Fertilizer for carrots and its proper cultivation

Fertilizer for carrots and its proper cultivation
Fertilizer for carrots and its proper cultivation

Carrot is a fairly unpretentious crop and almost all summer residents and rural residents grow it on their plots. How this is done, only beginners do not know. However, we still consider in a general way the rules of agricultural technology of this useful crop. Moreover, its cultivation has some of its own characteristics.

fertilizer for carrots
fertilizer for carrots

Carrots grow well only on sandy soils or light loams. Heavy or poor soil is not suitable for her. Moreover, choosing the right fertilizer for carrots is not so easy. The fact is that it is impossible to feed it with manure in any case. This can cause branching of root crops, resulting in a significant decrease in yield and keeping quality in winter.

Therefore, the place for planting carrots must be taken care of in advance. It is best to grow this crop where organic fertilizers were applied to plants of other species last year. For example, in place of pepper, cucumbers or tomatoes. Of course, it is possible to fertilize carrots during the summer, but within reasonable limits. Atpreparing the bed is to add a little peat and sand to it.

plant fertilizer
plant fertilizer

Before planting, the seeds should be soaked for a day in running water. This will help flush out the essential oils. In this case, the carrots will rise much faster. Fertilizer for carrots can be applied immediately upon planting. If you did not use peat in the preparation of the bed and no previous crops were grown in this place before, you need to mix the seeds with the dust fraction of AVA. This is a modern complex, chlorine-free and nitrogen-free type of top dressing, which can be purchased, for example, in a houseplant store.

Carrots rise long enough. Will have to be patient. The use of fertilizers during this period is generally undesirable. The first sprouts will have to wait at least two weeks. Some time after germination, carrots need to be thinned out. Experienced summer residents advise not to pull out the extra ones, but to cut them with sharp scissors flush with the surface of the garden. In this case, the roots will not be damaged.

fertilizer application
fertilizer application

If AVA was not used when planting, you can feed the plants at the same time. To do this, use an infusion of weeds, which must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 x 5. Fertilizer for carrots in this case will be more effective if you add 1 tbsp / l of any potassium mineral agent to a bucket of the resulting solution.

After 5-6 leaves appear on the sprouts, the plants are thinned again. In this case, you can carry out and re-feeding. This culture can be calledpotassium-loving, and therefore this time it is best to use just such a fertilizer for carrots. The proportion is 3 tbsp per bucket of water. This is done in the same way only if peat and AVA along with seeds were not added to the beds.

Watering carrots after the second thinning is completely stopped. If it is continued, it is the same as applying manure will lead to the formation of "hairy" or cracked root crops. When such carrots appear, they must be processed immediately. For preparations for the winter or storage in the cellar, they are not suitable. Harvest carrots only after the first frost.

Growing carrots is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to follow a few important rules, and then your work will not be in vain.
