Bald rabbit: causes of baldness, hair loss, necessary treatment, veterinarian advice and care rules

Bald rabbit: causes of baldness, hair loss, necessary treatment, veterinarian advice and care rules
Bald rabbit: causes of baldness, hair loss, necessary treatment, veterinarian advice and care rules

For a rabbit seasonal molting is a common thing. This process occurs regularly, usually 2-3 times a year. In this case, the wool can fall out quite intensively. As a result, strong bald spots appear on the skin of the animal. Many are worried and cannot understand why rabbits are bald. But there is nothing wrong with that, because over time, new fur will grow back. What to do if the coat is not restored? Let's try to deal with this problem.

Why animals lose hair

rabbits in the rabbitry
rabbits in the rabbitry

What are the main causes of hair loss in rabbits? As a rule, wool falls out as a result of age or seasonal changes. It is useless to interfere with this process, since it occurs for quite natural reasons. Often, when molting, the falling hair ends up in the stomach of the animal. If it accumulates there in large quantities, it can lead to serious problems in the animal's gastrointestinal tract.

How to avoid problems

To reduce the amount of hair that enters the stomach, the rabbit must be combed during the molting period. It is also recommended to increase the proportion of straw and hay in the diet of animals. These foods help to remove ingested hair from the intestines. How to determine that a rabbit has a disrupted gastrointestinal tract? Due to the large amount of swallowed wool, the amount of feces excreted can sharply decrease. In this case, to facilitate defecation, it is recommended to give the rabbit 5-10 ml of petroleum jelly. If you still do not have a bowel movement, you should contact your veterinarian.

Flea infestation

causes of baldness in rabbits
causes of baldness in rabbits

What other problems do rabbit breeders face? The appearance of bald spots can also cause various diseases of rabbits. A bald muzzle can appear as a result of contact with the skin of various parasites. Rabbits often get fleas from cats and dogs. With prolonged damage, the animal may develop an allergy, which is accompanied by hair loss. Fleas are also carriers of such a dangerous disease as myxomatosis.

You can get rid of these parasites using special tools. The drops "Neguwon", "Advantage" and "Frontline" demonstrate the greatest efficiency. You can also use flea shampoo. All products should be used strictly according to the instructions.


What danger do they pose to pets? A hairless rabbit may be the result of infestation by various types of mites.

There are the following types of parasites:

  • Fur mite. It usually first infects the skin in the tail area. Gradually, the lesion spreads to a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Prolonged life of this parasite can cause serious hair loss. The remaining fur usually rolls into balls. Reddening of the skin and severe itching may also be observed. The disease caused by such a parasite is called cheiletiosis.
  • Ear mites. It provokes an ailment called psoroptosis. Initially, the disease affects only the ears. Over time, a crust forms on the skin. Then there is a strong itch, because of which the animal begins to actively comb the ears. If not treated in time, the parasite can damage the eardrums of the animal. This can eventually lead to meningitis and death.
  • Subcutaneous tick. This parasite causes sarcoptic mange. As a rule, it first settles near the eyes, nose and ears, and then spreads to other parts of the body. Subcutaneous mites can cause itching. The animal begins to scratch the affected areas. As a result, hair falls out strongly and purulent abscesses form. If the disease is in an advanced stage, the animal may lose its appetite. As a result, the rabbit's body is severely depleted. In addition, when scratching, an infection can enter the animal's body.

You can get rid of ticks at the initial stage by using Psoroptol and Acaromectin sprays. If the problem is more serious, then the treatment process will be quite long. The animal will need to be given acaricidaldrugs, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. Therapy can only be prescribed by a qualified veterinarian.


diseases of rabbits bald muzzle
diseases of rabbits bald muzzle

What is this? This term combines several types of the disease at once: trichophytosis, microsporia, scab (favus). The cause of their occurrence are skin fungi Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Microsporum. Microsporia and trichophytosis are sometimes called ringworm. Outwardly, these diseases manifest themselves in the form of bald spots on the rabbit skin. With trichophytosis, the hairs break off at the very root. Bald spots may be covered with scabs, grayish scales, dried lymph and pustules. They can itch a lot.

Scab is characterized by the appearance of crusted formations on the skin. When separating the crust, a depression remains. Closely located formations merge with each other. This disease rarely leads to the death of rabbits. However, it can negatively affect the development of young animals, since it significantly reduces the immunity of animals. The external image of animals also suffers: a bald rabbit is not a pleasant sight.

