The best confectionery factories in St. Petersburg: rating, reviews

The best confectionery factories in St. Petersburg: rating, reviews
The best confectionery factories in St. Petersburg: rating, reviews

Different kinds of factories, medium and small confectioneries engaged in the production of sweet products, there are many in St. Petersburg. Most of these enterprises and institutions produce high-quality products that are well-deservedly popular with consumers.

Factory rating

Small confectioneries sell their products mainly, of course, only to residents of St. Petersburg itself in certain areas. The products of medium-sized enterprises of this specialization, as well as large factories of the city, are known, including in the region, and in some cases throughout Russia. The rating of St. Petersburg confectionery factories in terms of the quality of sweet products supplied to the market, judging by the consumer reviews available on specialized websites, looks like this:

  1. Factory them. Samoilova.
  2. Plant "Sever".
  3. "Cameo".
  4. Sweet Life Factory.
  5. Neva Confectionery.
  6. Combine "Nevsky coast".
  7. Confectionery factory them. Krupskaya.

Further in the article, we will describe each of these manufacturers in the order determined by the duration of their existence in the domestic market.

Factory them. Samoilova

This confectionery factory in St. Petersburg is in the first place in the list of the oldest enterprises in the city, as well as in the rating of the quality of the supplied products. It was created in 1862. The founder of the factory was the entrepreneur G. N. Borman. Initially, it was a small confectionery located on Nevsky Prospekt and specialized in the production of only chocolate. Already in 1872, this mini-factory, which significantly increased its capacity, supplied the market with about 90 pounds of such products per day.

Factory them. Samoilova
Factory them. Samoilova

In 1917, the company, of course, was nationalized. In 1922, the factory was named after the famous revolutionary Konkordia Samoilova. In 1998, the Krasny Oktyabr plant acquired a controlling stake in this enterprise. Confectionery factory in Saint-Petersburg im. Samoilova and is currently considered a branch of this legendary enterprise.

Today, the assortment of this plant includes about 100 items. The factory supplies the market with, for example, types of products such as:

  • candies of different varieties;
  • chocolate (including "Alenka");
  • halva;
  • biscuits;
  • zephyr;
  • waffle cakes;
  • gingerbread, etc.

The head office of the company is located in the city at 16, Angliisky pr. Samoilova. So residents and guests of the city can inspect the workshops of this enterprise, as well as get acquainted with the process of producing sweets at any time.

Consumer Reviews

Consumers consider confectionery products from this manufacturer to be truly incomparable. In particular, sweet lovers praise the sweets supplied by the plant to the market. For example, simply excellent taste characteristics, according to buyers, distinguish such products from the factory to them. Samoilova, like the Oriental Sheikh candy. Taste and composition, according to consumers, they are just perfect.

These sweets are made on the basis of chopped prunes and pralines with the addition of hazelnuts and grated nuts. Oriental Sheikh products are not cloying and, as consumers note, have a pleasant taste.

North Company

The founder of this confectionery enterprise was once a merchant of the first guild F. Krymzenkov. Initially, it was a small confectionery on Nevsky Prospekt. This bakery was nationalized at the end of the NEP - in the 20s of the last century. First, the confectionery was handed over to the Koopromkhleb artel, and then to Khlebopechenie. In 1936, this small enterprise became a branch of the factory. Samoilova.

Combine "North"
Combine "North"

In 2007, a new Sever plant was built in St. Petersburg on the Vyborg side. Also since 2008 inthe city operates a cafe owned by the enterprise on Nevsky Prospekt with its own production of confectionery.

Reviews on Sever products

Opinion about the confectionery products supplied to the market from this manufacturer, as well as about the sweets of the factory. Samoilova, consumers have an excellent experience. Sever products, according to buyers, are characterized by simply excellent taste, good composition and pleasant aroma.

In particular, rave reviews from consumers deserved such products of the Sever confectionery factory (St. Petersburg), as:

  • Cakes Sever, Lotus, Nevskoe.
  • Cakes "White Night", "Lunar", "Slavic".

Krupskaya confectionery factory (St. Petersburg)

This enterprise was founded in Leningrad in 1932. Initially, it was named after N. K. Krupskaya. In the early years, it was engaged only in the production of chocolate. In 1992 the factory was privatized. From 2006 to 2014 the company was owned by a Norwegian company. At the moment, this factory is a branch of the Slavyanka enterprise. Products from this manufacturer are also sold in several branded stores in St. Petersburg.

This oldest factory has a very wide range of sweets. Manufacturer supplies to the market:

  • chocolate (including the famous "Krupskaya");
  • candy (including Bear in the North);
  • biscuits;
  • dessert pasta;
  • bars;
  • souvenir candy sets, etc.

The Krupskaya confectionery factory (St. Petersburg) is also engaged in the manufacture of somewhat unusual sweet products. For example, chocolate "Special" from this manufacturer contains a small amount of s alt. You can order products of this brand, including via the Internet from any corner of the country.

Factory them. Krupskaya
Factory them. Krupskaya

Brand stores of the Krupskaya confectionery factory in St. Petersburg are located, for example, at the addresses:

  • Staro-Petergofsky avenue, 52.
  • Strike, 75.
  • 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 2.

What consumers think

Products of the Krupskaya confectionery factory (St. Petersburg) have been simply very popular in our country for many decades. Of course, domestic consumers considered Krupskaya chocolate, Special, and Mishka in the North to be very good products from this manufacturer. However, after the factory was sold, its products manufactured according to the original recipe, unfortunately, actually ceased to be supplied to the market.

