Commercial Director is Director of Commercial Affairs. Position "Commercial Director"

Commercial Director is Director of Commercial Affairs. Position "Commercial Director"
Commercial Director is Director of Commercial Affairs. Position "Commercial Director"

In every growing company, there comes a time when you just need to expand the staff and redistribute responsibilities. It was then that the deputy directors of the company appeared on various issues. These are people responsible for supply, production, advertising and promotion, as well as finance. The commercial director is practically the second person in the company after the general director. He has his own duties, tasks and rights. The commercial director must have specific personal qualities and work skills. What kind of person is this, what exactly does he do and how to write a resume for a good company?

Who is a commercial director?

Director of commercial
Director of commercial

The field of finance is quite wide, so each applicant must clearly understand the essence of the chosen profession, the scope of duties and responsibilities.

So, a commercial director is a specialist whodirectly engaged in various trading operations and their support. At the same time, the full list of duties depends solely on the specifics of the enterprise and its size. But we can definitely say that it is thanks to the commercial director that the company makes a profit, determines the course and pace of development.

Such an employee manages not only the purchases and sales of products, but also the marketing and logistics departments. Also, the commercial director forms and maintains relationships with large and key clients of the company and is responsible for concluding particularly profitable deals.

In general, we can say that this is a key figure in the structure of any company. That is why the requirements for the applicant are quite high and tough.

The place of the commercial director in the organizational structure of the company

Very often this position is confused with the head of the sales department. But the commercial director has a well-defined place in the management hierarchy. It is thanks to this distribution of responsibilities that the company works like clockwork.

The position of commercial director belongs to the second level of management. This is the next step after the director. At the same time, a financial deputy is appointed, and also removed from the position exclusively by the general manager of the company.

On all working issues, the commercial director reports and reports directly to the director. These are issues of operational management, disciplinary responsibility, trade and money turnover and financial planning. At the same time, he is personally responsible for the safety of variousmaterial resources and signs an appropriate agreement with the management.

If the chief financier is absent from the workplace due to illness, business trip or vacation, then another employee of the company is appointed in his place by a separate order of the head. The Deputy Commercial Director has the same rights and obligations that he receives for a certain period of time. He also bears financial responsibility.

What does a commercial director do?

Job description of the commercial director
Job description of the commercial director

To choose the right place in the company, you need to clearly understand what tasks and goals you face. This will allow you to more efficiently and rationally distribute your time and effort. In addition, this fact is valuable for both the applicant and the employer. After all, having outlined the scope of duties and tasks, one can safely demand specific results from the employee. You can also constantly monitor the effectiveness of its activities.

The only thing that is paid special attention to is the company's revenue. The commercial director of the company must constantly monitor the situation and take prompt measures when this indicator decreases. To do this, he can request any commercial documents from other departments, as well as coordinate actions with other department heads.

This indispensable employee can represent the financial interests of the enterprise in relations with various institutions and government agencies. In this case, he is the face of the company and has full authority to authorizeproblems.

Main responsibilities

A commercial director is a person who is entrusted with enormous powers and responsibilities. Accordingly, he must fully comply with all the instructions of the director of the company, develop and expand commercial relations, and also adhere to the existing business plan.

In this regard, he has the following responsibilities:

  • Control and coordination of the development of quality standards and storage of products or services, as well as their quantity. It is the commercial director who determines the final cost of goods, their assortment and production volumes.
  • Coordination of the development and implementation of the company's marketing strategy. This leadership directly affects the future financial he alth of the company.
  • Responsible for the training and development of staff, supervise the work of employees.
  • Monitor the timely preparation of reporting documents, as well as timely provide them to management. In addition, the tasks of the commercial director include the approval of all financial papers.
  • Follow the implementation of the overall business plan, as well as the budget of the enterprise. Ensure timely and complete payroll payments.
Position commercial director
Position commercial director

In addition to these requirements, each company has the right to introduce its own terms of reference for the commercial director. It all depends on the size, specifics of the enterprise and the management structure. In Russian companies, specific wishes can also affect the completeness of job dutiesfounders.

The main qualities that a professional should have

Commercial director is a very difficult position, requiring from the employee not only relevant work skills, but also certain personal qualities. And this is determined not only by personal sympathies and preferences, but rather by the peculiarity of the selected post.

So, let's start with professional qualities and skills. Most companies have the following criteria for the applicant, which the commercial director should indicate in his resume:

  • The ability to work and knowledge of the specific market in which the company operates.
  • The ability to shape and control existing and proposed distribution channels.
  • Be guided by the marketing system in order to effectively implement various advertising projects.
  • The ability to communicate with VIP clients, sign contracts to conclude large deals.
  • Proficiency in English for communication and work with documents.

If we talk about the personal qualities of the candidate, here the requirements of the employer are quite standard. As in many other positions, the future commercial director must be goal-oriented and stress-resistant, sociable and charismatic. He must be a leader, effectively interact with the staff and any audience. Efficiency and non-conflict are also especially appreciated.

