the workplace in the enterprise
Maintenance of the workplace in the enterprise

When developing a maintenance schedule, the main production schedule is taken into account. The most suitable time should be chosen for carrying out such work. If the equipment needs to be stopped for maintenance, such work is planned to be carried out between shifts, on non-working days.

In order for the procedure to be economical and of high quality, attention is paid to the compliance of the qualifications of workers with the requirements put forward. At the same time, their optimal number is selected, and tasks for each of them are clearly specified. Auxiliary employees must be provided with all necessary materials, tools.

Workstation maintenance time should be as short as possible. Equipment downtime is unacceptable. This has a negative impact on performanceeconomic profit and production profitability.

Forms of work

Workplace maintenance can take several forms. It is on duty, planned preventive or standard. The first form of maintenance is typical for small-scale, as well as single-piece production. In this case, the relevant personnel are called to the workplace as needed.

Workplace organization
Workplace organization

Service, which is built according to the duty form, is not always able to ensure the timely execution of the actions required at a given time. Therefore, with such a scheme, equipment downtime is possible. However, the advantage of this work is its simplicity.

In the course of preventive maintenance, an appropriate schedule for the necessary work is built for each facility. This approach is often found in mass production. The schedule allows you to carry out the procedure with high quality, at minimal cost.

The disadvantage of the presented scheme is the need for significant preparation. Service services should work in this case rhythmically, harmoniously. This ensures that there is no equipment downtime.

Rationing of jobs can be performed according to standard schemes. This greatly facilitates the procedure for coordinating the work schedules of maintenance and key personnel. In this case, equipment downtime is practically excluded. Maintenance procedures are carried out according to schedules without fail. In thatcase, the scope of work is clearly regulated, as well as the timing of its implementation.

Workers of auxiliary services under the standard service scheme are loaded to the maximum. In this case, the time and resources spent are reduced. The quality of work is top notch. Such a system is used for large-scale and mass production of finished products.


Workplace maintenance time standards are set for each production separately. For this, a cycle of observations is carried out. Each stage of the production process should take a certain amount of time. Service in this case is divided into technical and organizational. They have a number of features.

Service rationing
Service rationing

Maintenance includes a number of procedures. Each of them in the course of planning the production process requires the correct rationing in time. This category of actions includes changing a dull tool, dressing and changing the grinding wheel.

In the course of maintenance, adjustment of machines is carried out. It also requires periodic sweeping and cleaning of chips. This allows you to clear the space for subsequent work. Workplace maintenance time should be kept to a minimum.

The second category is organizational services. These actions are carried out in order to correctly and quickly perform all technological operations. The first step is to inspect and test the equipment. The tool required for the job is laid out. At the end of the shiftbeing removed.

Further, the equipment is lubricated and cleaned. In the course of such procedures, the employee can receive the required instruction regarding the correctness of his actions. The cleaning of the workplace completes the organizational service.

Basic Requirements

Regardless of the system and the type of actions taken, the time for operational maintenance of the workplace should be minimal, clearly consistent with the established schedule. In addition to this requirement, there are a number of factors that must be taken into account when developing and conducting such actions.

One of the main requirements is a clear delimitation of specialization for each employee of the group in accordance with the service functions they perform. All activities must be regulated. They are carried out in accordance with the developed plan. All actions must be clearly connected in time and space.

Workplace maintenance
Workplace maintenance

In the course of such procedures, preventive work should be provided. At all production sites, such procedures must be carried out promptly and efficiently. This takes into account the specifics of production.

It is also unacceptable that in the course of performing the tasks assigned to the staff, unforeseen, unjustified expenses arise. The procedure should be carried out according to a set plan, which allows it to be economical.

Sequence of work

When calculating the norm of time for maintenance of the workplace, as well asthe main points of this process, adhere to a certain sequence. First, the responsible employee draws up a general list of work that needs to be done for a specific object.

After that, the distribution of tasks occurs in accordance with the developed plan. Part of the duties of maintaining the workplace is imputed to the duties of the main workers. Certain parts of the plan are the exclusive responsibility of specialized service providers.

Certain types of work can be performed by the main staff. Auxiliary services are activated in the event that the time spent by production workers exceeds the fund of shift time at this facility. In this case, the work of support staff will be appropriate.

Next steps

During the maintenance of the workplace, the volume and composition of the upcoming actions are determined. Tasks are distributed between service employees. Each of them receives a certain amount of work, which he must complete in a set time. At the same time, maintenance methods, a sequence of actions during repairs and replacement of necessary parts are developed. The sequence of work must be coordinated in time.

Cost efficiency

After the development of the plan, the calculation of service rates is carried out. The optimal number of workers to be involved in a particular case is set. Be sure to calculate the economic indicators of the developed scheme. If theyineffective, improvements are being made. Maintenance cannot be performed unless it is financially feasible.

Having considered the features of the workplace maintenance process, we can conclude that this is a mandatory process for every enterprise. It must meet existing requirements and be economically viable.