Even the plant of this confectionery factory in St. Petersburg was demolished in its old place. At the moment, judging by consumer reviews, the products of this brand sold, including in company stores, are significantly inferior in terms of taste and quality of products from previous years. At the same time, sweets from this manufacturer are, unfortunately, quite expensive.

According to many consumers, spoiled the tastethis brand is still Norwegians. The specialists of the Slavyanka confectionery enterprise, unfortunately, regarding the revival of the original recipe for the products of the factory named after. Krupskaya has not taken any steps yet.

Combine "Nevsky coast"

This company was founded in the Soviet times, more than 60 years ago. In 1993, it was privatized and began to operate under the new brand name "Nevsky Shore". At the moment, this plant is one of the largest producers of cream pastries in the North-West region of Russia. The Nevskie Berega factory supplies about 500 varieties of pastries and cakes to the market.

The hallmark of this manufacturer are petit fours of the "Leningrad" series. The annual volume of these mini-cakes supplied to the market by the plant is 600 thousand pieces. Pastries from this manufacturer are awarded with diplomas and medals of all kinds, including all-Russian competitions.

Shop "Nevsky coast"
Shop "Nevsky coast"

Consumer opinions about products

Pies and cakes from this manufacturer have earned relatively good reviews from customers. Consumers have a good opinion about some types of products of the Nevskie Berega factory due to their excellent taste and relatively low cost. For example, buyers praise rolls from this manufacturer, cakes, creme brulee, sour cream.

Unfortunately, for some varieties of products from this manufacturer, buyers have complaints in terms of composition. Cream for cakes from the Nevskie Berega factory, for example, can be made onmargarine base. Eclairs from this manufacturer often contain little filling, chocolate from pastries sometimes flows down hands, etc.

Cameo Factory

This plant has been operating on the domestic market for about 30 years. Its products are supplied to stores under the brand name "Petersburg Collection". The head office of this confectionery factory in St. Petersburg is located at the address: st. Kurlyandskaya, 46. This manufacturer supplies sweets, chocolate, cakes, jelly, soufflé, and fudge to the market. They make various kinds of confectionery products in the shops of the Kameya factory and to order.

One of the features of this manufacturer is that it has its own online store. Residents of St. Petersburg can purchase sweets from Kameya without leaving their homes.

What is the opinion of consumers about the product

Reviews supplied to the market by the confectionery factory "Kameya" in St. Petersburg sweets from consumers deserve simply excellent. First of all, buyers attribute the natural composition to the plus of the Petersburg Collection products. Confectionery products from "Kameya" do not contain any substances harmful to he alth. At the same time, they have taste qualities, judging by the reviews, they are simply excellent.

Consumers believe that the only drawback of the Kameya factory is that it is possible to buy its products in St. Petersburg only in one small company store. This manufacturer produces cakes and pastries mainly only to order. Sweets, jelly, soufflés, etc. "Petersburg Collection" is the easiest way to buy through the Internet (with payment fordelivery or pickup).

Sweets "Kameya"
Sweets "Kameya"

Neva plant: information

This factory is one of the largest confectionery factories in the Leningrad region. This plant was founded in 2001. The head office of the Neva factory is located in St. Petersburg at the address: Engels Ave., 27 lit. "BSh". The production forces of this plant are located in the Leningrad region in the city of Gatchina.

The Neva factory supplies about 250 items of products to the market. The manufacturer produces marshmallows, dragees, marshmallows, cookies, marmalade, wafer rolls, etc. Among other things, this plant is engaged in the manufacture of kosher and halal products. The confectionery factory "Neva" does not yet have branded stores in St. Petersburg. However, its products can be sold on the market not only by weight, but also in packaging of an exclusive design.

Reviews about the manufacturer's sweets

Consumers have a very good opinion about the products manufactured by the Neva factory. In particular, buyers praise the marshmallows supplied by this manufacturer to the market. The advantages of this product, consumers include, first of all, a good composition and excellent workmanship. Marshmallows are made at the Neva factory from natural fruit puree with added sugar. As buyers note, this product does not crumble and has a very pleasant delicate texture. There are good reviews about the taste of marshmallow "Neva".

Factory "Neva"
Factory "Neva"

Sweet Life factory: general information and manufactured products

This confectionery factory in St. Petersburg was also founded in 2001. It is located in the city at the address: 47 Stachek Ave. In addition to production facilities, this company has its own laboratory where product composition is monitored. The main focus of the factory is on the quality of the manufactured confectionery.

The product range of this manufacturer currently includes about 100 items. The most popular confectionery of this brand are:

  • drying with poppy seeds, bran, fructose, etc.;
  • marmalade and fructose marshmallow "Mystery", "Fruit Mix", etc.;
  • crispbread "Nevskaya Mill";
  • long fructose and sugar cookies.

Sweet Life products: reviews

Despite the fact that this enterprise was founded relatively recently and does not have too large production capacities, the reviews of the products manufactured in its workshops from consumers deserve simply excellent. On the Internet, lovers of confectionery products supplied by the "Sweet Life" mostly only praise. On review sites, products from this manufacturer are usually given 5 out of 5 points by consumers.

Sweet life logo
Sweet life logo

The advantages of the products of "Sweet Life" buyers include the natural composition, pleasant taste and aroma. In particular, consumers praise bread from this manufacturer "Nevskaya Mill" with vegetables. This product is dietary andwell suited, for example, to people on a diet or pregnant women. You can eat bread from the "Sweet Life" both with ordinary dishes and with condensed milk, jam, butter, etc.
