What is a bimetal and where is it used?

What is a bimetal and where is it used?
What is a bimetal and where is it used?

Modern technology is becoming more and more perfect. Accordingly, manufacturers have to use the highest quality materials for it, often differing in a special set of properties. For example, layered metal composites have found wide application today. All of them are distinguished by high strength, corrosion resistance, long service life. Further in the article, we will talk about what a bimetal is and where it is used.


What are bimetals? One of the layers in such materials is most often inexpensive steel. The second layer is made of expensive non-ferrous or even precious metals. Composites of this variety are usually used when it is necessary to give the product special properties. Also, the use of such materials in various fields helps to save on aluminum, copper, bronze, silver, etc.

Tool bimetal
Tool bimetal

Thus, what is a bimetal is understandable. This is a composite, usually consisting of two layers. Such materials differ from the usual special properties. A layer of cheap steel in bimetals is always calledmain. A layer of expensive material is cladding.

On the page for example, there are photos of different types of bimetals and products made from them. The materials of this variety are used in the national economy in fact very widely.

Basic types

Such composites can be made for different purposes. At the same time, the methods of their production also differ. At the moment, composite two-layer metals can be used in the national economy:

  • corrosion resistant;
  • anti-friction;
  • instrumental;
  • conductive;
  • thermal.

Corrosion-resistant bimetals

The main layer of materials of this variety consists of low-alloy or low-carbon steel. The cladding is made of stainless steel. Also, this layer can be copper, nickel, aluminum. Such metals are used in the form of thin and thick-walled sheets, for example, in such industries as:

  • oil refinery;
  • chemical;
  • food;
  • shipbuilding.
Bimetal in the oil industry
Bimetal in the oil industry

What is anti-friction bimetal

Materials of this group are in most cases used in the manufacture of plain bearings. Bronze or aluminum is usually used as a cladding layer in antifriction bimetals. Such materials have a smooth sliding surface. But at the same time, they are not too strong.

Therefore, low-carbon steel is used as the main layer in such bimetals. Composites of this variety are produced in the form of tapes. In the future, bearing shells are made from this material.

Bimetal bearings
Bimetal bearings

Tool Bimetals

Materials of this variety can be used to make, for example, saws, knives and other cutting tools. Such bimetals are distinguished, among other things, by increased strength and wear resistance. They use low carbon steel as the base layer. In this case, the cladding is made of hard alloys. It is also sometimes made from chromium-alloyed steel.

Bimetallic tool
Bimetallic tool

Electrical Conductive Materials

Bimetals of this group are commonly used in high-voltage transmission lines in northern regions. Their main layer is made of steel. The cladding is made from metals with good electrical conductivity. Most often it is copper. Also, the cladding layer of electrically conductive materials can be made of aluminum.

Thermal Bimetals: Characteristics and Applications

Materials of this type are usually strips that can bend with changes in temperature. One layer of such composites consists of a metal with a high coefficient of linear expansion. It can be, for example, some alloys. Also, non-ferrous metals are often used to make such a layer in thermal composites. The second layer of this type of material is usually made from a nickel-iron alloy that is practically incapable of expansion.

Bimetals of this variety are used most often for the manufacture of various kinds of devices. These can be, for example, thermostats, protective relays, thermometers.

Bimetal thermometers
Bimetal thermometers

Production Methods

Producers of bimetals are, of course, primarily various metallurgical enterprises. For example, the manufacture of composites of this type in our country is carried out by:

  • JSC Magnitogorsk Hardware and Metallurgical Plant.
  • OJSC Ural Foil.
  • JSC All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys, etc.

Different technologies can be used for the production of bimetals. Most often, such composites are made by:

  • simultaneous rolling;
  • drawing or pressing;
  • pouring melts;
  • combination casting;
  • explosion cladding;
  • surfacing;
  • thermal spraying.

Reviews about bimetals produced by modern domestic industry, consumers have mostly only good ones. Such materials are of good quality primarily because the factories carefully monitor the observance of their manufacturing technologies at all stages of production.

Bimetal manufacturing
Bimetal manufacturing

Application areas

What is a bimetal, we thus found out. In the petrochemical industry, such composites are commonly used to make corrosion resistant equipment. Also in this area, such composites are used for the production of elements with a hardened working surface.

In the nuclear industry, bimetallic tube sheets are very often used. Also from such composites are made:

  • condenser banks of turbine units;
  • treated water storage tanks;
  • capacity for chemicals.

In the electrochemical industry, such metals are often used in the electrolysis production of chlorine for water treatment. In shipbuilding, composites of this type can be used:

  • in engineering communications;
  • deck superstructures;
  • when making the lines of ships in contact with ice and snow.

Home use

In industry, bimetals are thus widely used. In everyday life, materials of this type, in addition to various kinds of cutting tools, can be used, for example, in heating networks. At present, bimetallic radiators have become very popular among the population.

Such batteries are made of two types of metal. The main layer of such structures is steel. The cladding is made of aluminum. The advantages of this type of radiators include, first of all, a long service life, strength and reliability. The mainThe advantage of such batteries is that they can be used in networks with a sufficiently high pressure in the mains and a coolant of not very good quality.

The aluminum layer in bimetallic radiators is located on the outside. This material has a high degree of thermal conductivity and is able to warm up in the shortest possible time. In addition, aluminum looks modern and attractive. Bimetal radiators usually fit perfectly into the interiors of houses and apartments.

The main layer of the composite used to make such batteries usually consists of anti-corrosion steel. This material is durable and does not rust due to the presence of air and various impurities in the coolant.

Bimetal radiator
Bimetal radiator

Radiators of this type "full bimetal" are especially popular with property owners. For batteries of this type, the internal register is integral. That is, it is a welded steel structure of collectors and vertical channels.
