How rice grows among Asians

How rice grows among Asians
How rice grows among Asians

When buying vegetables and fruits in the store, we often do not think about their origin. So, for example, about rice we know only that moist soil is necessary for its cultivation. In fact, this plant originally grew in the soil, however, when the people of Asia transferred it to the water, it turned out that this crop began to produce 20 times more yield. After that, rice was widely grown in water.

how does rice grow
how does rice grow

Why does this technique produce such amazing results? It turns out that growing rice in a water field isolates the plant from cold and heat, which creates a special ecological system that supplies itself with everything necessary. Rice is not bothered by weeds. For a long time, the field retains the necessary level of natural fertilizers, which perfectly stimulates plant growth. When they become insufficient, the peasants immediately restore the necessary balance. Let's take a closer look at how rice grows.

Work, work and morelabor times

The process begins with field preparation. It is carefully cultivated by peasants. To facilitate their work, a bull is harnessed to the plow, which does the hardest work. Although living standards are rising day by day in East Asia, there are still no special machines in the rice fields, like hundreds of years ago. Manually or with the help of animals, the peasants mix the water with the earth, turning everything into a homogeneous mass. At the same time, rice grains are planted in special "greenhouses". This is done in order to highlight strong sprouts and enhance the initial growth of this crop. In addition, immediately when sowing rice in a water field, it germinates poorly. Only when sprouts reach 10 cm in greenhouses are they harvested and sent to the field.

rice varieties
rice varieties

They just throw them into the water. The plant takes root on its own.

How does rice grow in this field? It takes 5 to 7 months to mature. However, rice has already been developed in laboratories that can ripen twice as fast. After about a couple of months, when the sprouts reach fifty centimeters, flowers appear. How does rice grow further? The inflorescences of this plant usually have seventy small flowers. They usually bloom early in the morning. At the same time, the whole area around the field is filled with a wonderful aroma, similar to freshly cooked rice - sweet and tender. When the plant fades, grains form. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are incredibly masterful in regulating rivers, using them to irrigate fields. Sometimes this is done using channels that deliver the right amount of water directly to therice fields.

rice cultivation
rice cultivation

Unique culture

Rice has a very interesting property - it can grow in one place for a long time. In addition, this culture is very convenient to store. Grain can be stored for about 1 year. There are different types of rice. An important indicator of their quality is the level of humidity. The drier the rice, the more expensive and better quality it is. In many countries of the world, this culture is the second bread. Today it is very difficult to imagine Russian cuisine without a rice garnish or a light rice soup. A grain of rice is very beneficial for the body. It contains a large number of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Now you know how rice grows and how useful it is.