Which companies use this position

Deputy Commercial Director
Deputy Commercial Director

Now in the labor market you can find quitea large number of vacancies for the position of commercial director. Their peculiarity is that such ads can hang for a long time. There are several objective reasons for this: firstly, the employer conducts a rather rigorous and thorough selection of candidates, and secondly, newly hired employees cannot withstand the full scope of job duties and the rhythm of work.

The approach to finding a financier and the requirements for his knowledge and skills differ significantly between Western and domestic companies. Here one should take into account the mentality and history of business development in Russia and abroad.

In domestic companies, the position of commercial director appears as a result of the expansion of the enterprise or the restructuring of the management structure due to its inefficient performance. Therefore, the requirements for candidates are very vague. Here, the commercial director is a universally trained and experienced specialist who is able to quickly deal with the problems that have accumulated over the years.

In Western companies, the functionality and requirements for applicants have long been clearly defined. Therefore, it is much easier for the applicant to find out what exactly he is responsible for, what his main tasks and responsibilities are. In addition, attention is paid here to professionalism, and not to subjective sympathies.

Commercial director of the company
Commercial director of the company

Salary level and basic requirements for the candidate

What can a future commercial director expect as compensation for his hard work? After all, the job description of the commercial directorprovides for a fairly wide range of duties and huge responsibility.

It is worth noting here that the salary will directly depend on the size of the company and even on its location. For example, the highest salary of a commercial director is observed in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Here, an employee can count on a monthly income of 80,000 rubles. The farther from the capital, the lower the reward will be.

In addition, there are higher requirements for higher wages: work experience in a relevant position for at least 3 years, passing various sales courses and trainings, experience in financial planning and conducting effective negotiations. An MBA degree and knowledge of English is also welcome.

At the same time, the average age of a future commercial director is about 40 years. Most often these are men with higher profile education. In addition, each candidate must have good references from a previous job.

Also, the employer may present specific requirements for the applicant. For example, this is the ownership of vehicles, consent to perform duties outside of working hours, the presence of certain diplomas, etc.

Applying for a job as a commercial director

Order on the appointment of a commercial director
Order on the appointment of a commercial director

This issue in each company is decided in accordance with the staffing table and existing legislative acts. Previously, the candidacy is agreed with the owners of the company. If it is not possible to find a professional employee on the side,Most often, this position is assigned to the chief accountant of the enterprise. This person has all the necessary knowledge and skills for this position. At the same time, an appropriate entry is made about the transfer in the work book.

The order on the appointment of a commercial director is signed personally by the general director or the head of the enterprise. In the same way, an employee is dismissed from this position.

Due to the fact that the newly adopted person has a huge responsibility, it is advisable to conclude an employment contract with him. It, like the job description, indicates all the rights and obligations of the future commercial director. It also contains a clause on confidentiality and non-disclosure, on liability and conditions for early termination of an existing contract.

However, in any case, the personnel department makes a corresponding entry in the work book about the time of acceptance and the number of the order.

Job Description for Commercial Director

In the structure of the enterprise, a special manual is drawn up for each employee, which indicates all aspects of the activity and the nuances of the position held.

The commercial director's job description contains the following items:

  1. General provisions. Here, as a rule, the main definitions and terms, the requirements for professional and personal qualities, and the basic rules of work at the enterprise are deciphered.
  2. Duties of an employee. This paragraph clearly spells out all the points for which the commercial director is responsible.
  3. Rights. In this sectionthe capabilities and powers of the employee are indicated.
  4. Responsibility. This point is especially important, because. contains information about the obligations of the commercial director to the company and the law.

Also, this document may indicate working conditions, requirements for the employee and other items at the discretion of the enterprise management. An employee may be fired for non-compliance with the job description.

Director of Commercial Affairs
Director of Commercial Affairs

How and by what indicators is the work of a commercial director evaluated?

Now in any company, one of the main indicators of an employee's performance is his performance, that is, what he brought to the table and what benefits it turned out to be. Or it may be the value of the final profit received by the firm for the period of work of a person. This is a very important indicator, because it can subsequently directly affect the amount of salary and recommendations.

The performance of most commercial directors is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Clear fulfillment of own job description. Here, compliance with each clause of the contract is evaluated.
  2. High level of discipline and subordination. The director of commercial affairs must be a highly organized and responsible person, as he is responsible for the present and future well-being of the company.
  3. Fulfillment of the firm's existing business plan. The work of the company, along with financial performance, is carefully and accurately calculated. If any item is not completed on time, it can be quite negativeaffect her future.

Composing a correct and meaningful resume

The employer cannot know about the unique personal qualities, skills, experience and other nuances of the personality of the future employee. Therefore, any applicant needs to be able to correctly compose his resume. After all, it depends on whether they will take him to the team.

So, in the resume, the commercial director should indicate:

  1. Personal data (date of birth, place of registration or residence, etc.).
  2. Education (higher education institutions and all courses).
  3. Work experience (name of enterprises, position and responsibilities).
  4. Professional qualities and skills (the item must represent a competitive advantage).
  5. Additional information (knowledge of programs and languages).

Also, here are some tips for completing your resume:

  1. More specific information and numbers in the description of professional achievements.
  2. It is better to indicate the scope of the companies in which you worked before.
  3. Look at your resume through the eyes of an employer.
