2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Hard horses have been indispensable helpers of peasants in their hard work since ancient times. At the moment, such animals are used in agriculture, of course, very rarely. However, as a variety of animals of these breeds, of course, they have survived to this day.
History of a heavy truck
Breeding these interesting horses began in Europe, back in the Middle Ages. The combat equipment of the knights in those days, as you know, was very heavy. And for the movement of warriors, respectively, hardy and strong horses were required.
The first heavy trucks were very large. Their growth at the withers could reach two meters, and weight - more than a ton. However, such horses, unfortunately, did not differ in high speed of movement and special endurance. Only a little later breeds were bred, not so large, but much faster, unpretentious and capable of jumping.
Heavy horses were bred in Europe even after the end of the crusades and knightly wars. The descendants of such animals in this part of the world have survived to this day. Leading their lineage from medieval horses of this variety are modern heavy trucks of the following breeds:
- French Percherons;
- Belgian Brabancons;
- English Shires.
It was on the basis of these three Europeans that all breeds of heavy trucks bred today in the world were bred.

History of horses in Russia
Despite the fact that the need for heavy trucks in our country before the revolution was quite large, we did not conduct targeted selection with them for a long time.
Actually hardy working horses in Russia began to be bred back in the days of Ivan the Terrible. However, selection work with them was characterized by unsystematic nature, and there were no actual breeds in our country at that time. Heavy horses in Russia for a long time simply did not exist as a variety.
Some more attention in our country to such animals began to be paid only at the end of the 19th century. At that time, heavy trucks from Europe were brought to Russia for crossing with domestic working mares. As a result, several very hardy and strong crosses were bred. Also, the first real domestically formed breed was obtained - the Russian heavy truck.
Heavy harness horses in the USSR
A truly large-scale work on breeding such horses in Russia began after the revolution. At that time, the agriculture of the young country was in dire need of cheap draft power, which became a good incentive for large-scale breeding work. So, for example, after the revolution in our country, two popular varieties were bred to this day, as well as varieties known in the world -Vladimir and Soviet heavy truck. These breeds of horses are bred in Russia to this day.
Russian heavy truck: description
This breed, bred back in the 19th century, remains the most common in our country today. The main distinguishing features of the Russian heavy truck are:
- squat - the maximum height at the withers of these horses is 150 cm;
- wide withers and developed chest;
- small head on a long neck;
- thick tail and mane.
The Russian heavy truck horse breed was bred even before the revolution, but it was finally formed only in the 50s of the last century. These animals were obtained by crossing domestic working mares with Belgian heavy draft stallions.
Despite the squatness, horses of this breed are distinguished by great strength and endurance. Also, these horses are absolutely not whimsical in terms of conditions of detention.

Vladimir heavy truck: the history of the breed
Gavrilov Posad is the birthplace of this now popular breed. The history of the horse of the Vladimir heavy truck began in 1886 - after the creation of a state factory stable in this locality. To breed a new domestic breed, Percherons, Ardennes and Suffolks were brought to Gavrilov Posad in those days.
In the 20th century, Shires and Clydesdales were also used to create a new heavy horse at the royal factory. As a result, the specialists of the stables bred several very good crosses. However, selection work to create new breedsin Gavrilov Posad in those days, unfortunately, was chaotic.
This situation was corrected only in Soviet times - in the 30s of the last century. Then, on the basis of the royal plant in Gavrilov Posad, a state breeding nursery was created. Its specialists later carried out a large-scale work on the systematization and selection of the best crosses of the royal plant. As a result, a few years later, a new breed was obtained, called the Vladimir heavy truck. It was officially registered in 1946.
General Description
At the moment, these animals are considered the best domestic heavy horse. The Vladimir breed, among other things, is distinguished by the following features:
- height at the withers - 165-167 cm;
- bust - 198 cm;
- weight of stallions - 780 kg, mares - 585 kg;
- large head and powerful neck;
- bony strong legs with the correct setting;
- short and thick, almost plush coat.
The most common suit of Vladimir heavy trucks is bay. But there are also red and black. A photo of heavy horses of this breed, presented below. It is better to demonstrate their appearance and magnificent exterior clearly.
Vladimir heavy trucks, among other things, are distinguished by endurance and great strength. In 5 minutes, these horses are able to cover a distance of 2 km with a load of 1.5 tons. These animals can work in the most difficult conditions - in rain, heat, snow. In addition, the Vladimir heavy truck is a breed of horses that is quite docile and obedient.character.

