Sberbank Teams - 900: all about using mobile banking
Sberbank Teams - 900: all about using mobile banking

Video: Sberbank Teams - 900: all about using mobile banking

Video: Sberbank Teams - 900: all about using mobile banking
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Modern banks offer a very extensive list of services and options. Today we will study the number from Sberbank - 900. The commands sent by this phone, after being processed, allow you to perform various actions with a bank account. It is very comfortable. Number 900 is a mobile bank. We will discuss this service below. How to connect it? What about use?

sberbank 900 teams
sberbank 900 teams

About mobile banking

First, let's try to find out what the "Mobile Bank" option of Sberbank is. Commands "900" (as this service is sometimes called) will not work without it. This is normal.

Option "Mobile Bank" - a tool that allows using a mobile device to perform certain operations with a bank card. Very comfortably! Need to recharge? Block a card? Transfer money to another phone? Mobile banking can do all this.

Connection Methods

But first, every modern client of the mentioned financial institution must activate the "Mobile Bank" (Sberbank) option. "900" commands will be availableonly after this operation.

You can bring your idea to life:

  • in any Sberbank branch;
  • at ATMs and payment terminals;
  • via the Internet.

Let's dwell on the most common method - connecting through an ATM. How to activate mobile banking in this way?

sberbank mobile bank team 900
sberbank mobile bank team 900

Connect at an ATM

It only takes a few minutes. "Mobile Bank" connects quite easily. An instruction of the following type will help to cope with the task:

  1. Insert plastic into an ATM from Sberbank.
  2. Enter PIN to enter the main menu of the device.
  3. Select "Mobile bank".
  4. Press the "Connect" button.
  5. Specify the package used for the option. There is "Economy" (free, but incomplete) and "Regular" (60 rubles per month).
  6. Enter the phone number that will be linked to the card.
  7. Confirm sending request.

In a minute, the user will receive a message about the successful completion of the task. Now you can use the Sberbank "900" commands. But how?

How to send requests

There are several options for the development of events. The thing is that mobile banking from Sberbank allows you to activate certain operations:

  • using SMS requests;
  • via USSD commands.

How exactly to proceed? This is up to each client to decide. After all, someit is more convenient to use USSD, and someone prefers SMS commands.

Balance check

It is worth paying attention to the fact that mobile banking offers many different functions. Consider the most popular queries used in real life by Sberbank clients.

Sberbank SMS commands to number 900
Sberbank SMS commands to number 900

Let's start by checking the balance of a Sberbank bank card. SMS commands to number 900 are sent as messages with the text "Balance". You can replace this word with other inscriptions.

Namely on:

  • Balance;
  • ostatok;
  • remainder;
  • balans.

All these requests sent to the short number 900 will result in the client receiving a response message with the amount of the balance on the selected card.

If several plastics are attached to the phone, after a space after the main word, you must write the last 4 digits of the desired card. Everything is extremely simple and clear. This will also apply when sending other requests via mobile banking.

Plastic data

At Sberbank, the "900" commands allow you to get maximum information on a bank card. It is very comfortable. For example, you can find out which citizen cards are connected to the option being studied. Or request details of recent plastic surgeries.

In the first case, the Sberbank SMS team will help. The word "Help" must be sent to number 900. If you want to get details, you will have to write the text "History" or "Statement" in the message. Thisoperation can be replaced by numbers. Then the client should write "02" in the SMS.

A different request is used to block plastic. In numeric form, it looks like "03". In the form of a word, the operation involves sending a message with the text "Block".


Sberbank commands to number 900 are sent for different purposes. For example, you can top up your account as a mobile phone and a bank card.

Sberbank commands to number 900
Sberbank commands to number 900

To transfer money to a SIM linked to plastic, you just have to write the transfer amount in the message. Then the letter is sent to number 900. The Sberbank team will allow you to transfer a certain amount of money to your mobile device in just a minute.

Replenishment of someone else's phone has the following form: TEL number amount, where "number" is the recipient's phone number.

If you change the last request, you can transfer a certain amount of money to a citizen's card. For this, an SMS of the type is used: Transfer number amount, where "transfer" is the main command, and "number" is the recipient's phone number.


It's hard to believe, but every Sberbank client can quite easily repay a loan through mobile banking. Sberbank SMS commands to number 900 allow you to send different ones. And among them there is the possibility of repaying loans and borrowings.

You will have to write the word "Credit" in the message, and after it - the number of the borrower's account. Through a gap, as in all previous situations, it is necessaryindicate the transfer amount.


This is not all Sberbank SMS commands. 900 is a short number used by the mobile banking of the mentioned financial institution. And if desired, the option can be blocked or unblocked.

In the first case, you will have to send a message with the text "Blocking services", in the second - "Unlocking services". All these operations are sent to the number 900. Within a few minutes, the user will receive a message about the successful processing of a particular request.

Sberbank command sms 900
Sberbank command sms 900

USSD replacement

We found out which Sberbank commands to 900 can be sent. But, as you can see, it was only about SMS-requests. There are also USSD commands.

The most popular requests are the following operations:

  • 90001 - card balance;
  • 900amount - top up your mobile phone;
  • 900phoneamount - transfer money to another person's phone;
  • 90012phonemoney - transfer to a card linked to the specified mobile phone.

It's actually easier than it looks. And everyone can poison the Sberbank team to number 900. The main thing is to connect to mobile banking.
