Boar and boar: difference, breeding features

Boar and boar: difference, breeding features
Boar and boar: difference, breeding features

Experienced breeders don't question whether a boar and a boar are different. The difference between them is obvious. Experts know exactly what distinguishes one from the other. However, many believe that both terms mean about the same thing. Undoubtedly, both words refer to a male pig - a wild boar, but the difference between a boar and a boar is significant. An article will be devoted to this issue.

A bit of history

Scientists believe that man tamed a pig back in the era of primitive communal society. Archaeological finds prove that these animals began to be “domesticated” by people 13,000 years ago. At first, the pigs were semi-wild, no one thought about breeding or feeding them. Nowadays, these animals live like this next to the Papuans of New Guinea. Villagers feed them, but wild representatives are rounded up. Caught piglets most often go to the table, but some of them take root next to a person and gradually become domesticated.

According to historical data, in the third millennium BC. e. tribes,living in the basins of the Dnieper, Dniester, Southern Bug, bred pigs for food. Similarly, the peoples of the developed powers - Egypt, India, Greece - were engaged in pig breeding. During the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the Russians actively raised these animals, since the Tatars did not touch the latter because of a religious ban.

It is not known whether the difference between a boar and a boar was clear at that time, however, the meat of both of them was already actively used for food.

Pigs in the hay
Pigs in the hay

The need to understand the difference

The Russian language clearly distinguishes between these two concepts - a boar and a boar. The difference between the two is extremely important in animal husbandry.

As soon as pigs were fully domesticated by man, they needed special facilities for keeping - pigsties. This, in turn, led to an increase in costs, and getting quality meat in more quantities than before became a priority. At this time, people begin to monitor the number of pigs, so boars are limited in the process of fertilization. A difference is found in the quality of boar and boar meat. The difference is that the latter has a juicier taste of meat. It is gentle and does not give an unpleasant aftertaste.

Pig breeding
Pig breeding

Boar and hog - who are they?

So we come to the main question. As soon as it became known to a person that if a male pig is castrated, then its growth will increase, and the meat will become tastier at the same time, this knowledge began to be actively used. A boar (castrated male) gave more meat than a boar.

What is the procedure? To "turn" a boar into a boar, the gonads are removed from a male piglet at the age of 10-45 days. During this period, the cub is still with its mother, which means it will be easier to endure a surgical operation and survive the stress from it. True, it happens that a sow, smelling blood, can harm her offspring. Therefore, the responsibility and choice lies with the breeder.

Experienced animal lovers advise not to delay the procedure, because at an older age, the operation is more difficult for males, and at six months old it may not help.

Pigs on the farm
Pigs on the farm

After the castration, the piglets are given a special diet and regimen. In the right conditions, young animals quickly grow up tasty and soft meat.

Sometimes there is a confusion of the concepts of castration and sterilization. Their difference is simple. Males are castrated and females are spayed.

Thus, a boar is a male from which it is possible to obtain offspring. They are also called producers, since it is the boars that can fertilize the female. Whereas the boar goes exclusively to get delicious meat. It is also worth noting that the male representatives of domestic pigs are called hog and boar, wild males are wild boars.

More about the boar

So, a boar, or a knur, or a producer - this is what they call a male domestic pig, which is directly involved in breeding work. Representatives that give excellent performance in obtaining offspring and have good hereditary qualities are highly valued.owners of pig farms.

Boar photo
Boar photo

It is live producers that breeders need, working to create new pig breeds and improve existing ones.

Of course, the conception of offspring is often performed using artificial methods, but do not forget that high-quality seminal fluid can only be obtained from a live boar. And the artificial insemination procedure itself is not cheap, for this reason, the owners of medium and small farms prefer to use the old natural ways to increase livestock.

What about the boar?

Continuing to analyze the differences between a boar and a boar, let's focus on the second one. As already mentioned, the castrate gives high-quality meat, and in greater quantities than the boar (by about 25-30%). The consumption of feed in quantitative terms in a hog is not at all higher. This explains the benefit in keeping neuters, when compared, for example, with sows that do not give offspring (infertile).

Hog photo
Hog photo

If you compare the meat of a boar and a boar, the difference will be noticeable in taste, aroma and texture. In a castrated piglet, it is juicy, tender, without an unpleasant aftertaste. In knur, the meat is tougher and has a peculiar smell and taste. The difference is due to a change in the hormonal background and the behavior of the piglets.

Most often, on pig farms, most males are slaughtered, but only a few representatives are left for the tribe.

Sow and piglets
Sow and piglets

In Russian

In speech, both concepts are denoteddifferent words, and from ancient times. The word form "borov" goes back to the language of the Proto-Indo-Europeans. They had the word "borus", meaning "cut".

Dal's Dictionary also defines a boar as an animal destined for slaughter, while a boar is for breeding, this is their main difference.

The substitution in modern speech of these concepts is explained solely by their synonymy and misunderstanding of the exact meanings. Of course, these days, few people are aware of the difference between these animals, so often both words refer to a male pig.

Summing up

So, if we summarize the above and once again answer the question, what is the difference between a boar and a boar (the photo in the article shows these animals), then the following should be highlighted:

  • A boar is a male pig capable of fertilizing a female. A hog is a castrated pig that is raised for meat.
  • The boar produces tastier meat in greater quantities than its prolific fellow boar, whose meat is not so high.
  • In behavior, the boar is more active, and sometimes aggressive, which can cause a lot of damage to its owner's farm. During the period of sexual hunting, a boar in pursuit of a female is able to destroy fences and run away from the yard. The boar is inactive and calm, it does not cause any special problems in keeping. Hormones in the castrato do not play, he is slowly gaining weight. All he needs is an established routine.

So, we looked at the differences between castrated and uncastrated piglets - hog and boar. The difference is also visible in the photo. The first is more well-fed, unlike the second, which is quite understandable if you know the peculiarities of everyone's lifestyle.
