Intimate tattoos: history, meaning, features of application, care

Intimate tattoos: history, meaning, features of application, care
Intimate tattoos: history, meaning, features of application, care

Few people today can be surprised by a tattoo applied to the body. Much more unusual may be the place and size chosen for it. If small drawings on the arms, back, ankles are treated more or less with restraint, then large color drawings (and even affecting intimate areas) can even shock.

The history of the tattoo

tattoo tools
tattoo tools

Since ancient times, people have applied drawings, patterns and texts to their bodies. They were given special importance (up to the hierarchical division in society). Different nationalities brought a certain meaning to the process of getting a tattoo. For some, it was a way of self-expression, for others it was a charm, tattoos on intimate places could only be stuffed in certain cases, for example, by geishas or residents of tropical islands.

It is noteworthy that the term "intimate" meant not only the genital area, but also all closed areas of the body: chest, buttocks, thighs, sacrum. To get an idea of how it looked: small scars were applied to the body and dyes were added there. This method was consideredone of the primitive tattooing techniques.

In Orthodoxy and Islam, it was considered a sin to put writing and incisions on the body. Most likely, this is why in modern Russian society tattooing is treated with caution and hostility.

The meaning and size of an intimate tattoo

scar tattoo
scar tattoo

Most of those who put a pattern or text on their body resort to this for the purpose of self-expression. What are images of animals, birds of prey used for? In this case, particular importance is attached to the semantic load of the picture, it is believed that by this the owner of the tattoo is trying to convey to others information about his strength of mind, endurance, grace and even courage.

Recently, intimate tattoos have been used for role-playing erotic games. The place of application is usually: inner thighs, lower abdomen, sacrum, buttocks. Most often, drawings are applied in a small size. Since the application area belongs to the zone of high sensitivity, small tattoos are perceived less painfully. It is believed that if a person shows a tattoo in the intimate area, then this is a special sign of location and favor to the partner.

Photo models often resort to body painting. They are so they want to stand out in the photo. Intimate tattoos in this case also serve as special marks that indicate that they belong to this particular person. The size and location of the tattoo can be different, images can occupy a significant area of the body, move from the back to the stomach or fromwaist to the buttocks. At the same time, special attention is paid to the meaning and the pattern, which is drawn individually. Often this is a whole series of drawings, lines, patterns, inscriptions in Latin. Often there are tattoos in the form of insects, such as butterflies.

Tummy Tattoos

Most often this area is chosen to hide physical imperfections and scars. If we talk about female tattoos in intimate places, then the reason for applying can be a trace from a caesarean section, stretch marks, a scar from an excised appendicitis. In this case, the woman tries to hide the defect and at the same time stop being ashamed of her body. Despite the pain and high degree of sensitivity, the result justifies itself. Naturally, if we are talking about a master who knows his stuff.

Most often used patterns, ornaments, flowers, sakura branches. Depending on the complexity of the execution and the requirements of the customer, the master can apply a 3D drawing or a pattern with a shadow. However, it should be borne in mind that the more complex the sketch, the longer it takes to fill it, the more time you have to spend in the salon.

The process of getting a tattoo

sketch for a tattoo
sketch for a tattoo

The procedure for drawing a pattern on the skin is similar to the operation of a sewing machine. With the help of one or more needles, ink is injected under the skin in drops. As a rule, do without anesthesia and anesthesia. If the drawing is large, then the process of applying an intimate tattoo may take several hours.

If a person cannot stand the sight of blood, then it is not recommended to follow the progress of the master. Since the paint is injected into the deeper layers of the skin (indermis), then the release of drops of blood is inevitable. A professional master always uses disinfectants, and all work is done with gloves.

Preliminary (before the procedure) it is necessary to clarify information about the composition of the ink. Particular attention should be paid to the red paint, which they like to use when applying female intimate tattoos, as the coloring pigments included in the composition can cause an allergic reaction.

Temporary tattoos

flower tattoo
flower tattoo

For those who are just coming to terms with the idea of having a permanent tattoo on their body, a temporary one can serve as a good alternative. Its main difference is the composition of the paint and the process itself. One of the most popular lately is mehendi, or henna tattoo. You can buy it in the store, and apply with a regular brush or squeezing through the bag in which it is sold.

It is noteworthy that this method is great for an intimate tattoo, as there will be no unpleasant pain symptoms in such a delicate area. The tattoo lasts about a month.

Another way is airbrushing. A more professional technique that requires special equipment (airbrush) and water-based paints. Lasts just over a week.

Caring for a tattoo in the delicate area

imim love tattoo
imim love tattoo

Due to the fact that the skin in this area is especially sensitive and thin, it is important to properly care for the tattoo after it is applied. Care must be taken immediately after application. Howas soon as the master has finished the work, he applies a sterile bandage that will prevent infection from entering the wound. It will need to be changed after 20 hours. Moisturizing creams or antibiotic ointments are used to relieve the itching that occurs when a wound begins to heal.

After taking a bath, do not immediately wipe the place where the tattoo is applied. It is necessary to allow the skin to breathe and then gently wipe the skin with a napkin or waffle towel with blotting movements.

It is worth avoiding exposure to the sun for a long time the first 1-2 months. If such a need arises, then the tattoo should be covered or a cream with a high degree of protection should be applied. The first month is not recommended to visit the solarium.
