Il-96 aircraft

Il-96 aircraft
Il-96 aircraft

This aircraft was designed and assembled in Russia according to S. V. Ilyushin. He made his first flight in 1988. It was the second domestically produced wide-body aircraft after the Il-86.

silt 96
silt 96

IL-96 is designed to transport passengers, mail, cargo, luggage on main air lines, the length of which is up to 11 thousand km. This aircraft is a high-speed wide-body aircraft designed for medium to long haul air travel.

The IL-96 aircraft was designed in the late 80s. He inherited a lot in his device and design from his predecessor - IL-86. But it was assembled according to an innovative scheme for its time, and fundamentally new materials were used in the design and assembly. Four bypass engines are mounted on the wings. The cockpit is equipped with the latest technology. All navigation devices are displayed on separate displays, in order to make it convenient for pilots to fly the aircraft in difficult weather conditions.

It was one of the first aircraft to use a special systemautomatic control. The equipment in the cabin is arranged very compactly, without flaws. Later models feature an even more robust and weatherproof fuselage design.

il 96 reviews
il 96 reviews

It is noteworthy that for the creation of the Il-96 and putting it into regular operation, a group of employees of OAO Il was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The cruising speed of the aircraft is 900 km/h. It is designed for a flight range of up to 12,100 km. The maximum takeoff weight is 240,000 kilograms.

Manufacturers claim that the company received only positive feedback about the IL-96. Due to incorrect design or incorrect operation of instruments in the cockpit, there have never been any emergencies.

The wingspan of the Il-96 aircraft is 60.1 m, the length of the aircraft is 55.35 m, its height is 17.57 m. 262, and in economy class - 300.

aircraft IL 96
aircraft IL 96

This is a calm aircraft with a pleasant interior, diffused lighting. Takeoff and landing are soft. The aircraft is equipped with all the necessary communication and security systems that ensure its uninterrupted operation during flights of any complexity.

All IL-96 systems were created taking into account possible situations of unit failure for various reasons, including manufacturing defects. 4-fold redundant hydraulic system is made so that a single failure cannot cause the brakes of all wheels on the racks to failchassis. The aircraft still meets all safety requirements today. It has even been certified in the US, a fact that speaks for itself.

IL-96 provides its passengers with a modern level of comfort, meets international environmental requirements, can be operated in all areas and regions of the globe. The reliability of the systems and the implementation of “on condition” maintenance ensures that this aircraft is less labor-intensive.
