Checking a counterparty for arbitration: opportunities, order, useful services

Checking a counterparty for arbitration: opportunities, order, useful services
Checking a counterparty for arbitration: opportunities, order, useful services

Any businessman and any organization prefers cooperation only with reliable and respectable partners. However, the information indicated in the latest documents submitted is often not enough to make sure that further interaction is problem-free and safe. Why it will be important to perform additional verification of counterparties for arbitration. How to do this, what services you can use, we will tell further.

Checking the fact of registration

It is reasonable to trust your material resources, as well as enter into any kind of cooperation only with an officially existing partner. Therefore, before checking a counterparty for arbitration, you must verify the fact of its state registration. In particular, this is necessary to confirm income tax expenses, VAT deductions.

Verification can be done in two ways:

  1. Make a request for its constituent and registration documentation. This is a charter, a certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service, confirmation of state registration. However, an unscrupulous counterparty can also send fake documents.
  2. It is much more efficient to contact the tax office at the partner's place of registration and request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities upon registration.
how to check counterparty arbitrage
how to check counterparty arbitrage

Arbitration Portal

Checking the counterparty for arbitration is carried out on the official portal "Electronic Justice" ("Card file of arbitration cases"). At the moment, it contains information on more than 21.7 million cases. This electronic database contains information about all considered or pending lawsuits, including bankruptcy, administrative and civil ones.

Any user can use the data from the card file: the information is in the public domain, it is free to use, and the request does not require registration on the site. Remarkably, working with the portal is convenient not only from a computer, but also from a tablet or smartphone.

verification of counterparties for cases in arbitration
verification of counterparties for cases in arbitration

Note that third-party services also provide such services free of charge and for a fee. However, the archive of this official judicial electronic portal will be the basis for their investigations.

In the "Card file of arbitration cases" you can check any partner for legal, financial and image risks from cooperation with him. How to do it - read on.

Checking counterparty for arbitration: algorithm

The instruction is as follows:

  1. Open the portal on your device browser"Card file of arbitration cases".
  2. Pay attention to the section on the left side of the screen - "To Do Filter".
  3. In the top line, enter the information you know about the counterparty - name, TIN, OGRN. This information will already be enough.
  4. If you wish, you can also specify the following data in the filter: the name of the judge leading the trial, the name of the court, the case number, the approximate date of its registration (the time period is indicated).
  5. Now just click on "Search".

Please note that checking counterparties for cases in arbitration will be more fruitful and efficient if you specify the TIN or the name of the organization in the filter. If you enter, for example, only the case number, you will receive information only about it, and not about all the lawsuits that were conducted with the participation of your partner.

verification of the arbitration counterparty by TIN
verification of the arbitration counterparty by TIN

Results of the test for arbitration

By the way, in the "Card file …" it is possible to check for arbitration and the counterparty, and yourself by TIN and other indicated parameters. As a result, you will receive the following data:

  • Has the company ever filed for bankruptcy.
  • Whether the partner was in the position of a plaintiff or a defendant in arbitration proceedings. What were the demands made on him or by him.
  • Contractors in the area of litigation with your intended partner.
  • Did the firm have outstanding obligations, claims for which were brought in court.
  • arbitrationverification of the counterparty and yourself by TIN
    arbitrationverification of the counterparty and yourself by TIN

We also note that all judicial acts in the file are available for download.

Useful services

We offer you several useful services that can provide you with information that is no less valuable than checking a counterparty for arbitration:

  • Official website of the Federal Tax Service. Here, by entering data about your partner, you can easily find out online the place of his registration and individual tax number (after all, it is much more convenient to check the arbitration counterparty by TIN).
  • Federal Bankruptcy Data Portal Listings. Here you will find out if your partner is broke. Some businessmen find valuable information of this kind in the lists of the Kommersant newspaper.
  • Website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. On this portal, you will find out if your counterparty is among the identified unscrupulous suppliers.
  • arbitration verification of the counterparty
    arbitration verification of the counterparty

Additional checks

You now know how to check counterparty's arbitration. But it is also important to be aware of the following information in order to be completely confident in a partner:

  • Data about the leader. This person must necessarily be empowered to allow him to interact with you and solve general work issues. Pay attention to the duration of his duties. Request a copy of the document proving the identity of the head, a number of powers of attorney addressed to him, an order or minutes of the meeting of the founders of the company on his appointment.
  • Request accountingcompany balance sheet. Of course, in some cases you are en titled to refuse. But, for example, PAOs are required to publish such information in the public domain.

Today, checking a counterparty for arbitration is a matter of a few minutes. You need to know key information about him - name, TIN, PSRN. This information is sufficient to obtain comprehensive information on the official portal "Card file of arbitration cases".
