Antibiotics for chickens: a review of drugs, use, effectiveness, reviews

Antibiotics for chickens: a review of drugs, use, effectiveness, reviews
Antibiotics for chickens: a review of drugs, use, effectiveness, reviews

Antibiotics are medicines designed to eliminate pathogenic microflora in the body. Such funds are used not only to treat people, but also animals and even birds. For example, drugs in this group are often used by homeowners who raise chickens. Antibiotics for such a bird can be prescribed for a variety of infectious diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Antibiotics are by far the most effective drugs used for various infectious diseases. It is these medicines that usually help the owners of farmsteads to save the number of chickens during epidemics. Inexperienced farmers sometimes ask on specialized forums if antibiotics can be given to chickens. The answer to this question, of course, there is only positive. Treating chickens with antibiotics is not only possible, but necessary.

Treatment of chickens for infection
Treatment of chickens for infection

These drugs work much more effectively than most other drugs used for infectious diseases. However, side effectsthey, unfortunately, can be quite serious.

When treating chickens with antibiotics, you should first of all strictly observe all the prescribed dosages. Otherwise, not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora will die in the bird's body. In addition, with uncontrolled intake of chickens to a certain group of antibiotics, addiction occurs.

What antibiotics can be given to chickens without fear

At the moment, the pharmaceutical industry produces many types of such drugs. For the treatment of chickens, for example, antibiotics of the following groups can be used:

  • tetracycline;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • sulfonamides;
  • chloramphenicol etc.

In addition, complex antibiotics based on Tylosin are often used to treat chickens. Sometimes used for epidemics on farms and "Furacilin".

The most common diseases in chickens

Most often, the owners of farmsteads engaged in breeding such agricultural poultry face the following types of infectious pathologies:

  • bloody diarrhea, or coccidiosis;
  • avian cholera - pasteurellosis;
  • infectious bronchitis;
  • microplasmosis;
  • Malek's disease;
  • typhoid - pullorosis;
  • colibacteriosis.

Sometimes hormones and antibiotics are given to chickens not for treatment, but to increase productivity in terms of weight gain. This waypracticed today by many poultry farms. However, in private households, antibiotics, of course, are almost never used for this purpose. After all, in this case, the owners of farmsteads grow meat for themselves and try to make it as high quality and safe for he alth as possible.

Use of antibiotics in poultry farms
Use of antibiotics in poultry farms

Use of tetracycline antibiotics

It is these drugs that are most often used to treat chickens from infectious diseases. These agents are mostly bitter, poorly soluble in water substances, characterized by strong antimicrobial activity. The following tetracyclines are most commonly used to treat chickens:

  • "Terravetin".
  • Biovit-80.
  • Mepatar.
  • "Doxycycline".

"Biovit-80" is a brown powder. This antibiotic can be used for chickens with coccidiosis, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis. Give it to the bird with permixes or feed at a dosage of 0.63 g per kilogram of live weight (9 g per 1 kg of feed). During treatment, this amount of medicine is fed to chickens twice a day. The course in most cases lasts 8 days.

"Terravetin" is one of the few tetracyclines that dissolve well in water. It is marketed as a powder mixed with powdered sugar to mask the bitter taste. Give this medicine to chickens, for example, with infectious bronchitis. The dosages of this medicine are 40-100 mg/kg withan interval of 12 hours. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-7 days. Since the product dissolves well in water, it is recommended to give it with a drink.

"Mepatar" is also supplied to the market with powdered sugar. There is no aversion to this remedy in the treatment of chickens. This medicine is also used mainly for young chickens with infectious bronchitis. Give it to the bird with water in the amount of 2 g/dm3 last. The course of treatment with this remedy is in most cases 5 days.

"Doxycycline" is given to chickens with water in an amount of 250 mg / l for 5 days with infectious bronchitis of a respiratory nature. Sometimes this tool is used as a prophylactic. In this case, the bird is given half the dose.

Treatment of chickens with antibiotics
Treatment of chickens with antibiotics

Feedback from farmers on tetracyclines

Such funds help, according to the owners of household plots, chickens with various kinds of infectious diseases are actually very good. Of course, sometimes it is not possible to keep the livestock completely with such serious pathologies. But still, most of the birds recover when using tetracycline drugs. Treatment of chickens with antibiotics of this series is often effective.

In particular, farmers praise the drug "Biovit-80" belonging to this group of antibiotics. This medicine not only contributes to the recovery of the bird, but also increases its productivity. Chickens taking this drug lay even large eggs with high-quality shells.

To the unconditional advantages of tetracycline products, farmersinclude the fact that they can be used specifically for laying hens. Antibiotics in this group do not accumulate too much in eggs.

Fluoroquinolone drugs

Such drugs are often used both for the treatment of infectious diseases of chickens and for their prevention. For example, fluoroquinolones such as:

  • Oflosan.
  • Enroflon.

Oflosan is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This tool is just the perfect answer to the question of which antibiotic to give to chickens in the case when the exact nature of the infectious disease is not known. It can be used, for example, for colibacillosis, infections of the urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, salmonellosis.