Vet Tips

rabbit at the vet
rabbit at the vet

How to treat ringworm? Veterinarians recommend using products for both internal and external use. The antifungal antibiotic "Griseofulvin" demonstrates high efficiency. You can still use ointments "Unisan", "Saprosan" and their analogues. The dosage of the drug should be determined only by a person qualified in this field.specialist. Human medicines should not be used to treat rabbits. This is due to the fact that animals can lick the treated areas of the skin. Ingestion of toxic substances into the body can be fatal. The rabbitry in which the infected animals were located must be disinfected. If this is not done, the infection may remain in the aviary. Then the animals will get sick again.


The causative agent of this disease is treponema. The initial stage of the disease is expressed in redness and swelling of the anus and genital organs of the animal. After a while, the hair starts to fall out. Treatment includes a wide range of procedures. Usually, veterinarians prescribe the antibiotic "Erythromycin", an emulsion of bismuth salicylate and a solution of "Novarsenol". Spirochetosis is also called rabbit syphilis.

Urinary dermatitis

What to expect with this ailment? This problem appears with insufficient care for animals. Urinary dermatitis develops due to frequent contact of the animal's skin with feces and urine. Most often, rabbits of long-haired breeds suffer from this problem. Dermatitis first appears around the anus and genitals. Gradually it spreads to the stomach. Affected areas of the skin become bald and may exude an unpleasant odor. To get rid of this problem, you first need to carefully remove the remnants of wool from problem areas of the skin. After that, the animal must be washed with baby soap. It is better to change the litter in the rabbitry. To relieve inflammation, you must use the gel "Aloefaith" or similar. In the future, it is required to regularly clean the rabbit cage so that feces and urine do not accumulate in the litter.

hairless rabbit breed
hairless rabbit breed

Urinary dermatitis can also be a complication of more serious conditions. The cause of the disease under discussion can also be hidden in excessive urination associated with the formation of blood clots in the bladder. In this case, lavage of this organ will be required to save the life of the animal.


For what reason can hairless rabbits appear in the livestock? Photos of such animals confuse even experienced farmers. In young individuals, bald spots can appear due to beriberi, which develops due to poor nutrition and insufficient care. Usually beriberi manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as rickets, conjunctivitis, decreased activity, hair loss. The problem can be solved by introducing vitamin supplements into the diet of animals. The most widely used are RexVital, Ushastik, Chiktonik. You can also add fish oil, pine twigs, fresh herbs and hay to rabbit food.

Hormonal imbalance

bald rabbit
bald rabbit

What to do if a bald rabbit appeared in the rabbitry? Perhaps the problem lies in the hormonal imbalance. Such a diagnosis can only be made by an experienced veterinarian, based on the results of animal blood tests. The cause of the disease, as a rule, lies in the lack of vitamins K and E. As a medical therapy, the doctor usually prescribeshormonal drugs that contribute to the normalization of the background. The diet of rabbits should also be reviewed.

Swelling on the body of animals may appear due to purulent inflammation of tissues, cysts, old scars and scars. Perhaps these formations are associated with oncological diseases. If such symptoms are found, it is imperative to show the animal to the veterinarian. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment.


Even animals suffer from nervous shocks. For what reason can a bald rabbit appear in a rabbitry? Farmers' feedback confirms that a stressful situation can also come out as a result of a sharp loss of wool in an animal. In addition, in close quarters, animals can simply eat each other's wool. This is all explained by a too nervous environment resulting from crowded content. Some farmers believe that this behavior of animals is due to boredom. It is difficult to say how true this is. However, it has been found that animals living in a free enclosure lose their hair less often.


Why can rabbits be hairless? There are genetic factors. There is even a specially bred hairless rabbit.

Toy breeders face many questions. Some wonder why newborn rabbits are hairless? This is quite normal for many breeds. For example, Burgundy rabbits are born completely without fur. Only over time they become overgrown with thick fur.


he althy rabbit
he althy rabbit

In this review, we examined why a bald rabbit sometimes appears in the rabbitry. This problem can be caused by external factors such as parasites carried by other animals on the farm. Bald spots on the skin can appear if the animal is poorly cared for. Perhaps the farmer should reconsider the diet or provide the animals with a more spacious enclosure.
