What are prefabricated industrial buildings

What are prefabricated industrial buildings
What are prefabricated industrial buildings

It is human nature to improve one's life, approaches to accomplishing tasks, well-being. Let's take the construction industry. It would seem that here you can capitally improve? And the opportunities do exist, nonetheless. For example, prefabricated industrial buildings.


They made a real revolution in modern construction. Wood, stone and brick were replaced by new types of building materials. Popular is the bet on concrete, metal and cinder blocks. But from the point of view of environmental safety and thermal conductivity, they are unsatisfactory. Whereas prefabricated industrial buildings with the help of new technologies can compete seriously and at the same time have a number of advantages.

Design advantages

prefabricated buildings and structures
prefabricated buildings and structures

In short, the strengths of the materials used:

  1. Lightweight, making shrinkage less of a risk and buildings can be erected in almost any location.
  2. Have excellentthermal insulation performance.
  3. Environmentally friendly due to the fact that the materials are produced from raw materials that are safe for the environment and human he alth.
  4. They are inexpensive. The cost of building materials and a set of works for their use can cost two times cheaper than capital construction.
  5. Provide a large number of possible design solutions for the exterior and interior layout of buildings.
  6. Can withstand harsh weather, earthquake and hurricane resistant.
  7. Prefabricated buildings can be dismantled and installed elsewhere.
  8. They have a unique quality that is impossible for a capital building - mobility when it becomes necessary to move.

What are they creating?

prefabricated structures from sandwich panels reviews
prefabricated structures from sandwich panels reviews

Prefabricated industrial buildings are panel-frame structures, which are created from sandwich panels, corrugated board, metal beams and profile pipes. The connection can be made with bolts or welding. Each of these approaches is justified in certain cases.

What do the reviews say? Prefabricated structures made of sandwich panels and other materials allow you to create full-fledged one-, two- and even three-story buildings in the shortest possible time - even in just a few days. Although this applies to small objects. The construction of large buildings can be delayed for a month or two. But even in this case, the speed is amazing! This is possible through the use of modules, whichproduced in factories.

What do they look like?

prefabricated industrial buildings
prefabricated industrial buildings

Let's consider objects created from sandwich panels. They are buildings based on a metal structure. Wall and roof panels are mounted on it. Prefabricated buildings and structures are often created when it is necessary to create such objects: hangars, factories, garages, refrigerators and freezers, industrial buildings, pavilions, agricultural buildings and many other objects. What attracts many people is the speed of construction. So, where there was nothing two months ago, a full-fledged industrial facility can be built.

Reducing the cost of installation work. This includes savings on the direct payment of workers, and lowering the cost of foundations, equipment, and so on. In addition, it is not necessary to provide for a separate item of expenses for finishing the facade. Such properties lead to the fact that such buildings are truly indispensable in the conditions of the Far North, because they also have high thermal insulation characteristics.

Specific construction

prefabricated structures
prefabricated structures

There are important things to consider. These are geological conditions, estimated loads, as well as design features. For example, if you plan to create a small garage in which they will install automotive equipment, then you can do without a large foundation. More complex objects already require its presence. Depending on the goals pursued, the foundation can becolumnar, pile, tape and tiled. It must be taken into account that it must bear all the loads of the frame and additional objects that will be placed and will affect the weight. You need to understand that wall panels are not load-bearing. They are simply attached to the metal frame. He also bears all the burden. Although roof panels are designed to withstand a certain pressure, the same rain and hail. They can usually support the weight of an average person without deformation.

Examples of erection

prefabricated industrial buildings and structures
prefabricated industrial buildings and structures

Let's take a look at where pre-fabricated industrial buildings and structures are built using the example of such simple structures as warehouses and hangars. They are very popular, because they have a low cost, good reliability indicators and are quickly built:

  1. Agricultural industry. The hangar allows you to perfectly take care of the safety of the crop, fertilizer and protect equipment from the harmful effects of natural phenomena. If you arrange simple sheds, then they are suitable for hay and straw. If it is necessary to provide a place for livestock, insulated structures using sandwich panels are suitable.
  2. Production of goods. Warehouses are used to ensure the safety of various materials and finished products.
  3. Sphere of trade. The vast majority of modern supermarkets are built using this technology.

What are the features? Prefabricated buildings are suitable for placement inside almost any object. So, for example, they can be used not only for commercial/administrative/industrial purposes, but also for the creation of residential facilities.
