Financial educational program: credit operations of commercial banks

Financial educational program: credit operations of commercial banks
Financial educational program: credit operations of commercial banks

With the transition of Russia to a market system, huge changes have taken place in the banking sector.

lending operations of commercial banks
lending operations of commercial banks

If earlier financing was budgetary and carried out by the state, then with the advent of enterprises, the form of ownership of which can be both private and public, new financial resources were needed. This provoked an increase in the number of commercial financial institutions.

One of the main items of business is credit operations of commercial banks. They are the source of income. All income is divided into two parts: one of them goes to reserve funds, the other - to pay dividends to those who have shares in this institution.

Credit operations of commercial banks are a system of relations between a creditor (represented by a financial institution) and a borrower (in other words, a debtor). This operation is based on the provision by the bank of a certain amount of financial resources aslegal entity and individual. In this case, the following conditions must be maintained:

  1. Paid. The required amount (credit) is not issued free of charge. The borrower is obliged to pay a certain percentage to the bank.
  2. types of credit operations of commercial banks
    types of credit operations of commercial banks

    Therefore, when repaying a loan, you will give back an amount much larger than the amount you borrowed from a financial institution.

  3. Urgency. All credit operations of commercial banks have their own terms. In case of violation of them, pen alties will be applied to you.
  4. Returnability. Nobody gives gifts these days. Therefore, you will have to return the funds received on time after a set period of time.

Types of credit operations of commercial banks

All credit operations of commercial banks have their own classifications. The main one is the division of activities depending on the subject of lending:

  • this can be active operations - such a system of actions in which the bank acts as the lender. It is realized most often in the form of loans and loans;
  • passive operations is a system to attract money from customers or other banks. In this case, the financial institution will already be the borrower. The bank accepts funds on all the same conditions of repayment (you will receive your funds back), urgency (the time for which you opened the deposit) and payment.
  • accounting of credit operations of a commercial bank
    accounting of credit operations of a commercial bank

    That is, with this approach, not you, but the bank will pay you interest.

According to the form of implementation, all credit manipulations are divided into:

  • loans;
  • deposits.

There are two more types of financial relations with the bank. Lending can be:

  • Direct. We can talk about this type in the case when the client initially enters into an agreement with the bank to provide a certain amount.
  • Indirect. Recently, a commercial type of lending has been widespread, when enterprises act as entities. Such relations are formalized in the form of a bill of exchange. If there are any misunderstandings, the lender has every right to transfer the loan to the bank department.

Accounting for credit operations of a commercial bank is carried out using special accounts. They are:

  • 1st order - all information about the persons to whom the loan was issued is recorded;
  • 2nd order - all information about the terms of the loan is recorded.

Such a system of recording and control allows you to conduct competent financial activities, identify non-payers and apply pen alties. Based on these accounts, the borrower's credit history is also built.
