Branches of Sberbank in Orel: addresses, opening hours

Branches of Sberbank in Orel: addresses, opening hours
Branches of Sberbank in Orel: addresses, opening hours

To visit the office of Sberbank, customers learn not only the addresses of branches, but also their operating modes. In each city, branches are located depending on the number of customers, stopping points and convenience for visitors. The eagle is no exception. Sberbank branches in Orel are represented by more than 21 branches within the city.

How many branches in total?

The population of Orel is 350 thousand inhabitants. In this small town, more than 20 branches in Orel and its regions work for Sberbank clients.

Most of the branches of Sberbank are in Orel, the rest of the offices are located in territorial centers, for example, the villages of Zmievka and Glazunovka, the cities of Livny and Mtsensk.

Sberbank branches in Orel opening hours
Sberbank branches in Orel opening hours

The opening hours of Sberbank branches in Orel depend on the size of the office and its location to the city center. More than 89% of branches are open 6 days a week, including Saturday, but there are additional offices in the city that work seven days a week.

Features of the division of offices in Orel

Bigpart of the offices in the city is located in the central part of Orel, in the Soviet district. These are branches with at least 600 customers per day. Smaller offices are located in other districts: Severny, Zheleznodorozhny and Zavodskoy.


The largest branches are considered:

  • 8595/018, on the street. Komsomolskaya, d. 66.
  • 8595/001, st. Brestskaya, 12.
  • 8595/010. The office is located on the street. Oktyabrskaya, 134.
  • 8595/020. Branch on the street. Metallurgov, 32.
  • 8595/011 at Komsomolskaya st., 356.

These offices are open from Monday to Saturday. Complete information about the Oryol branch of PAO Sberbank 8595 Orel, with a list of all branches and their mode of operation, is indicated on the bank's website. There is a special section with an interactive map to make it easier to find the right office.

Sberbank in Orel: additional offices with weekend work

In Orel, Sberbank branches are represented by both branches operating on a standard schedule and large offices that provide services to customers even on weekends. In total, there are two offices in Orel that work on weekends.

branch of Sberbank gor eagle
branch of Sberbank gor eagle

Addresses of Sberbank branches in Orel that work seven days a week:

  1. St. Komsomolskaya, 66. This is 8595/018 - an office at the bus stop "Chaika". One of the largest branches in the city. The daily number of clients of the branch exceeds 800 people. The office is open seven days a week. From Monday to Friday it provides services from 08:30to 19:00, Saturday - from 09:00 to 15:30, Sunday - from 10:00 to 13:00.
  2. St. Metallurgov, 32. Additional office 8595/020 is open seven days a week, from Monday to Friday according to the schedule from 08:30 to 19:30, on Saturday 09:00-15:30, on Sunday 09:30-13:30.

Mortgage Lending Offices

Sberbank in Orel is represented not only by branches for individuals. The city has special offices that deal with the design and maintenance of mortgage loans. These are mortgage lending centers (CECs).

Earlier, the CEC was located only on the square. Schepnoy, but since June 2018 it has been divided into 2 blocks:

  1. The first one is located at the old address - Schepnaya Square, 1. In the same building there is a branch for individuals 8595/0102, on the left side of the office. The branch dealing with the maintenance of mortgage loans is located on the right side of the Sberbank building. To get to the Central Executive Committee, you can get off at the stops "Chaika" or "TSNTI".
  2. The new branch is now based in office 8595/003. This is an office on the square. Polikarpova, 10. Now you can get advice on a mortgage agreement, write an application for a reduction in the interest rate or conclude an assignment agreement at a new address. Stop - cinema "Rodina".
Oryol Branch 8595 Pao Sberbank Orel
Oryol Branch 8595 Pao Sberbank Orel

In other branches of Sberbank, customers can also send an application for a mortgage loan or arrange early repayment, but all issues, including the conduct of the transaction, are de alt with only in the specified CEC. Officeswork from Monday to Saturday, Sunday is a day off.

24 hour offices

A feature of Sberbank is the presence of the widest network of branches and terminals in Russia. Almost every office has an ATM or terminal, where the client can receive up to 90% of services around the clock.

There is a self-service zone near each Sberbank branch in Orel. It is open around the clock for all users. When entering some offices after work (18:00-19:00) you will need to use a bank card as a "key".

Zones are equipped with at least one terminal and one ATM for paying for services and withdrawing cash. In addition to belonging to bank offices, terminals are located at bus stops, medical institutions and shopping centers.

List of addresses with 24-hour Sberbank ATMs outside offices:

  • Kromskoe highway, 4. TMK "Grinn".
  • Karachevskoe highway, 94. Shopping center "Europe".
  • Naugorskoye highway, 76. Shopping center "Europe".
  • Moscow highway, 175. Shopping center "RIO".
  • Komsomolskaya, 108, terminal at the bus stop "TSNTI", near the Pension Fund.
  • Komsomolskaya st., 32. Polyclinic 3.
Sberbank branches in Orel
Sberbank branches in Orel

Sberbank customers can find a complete list of terminals and ATMs on the official website. The information is provided free of charge.

Where can I get a service for legal entities?

In Orel, legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs, can also become a client of Sberbank. Openaccount or transfer cash representative of the company can at the address st. Oktyabrskaya, 24. Stop "Palace of Sports".

Office for legal entities 8595/017 is open from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00. In other branches of Sberbank, legal entities are not serviced. Clients can apply for assistance to other branches only as an individual, including by transferring funds to the accounts of suppliers and contractors.

Sberbank branch in Orel address
Sberbank branch in Orel address

Special accounts for MP candidates can be opened at several branches, the list of which is constantly changing. It becomes available 30-60 days before the start of the elections and is posted on the doors of Sberbank offices in Orel.

Premier Service

VIP-level clients can get advice on Sberbank products at the office on st. Komsomolskaya, 189. The Premier zone is located on the basis of a branch for individuals 8595/014 (Transmash stop, former Spasibo store).

The office is open from Monday to Saturday. Opening hours on Monday: from 09:00 to 19:00. On Saturday, the office accepts clients from 08:30 to 15:00.

For special customers there is a branch of Sberbank First, which is located on the street. S altykova-Shchedrina, 23. Here, clients can receive not only a high-level service, but also a personal offer for themselves and their family members on banking, insurance and investment products.
