The most favorable exchange rates in Moscow: where to exchange money

The most favorable exchange rates in Moscow: where to exchange money
The most favorable exchange rates in Moscow: where to exchange money

The exchange of funds at the rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a very common, but, unfortunately, not always profitable procedure. In Moscow, the most favorable exchange rates can be found at various exchange offices. But how to do it right and not run into scammers? Many people who are going to travel to other countries or have just returned from there are interested in this question. First you need to study all the offers, they may differ from each other. Therefore, it is very important to consider all options where you can find the best exchange rates in Moscow.

the most favorable exchange rates in Moscow
the most favorable exchange rates in Moscow

Currency exchange in banks

The exchange rate of foreign currency in banks located on the territory of the Russian Federation is set according to the Central Bank. It is approximately the same in all financial institutions. The difference can be pennies. It will be noticeable only when exchanging a large amount of money. Change euros, dollars or othersforeign banknotes for rubles in a bank can be done without much risk. Especially if it is state. So, the most favorable exchange rates in Moscow offer:

  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • "VTB24";
  • Rosselkhozbank.

It is no less profitable to change money in some of the private banks. For example, in Raiffeisen and Alfa-Bank. However, it is worth considering that the exchange rate of some currencies that are directly pegged to the dollar or euro can be very unstable. Quotes often change daily.

best exchange rates in moscow
best exchange rates in moscow

Specialized Items

Finding the most favorable exchange rates in Moscow in exchange offices is much easier than in some banks. In addition, in specialized points you can buy and sell almost any foreign money. In banks, the circle of currency exchange is mainly limited to euros and dollars. In such a large city as Moscow, you can easily find an exchange office that operates around the clock. Very often they are automated. In this case, the risk of being deceived is reduced by several times. The cost of exchange in them is also set according to the data provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Internet currency exchange

Many people believe that the best exchange rates in Moscow are offered on the Internet. Indeed, here you can find many sites that are engaged in the purchase and sale of foreign money. You can carry out this procedure asusing a bank card, and using any electronic wallet. One of the most popular is WebMoney. In addition, you can choose the exchange rate yourself, from all the options offered on the exchange. The exchange takes place instantly. Only in rare cases, the procedure takes more than fifteen minutes. To simplify the procedure, a calculator is present on the sites. With its help, it is easy to calculate how much you need to give, and how much money you will receive in return.

But there are also disadvantages. A profitable exchange will be considered only if you do not need cash. When going on a trip, it is better to take dollars or euros with you. This currency is freely convertible, so you can use them or exchange them for the national currency in any country.

Here are the top places to find the best exchange rates in Moscow and other cities.

the most favorable exchange rates in Moscow in exchange offices
the most favorable exchange rates in Moscow in exchange offices

It is profitable to make an exchange from hands

What you should not do in Moscow or in any other city in the world is to exchange cash from your hands. The exchange rate is often very unstable against the ruble, for this reason it is very problematic to make a correct calculation without a specialist. In addition, the risk of running into a scammer is very high. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance before deciding on this type of exchange. You can produce it only if you are completely confident in the person, you know him personally.

But still a more reliable and most favorable exchange rate in Moscowcan be produced in banks or specialized points. They not only focus on the installation of the Central Bank, but also guarantee the authenticity of funds and the accuracy of the exchange calculation.
