2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Today we have to find out the opinions of Rosgosstrakh employees about the employer. And in general, what is this company in principle. She often looks for new employees. But why? Should I trust Rosgosstrakh and get a job here? What are the positive and negative aspects that applicants and employees see in cooperation? Numerous reviews will help to judge all this. Only if you believe everything that is written, it will not be possible to come to a consensus. Therefore, it is important to emphasize only useful information for yourself. And there are so many of her. So what is Rosgosstrakh as an employer?
Company Description
First of all, you need to understand what kind of company we are talking about. The point is that Rosgosstrakh is a very large Russian organization. She is an insurance company. It even has a separate non-state pension fund.
Provides services for the insurance of the population and property, forms the funded part of pensions. Rosgosstrakh also has a bank of the same name. But basically the organization is spoken of asinsurance company.

Is it worth getting a job here? What offers does the organization make to its applicants? What turns out to be true and what turns out to be false?
Working at Rosgosstrakh is a good option for gaining work experience in a large insurance organization. How do HR managers lure job seekers? What promises does the company make to attract new employees?
In fact, they are all template and standard. As practice shows, among the promises that attract attention, we can distinguish:
- work in a large and popular company;
- friendly team;
- social package in full;
- official employment;
- decent earnings;
- flexible work schedule;
- comfortable working conditions;
- free education;
- prospects for career growth and self-development.
But is it really? Will work at Rosgosstrakh really provide applicants and already employed people with all these guarantees? Or were these statements just made up to attract the public?
But before getting into all this, it is necessary to know some details about the company. For example, some are interested in what addresses Rosgosstrakh has. It is very long to list them - in each city there are a huge number of branches of the organization. Moreover, both an insurance company and a bank or a non-state pension fund.
Enoughknow which coordinates to contact in case of extremely serious and important issues. Or rather, the location of the head office of the organization. What does Rosgosstrakh offer? Addresses, as already mentioned, are offered differently. But the main, head office is located in Moscow, on Bolshaya Ordynka street, house 40. It is here that you need to contact on some global issues. For example, with claims or recommendations.

It is also important to obtain information about both employment and the work of the organization. To do this, you need to know the phone numbers of the company. Rosgosstrakh has many of them - each branch has its own contacts. And this nuance is worth considering. Accordingly, contacts will be specified for each settlement in Russia separately.
"Rosgosstrakh" offers the following phone number for communication with the head office: 8 800 200 0 900. More precisely, this is a "hot line" through which you can clarify almost any information about the work of the institution. Only issues related to the employment of the population are not discussed.
"Rosgosstrakh" phone number for an interview appointment always indicates different. It all depends on where the staff is required, as well as on the location of a particular point of the organization. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly which contacts to contact Rosgosstrakh for further employment. You just need to pay attention to the text of the ad - all phone numbers and other important information will be indicated therefor applicants.
Rosgosstrakh has a lot of vacancies for employment. Only, as practice shows, all alone are monotonous. The thing is that most often the organization is looking for:
- workers on the phone;
- sales managers;
- consultants;
- workers to offices.
Accordingly, there are practically no leadership positions. And everyone should remember this. Some express their opinion that "their own" people are recruited for leadership positions. But there is no confirmation of this. However, as well as denials.

The situation with vacancies is not much different from similar companies - ordinary workers are required everywhere, but not bosses or managers. Nothing surprising. Although sometimes leadership positions still take place. They just close very quickly. Therefore, when finding a job in a company, you can only count on an ordinary position.
Official employment
Feedback from employees of "Rosgosstrakh" indicate that the company really offers official employment. This fact surprises some. After all, not every employer will insist on the official registration of each employee.
"Rosgosstrakh" is a large insurance company that values both its status and its customers. It also operates in accordance with established legislation. It is worth paying attention to the fact that informal employment under the law in Russiaforbidden. That is why every worker will be officially employed.
True, for some time you will have to work without concluding an agreement and making an entry in the work book. This is a learning period. After its completion, a decision is made on both sides - the employee looks to see if the vacancy suits him, and the employer considers the candidacy of a potential subordinate. As a rule, many agree to cooperate with the organization.
"Rosgosstrakh" (St. Petersburg or any other city - it's not so important) receives positive reviews for the fact that the company offers not only official cooperation, but also training at the expense of the company. This is a mandatory period of time that cannot be avoided.
Many emphasize that during training, the employee is really explained the tasks that will have to be performed. He is also introduced to the work team. No additional or extra work, everything so that a person can get used to the new working conditions. This is what pleases many applicants.

The training period usually lasts about a week. Sometimes even a few days. After that, a final decision is made on further cooperation, after which either the termination of the relationship follows, or the conclusion of an employment contract in an official manner.
Working conditions
Company "Rosgosstrakh" offers all its subordinates comfortable working conditions. And this feature is emphasized by many. The thing is that the insurance company, as alreadywas said to recruit staff primarily to work either in retail outlets or in offices. Therefore, you won't have to "stand in the cold".
Offices and retail outlets, as a rule, offer all the necessary conditions for work - there is even a coffee machine and tea with sugar. It is these advantages that some applicants emphasize.
The only drawback that is considered the norm in the modern world is a sedentary way of working. And monotonous work. You will have to sit throughout the working day either in the office at the computer, or in the branch of the outlet, waiting for customers. Sales managers sometimes have to get creative, but usually without leaving the company branch. Not everyone is ready to put up with a sedentary way of working.
The next nuance is the work schedule. Rosgosstrakh Insurance receives various reviews for this feature. There are complaints about the work schedule, and positive opinions.
Many point out that the company practices a 5-day work week. That is, the employee will still have 2 days off. But in terms of time spent at work, there is more negative. Why?
Reviews from Rosgosstrakh employees emphasize that employees often have to stay at their workplace overtime. And without any additional payments or rewards. Such a situation is not uncommon. Especially during periods when you have to serve a lot of customers.
By the way, some people are not satisfied with the fact that in the Rosgosstrakh company (St. Petersburg or anyanother city, it doesn’t matter what area we are talking about) a constant flow of customers. In particular, in a bank or a non-state pension fund. There are also a lot of people in the insurance offices.
The workplace environment also receives mixed reviews from Rosgosstrakh employees. Some say that working in the company is simple, easy and pleasant. Everywhere is a friendly and easy atmosphere, there is no tension, only silence and calmness.