Soviet heavy truck
These horses were bred by crossing domestic working mares with Belgian Brabancons. Officially, the breed of horses, the Soviet heavy truck, was registered in 1952. One of its features is that, in addition to excellent working qualities, it is also characterized by a high degree of milkiness.
The Mordovian and Pochinkovsky stud farms were once engaged in breeding this breed in the USSR. Therefore, at the moment there are two main types of Soviet heavy trucks. Pochinkovskiye animals are characterized primarily by a very large physique. Mordovian horses have a slightly more compact and drier frame.
You can recognize the Soviet heavy truck by:
- strong short neck and medium-sized head;
- expressive cheek muscles and wide nostrils;
- upright small ears;
- massive hind limbs.
The average weight of stallions of the Soviet breed is 900 kg, mares - 700 kg. At the withers, these animals usually reach a height of 1.5-1.7 m. Below you can see photos of heavy horses of this particular breed.

Percherons: general description
Domestic breeds of heavy trucks are actually distinguished by impressive exterior and excellent performance. However, Russian horses of this variety were bred, as already mentioned, on the basis of foreign manufacturers. In this way, horses were obtained Russian heavy trucks, Vladimir,Soviet.
Used to breed domestic breeds, of course, only the best foreign varieties. The famous French heavy truck Percheron was once brought to Russia for this purpose. This huge horse has long been the pride of Normandy and is currently one of the oldest breeds on the planet. Scientists have found that the ancestors of these animals took part in the military campaigns of Julius Caesar.
The process of breeding percherons is still, unfortunately, little studied. It is only known for sure that this breed was created with the participation of Arabian horses. Percheron features, among other things, are:
- height at the withers up to 170 cm and chest girth up to 200 cm;
- expressive head with a prominent forehead;
- muscular neck and croup;
- beautiful mane and tail.
The suit of these horses is most often gray or black. But there are also roan or red percherons.
The advantages of this breed, among other things, include a calm disposition, patience and unpretentious care. Good learning ability is also considered a virtue of these animals.

Breed of heavy horses Brabancons: description
These horses, like all those described above, are certainly very hardy and strong. In Europe, these Brabancon horses are still used in grazing cattle and small cattle, as well as in sawmills. The distinctive features of these animals are:
- height up to 170 cm;
- small head;
- small erect ears;
- big nostrils;
- heavy hooves;
- dry muscular legs with a heavy top;
- thick coat with undercoat.
There are currently three lines of Brabancon horses being bred: the bay Gros de la Dendre, the roan Grays of Hainault, and the Collosses de la Mwhaigne, which have very strong legs.
In the process of breeding this breed, only the most meek and kind stallions were selected as producers. Therefore, the Brabancons are distinguished, among other things, by a very docile and kind disposition. Also, the advantages of these horses include the ability to quickly respond to human speech. The whip is rarely used when working with such animals.

Horses English Shires
This breed of heavy trucks today is considered the most prestigious in the world. Since ancient times, such horses have been used in military campaigns. At the moment, English Shires are the tallest and most powerful heavy trucks on the planet. The record growth of such animals at the withers is 2.2 m. These horses can weigh up to 1200 kg. In some stallions, this figure reaches up to 1500 kg. Also distinctive features of these horses are:
- big head;
- big eyes and nostrils;
- barrel torso;
- long powerful neck and muscular croup;
- strong legs with wide hooves.
The color of these horses can be almost any. There are bay, black, gray, roan horses of this breed. A distinctive feature of all shires are white stockings on the back.legs and bald patches behind the ears.

Conditions for keeping heavy trucks
There are quite a lot of breeds of horses of this variety at the moment. All of them, of course, are distinguished by simply excellent working qualities. But the breeds of horses Russian heavy truck, Vladimir, Soviet, Percherons, Brabancons and Shires in the world, of course, are the most popular. One of their undoubted advantages is unpretentiousness and endurance. However, heavy trucks, like ordinary horses, of course, also need good care.
The technology of keeping such animals is practically no different from the method of breeding simple race and working horses. The only thing is that animals of this species usually consume a little more food. In most cases, heavy trucks are given 1.5 rations per day for an ordinary horse.
The room in which these horses are kept should be warm enough and well ventilated. The presence of drafts in the stable with heavy horses should not be allowed. Since these animals are massive, they are usually given a lot of food containing a large amount of protein.
For heavy work, such horses are rarely used today. However, it is still necessary to expose them to physical activity from time to time. It is impossible to keep heavy trucks permanently in the stables. A prerequisite for the proper care of such horses are daily walks.
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