Tomato "Honey salute": reviews, advantages and disadvantages

Tomato "Honey salute": reviews, advantages and disadvantages
Tomato "Honey salute": reviews, advantages and disadvantages

Vegetable growers and farmers in the reviews of the Honey Salute tomato note the unusual color of the vegetable and the original taste. Golden-colored tomatoes have a sweetish aftertaste with pleasant watermelon notes. This variety is grown mainly in central Russia. Tomatoes are characterized by a long growing season and rich yields. Tomato "Honey Salute" is a novelty in the market of agricultural crops, which has already won the trust of many gardeners and farmers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

How to reap a big harvest
How to reap a big harvest

In reviews with a photo of the "Honey Salute" tomato, many note the advantages: high sugar content of ripe fruits and a pronounced honey aroma. If you want to decorate the festive table, then just cut into large slicesgolden tomatoes.

If we consider the shortcomings of the variety, we can see low rates of resistance to various infections and fungi. Also, tomatoes have an increased whimsicality to the composition of the soil. To get a good harvest, the bushes should be given weekly attention, that is, they should be shaped, fed and tied up.

What fruits look like

Reviews and photos of the Honey Salute tomato variety will be of interest to those who love to cook fresh salads. Vegetables have an unusual color: ripened fruits are characterized by a golden hue and pink stripes. Such an original color is inherent not only in the skin of a tomato, but also in the pulp. It shines with a yellow tint with crimson splashes, which are very reminiscent of fireworks. Judging by the reviews, the Honey Salute tomato variety has a hint of honey. Perhaps that is why these vegetables are madly in love with children. The mass of one ripe fruit reaches 450 grams. Ripe tomatoes are large and slightly flattened, yet look attractive and appetizing.

Tomato variety Honey salute
Tomato variety Honey salute

Basic information about the variety

Characteristics and description of the honey salute tomato:

  1. The first fruits are formed within four months after seedling development.
  2. A hybrid plant can stretch up to 150-180 cm. Because of this, tomatoes must be strengthened, that is, tied to strong supports.
  3. Tomato bushes have an average number of leaves, which is typical for other tomato varieties.
  4. The first ovary occurs at a height of 9-12 leaves, and the next- after 2-3 leaves.
  5. Growth of the plant is limited by docking after the required number of brushes are formed on the bush.
  6. In addition to the bright color, tomatoes have an interesting shape, reminiscent of a flattened ball. There is a slight ribbing in the stalk area.
  7. Each branch can produce from 6 to 8 fruits, which can have different weights and sizes.
  8. Tomato peel "Honey Salute" is very tender. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, has a dense structure and contains a large amount of sugar.

Store ripe fruits for 30-40 days, provided that the ambient temperature is +5-8 °C. Transporting tomatoes even over short distances is not recommended.

Tomato care

Tomato care
Tomato care

Judging by the reviews, the Honey Salute tomato must be constantly hilled to increase the root mass. It is also required to feed young plants once every 15-20 days. This procedure is performed using complex fertilizers, which contain phosphorus, nitrogenous and potassium substances. In addition to them, you can use organic solutions, for example, mixtures of peat, mullein or even manure. To improve the "breathing" of the root system, the soil is loosened once every two weeks. Doing so will strengthen the roots and also minimize the risk of entry of many garden pests. Both insects and rodents. Water tomatoes 2-3 times a week. It is advisable to irrigate the soil in the morning or evening, when the sun is not so active. Usewarm water is best.

Diseases and pests

Tomato color Honey salute
Tomato color Honey salute

Like other varieties planted in greenhouses, the Honey Salute tomato is attacked by spider mites and whiteflies. To get rid of pests, vegetable growers use traps with a sticky base for flying insects and mixtures with colloidal sulfur. Judging by individual reviews, the Honey Salute tomato is additionally processed 2-3 times a month with Bordeaux mixture and medicines with copper. This will help prevent the active reproduction of all kinds of fungi in the greenhouse.

Comments from growers

Tomato fruits Honey salute
Tomato fruits Honey salute

In reviews of the studied variety, many farmers indicate that the maximum yield per square meter of seedling plantings is 6-8 kg of fruit. Vegetable growers are advised to immediately tie the plant to strong supports. If this is not done, then the branches of the tomato will break off under the weight of ripe fruits.

Many summer residents in reviews of the Honey Salute tomato also note that plants are demanding and whimsical. This means that the variety in question gives a rich harvest if it is planted on open ground in the southern regions of Russia. Tomato loves heat, does not tolerate cold snaps and sudden changes in temperature. If you live in the northern regions of Russia, then it is important to build greenhouses and greenhouses for growing the Honey Salute tomato.