Along with this, some emphasize that it is difficult to work at Rosgosstrakh. The situation is tense, there are a lot of customers, you have to face some problems every day and solve them. All this should be remembered by every job seeker before employment. Plus regular overtime work. All this creates not the best working atmosphere.
What to believe? Rather, it is better to take a neutral point of view. The thing is that in fact, in Rosgosstrakh, in some departments of the organization, a calm atmosphere reigns, but somewhere there is some tension from a large flow of visitors and fuss. Therefore, you will have to prepare for the fact that you will have to work under an employment contract in different conditions. No one can say for sure what the atmosphere will be in this or that office of the organization.
Social package
"Rosgosstrakh" (Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other city - it doesn't matter, the same rules apply everywhere) offers its employees a full social package. And it reallyso. But it's not always easy to get it.
Many emphasize that newcomers are not offered the full benefits package. For example, paid vacation. Only employees who have been cooperating with the insurance company for at least a year can count on it. But for lunch and sick leave with payment, you can count in full. If necessary, they are also allowed to go to the session, albeit with reluctance.
Accordingly, there are few complaints about the lack of a social package. And it is pleasantly pleasing. Reviews of Rosgosstrakh employees quite often indicate not only the shortcomings of the organization, but also its advantages. And there are many!
Controversial opinions are left regarding the salaries of workers. Quite a lot of negativity is expressed by sales managers of certain goods of the organization. In general, how can you describe the situation with earnings?
"Rosgosstrakh Insurance" offers not the highest official salary. As practice shows, it turns out to be less than promised. Because of this, some applicants feel cheated. However, the insurance company does pay its employees.
It is noted that there are delays in payments, but rarely and insignificant. It can be said that it is not critical. And it pleases. It is pleasantly surprising that Rosgosstrakh makes payments on time.

There are prospects for additional earnings. You can get bonuses and allowances for achieving this or that progress. Lucky in this regard, sales managersproducts from the company "Rosgosstrakh". The cost of each policy will be credited to the employee who issued the document. At the end of the month, with each service sold and provided, a person receives a certain percentage.
Accordingly, the company really allows you to make money. But you have to try. Few people are satisfied with a simple salary. After all, in reality, he is not the highest.
"Rosgosstrakh" (Moscow or any other city - not so important) receives positive feedback for its work team. Friendly people work here who are always ready to help out and come to the rescue. Although some competition among individual workers is visible. For example, sales managers But it is not conducted openly.
Work in Rosgosstrakh is offered with friendly and understanding staff. There are also not quite friendly personalities, but there are very few of them. The main thing is to "take root" in the team from the very beginning. Then it will be a pleasure to work in an insurance company.
It is noted that Rosgosstrakh is pursuing a collective policy. More precisely, the organization does everything to rally the team. For example, regularly arranges "subbotniks". They are usually indicated in a negative light, because you have to go to work again. But this feature still has a positive effect on communication with colleagues.
But for the leadership, the reviews of Rosgosstrakh employees are not the best. The public often points out thatbosses here treat their subordinates "not like people", with injustice and even some rudeness and rudeness. You can't rely on leaders.
For any oversight, even the most insignificant - a fine or a reprimand with some kind of punishment. It's hard to get along with the boss. You should not be afraid - all these are standard claims to most employers. It is recommended that you simply treat your work conscientiously. And then the clashes with the authorities will be minimal.
For clients
How do customers see the organization? This is also an important point. A man bought a Rosgosstrakh policy. Can he hope for quality and fast service? Yes, but not in all cases. It is noted that life insurance is not in great demand, and when using the VHI policy, sometimes you have to wait a long time for payments for the medical care received. Also, some are not satisfied with how much the Rosgosstrakh policy costs. Much depends on the specific conditions, but often reviews indicate the high cost of service.

Special attention is paid to CASCO and OSAGO issued in the organization. Rosgosstrakh offers OSAGO at affordable prices, but insurance does not cover all insured events. It is recommended to simply carefully study the contract being concluded. Then you can avoid most problems and questions.
About the employees of the company respond differently. Someone says that he communicated with conscientious and professional staff. Some, on the contrary, point to communication withunfriendly and not understanding anything in their work people. At Rosgosstrakh, OSAGO is in demand, but some employees cannot answer some questions related to this insurance.
Instead of a conclusion
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Rosgosstrakh is performing well as a customer service company. The same goes for the role of the employer.
The insurance company has both pluses and minuses. If you treat your work conscientiously, claims and negative points will be minimized. In any case, the applicant will gain work experience in a large insurance company in Russia. And, of course, a stable income!
"Rosgosstrakh" pays out on time, but sometimes there may be delays. And both in relation to earnings, and in relation to covered insurance. This is normal and should not cause panic.
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