Apply this antibiotic to chickens once a day. At the same time, chickens are given 50 ml per 100 liters of water. Water the bird with such a solution during the day, after which a new remedy is prepared. The course of treatment with this drug is usually 3-5 days.

Broiler antibiotics
Broiler antibiotics

"Enroflon" is used for chickens with respiratory diseases, pathologies of the joints and gastrointestinal tract. Give this medicine to the bird with water. Its dosages are usually 0.5 ml / l during the day. The drug is strong enough. Therefore, they are advised to stop treatment 11 days in advance for slaughtering chickens (for most other antibiotics, this period is 6-7 days).

Fluoroquinolones reviews

Such drugs are the owners of poultryfarms are also considered quite efficient. Oflosan, for example, according to farmers, helps against various infectious diseases of chickens very well. However, experienced owners of farmsteads recommend using this medicine only for broilers and chickens of meat breeds. This antibiotic is not recommended for laying hens. "Oflosan" is able, among other things, to accumulate in eggs. When preparing any dishes from them, people will also receive a large dose of medicine.

With most other types of antibiotics, including tetracycline and levomecithins, Oflosan farmers do not recommend combining them when treating chickens. These drugs interfere with the absorption of the active ingredient in this drug.

Use of sulfonamides

Sometimes such drugs can be used to treat chickens in poultry farms during outbreaks of infectious diseases. Most often, sulfonamides are used on farms:

  • "Tromexin".
  • Eriprim BT.

One of the features of this variety of drugs is that on the first day the chickens are given a loading dose that is twice the usual. Usually it is 1g/dm3 of water. The course of treatment with these drugs in most cases is 3-5 days.

"Eriprim BT" can be used in poultry farms, for example, with bronchitis, colibacillosis, pneumonia. It is a white powder packaged in polymer bags.

How to use antibiotics
How to use antibiotics

"Tromexin" is used in backyards andat poultry farms, mainly for the prevention of various infectious diseases of chickens. In this case, young animals are given standard 0.5 g / dm3 of the drug during the day. The course is 3-5 days.

Farmers' reviews of sulfonamides

Such means work, according to the owners of farmsteads, also quite well. In particular, the owners of poultry farms recommend their use as a preventive measure for small chickens. With their use, judging by the reviews, it is possible to significantly reduce the mortality of young animals.

Use of levomycetins

From this group, chickens are most often given Levomycetin itself. This affordable medicine is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of infectious diseases in birds. Levomycetin is a good answer to the question of, for example, what antibiotic to give to chickens for influenza, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, tracheitis, etc.

In veterinary medicine, this drug is used mainly in powder form. At the same time, it is given to chickens for infectious diseases three times a day with food. The recommended dosage of this remedy is 30 g per kilogram of chicken weight. It is not recommended to give this medicine to a bird with water. It has a very bitter taste. And chickens will simply refuse to drink such water.

Reviews about "Levomitsetin"

The owners of farmsteads have a very good opinion about this preparation. In particular, farmers recommend using Levomycetin for intestinal infections. This remedy is also very good, judging by the reviews, it also helps with pasteurellosis.

Besides treatment,many poultry farmers advise giving this medicine to chickens for prevention purposes from the very first days of life. At the same time, experienced poultry farmers recommend using the dosage of the drug at 5-10 mg per liter of water.

Drugs based on Tylosin

From this group of antibiotics for chickens, the most commonly used:

  • "Thylan".
  • Tilanin.
  • Tylosin 50.
  • Eriprim.

Such drugs are usually used against pathogens of respiratory diseases. In most cases, they are mixed with poultry in compound feed or water.

Tylosin 50 is most often used to treat chickens from this group. Give it to the bird with water in the amount of 0.5 g per liter. Approximately 35 g of medicine is usually used per 1000 chickens.

Antibiotics for chickens
Antibiotics for chickens

Reviews about the drug "Tylosin 50"

The owners of chicken farms are advised to use this remedy with caution. It helps, judging by the reviews, with infectious diseases pretty well. However, this drug, unfortunately, can cause quite unpleasant side effects. If the technology of use is not followed, from "Tylosin 50" the chickens may begin, for example, severe diarrhea.

Using "Furacilin"

This drug can be used to treat or prevent, for example, chicken diseases such as colibacillosis, salmonnelosis, microplasmosis, coccidiosis. Very often, this remedy is also used for a common cold in a bird.

Apply "Furacilin" for the treatment of chickens most often insolution. However, experienced farmers recommend using this remedy only as prescribed by the veterinarian and in the dosages indicated by him. The fact is that this drug is very toxic for poultry.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know if chickens can take antibiotics. The answer to this question is obvious. It is certainly worth giving the bird such medicines for various kinds of infectious diseases. The funds of this variety help chickens actually effectively.

Prevention of infectious diseases
Prevention of infectious diseases

However, this type of medicine should, of course, be used correctly. Chickens after antibiotics, for example, may begin to vilify. At too high dosages, beneficial microflora is killed in the intestines of the bird. And in order to restore it, chickens will have to give additional special drugs.
