2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Every year more and more fruits and vegetables unadapted to our natural conditions appear in the country. If you follow certain recommendations for their care, then foreign cultures will take root in our country. It has long been possible to meet on store shelves an unusual radish, or large-sized and white radish. This exotic vegetable came to our tables from Japan, but it has already taken root well and is successfully grown on domestic garden plots. Daikon planting, the timing of which depends on the region, is carried out according to the rules familiar to many, which should be discussed in more detail.

Vegetable Description
Most gardeners are concerned about the question, what is a daikon? Planting and care, planting dates, diseases and pests of vegetables will also be discussed in the article, but first things first.
This root vegetable is often referred to as "Japanese radish" because it is a hybrid of radish and radish, but with a very delicate and juicy taste. It is due to the absence of mustard oils in the vegetable. In the homeland of the plant, more than 400 of its species have been bred, many of which havepinkish tint of fruits, but only white ones grow in Russia.
Externally, root crops have sprawling wide leaves, the rosette of which reaches 40 cm in diameter. The shape of the foliage is dissected, depending on the variety, there may be an edge. The green mass without pubescence is often used for food. The root crop itself can be round or oval elongated, which also depends on the variety. In some cases, a third of the fruit peeks out of the ground. So, daikon Minowashi, planting and care, planting dates and other features of which are ideal for our climate, gradually protrudes from the ground as it grows.

You can eat a large Japanese radish both fresh and boiled or s alted. To obtain a quality harvest, it is necessary to choose varieties with a ripening period of no more than 90 days.
Vegetable Benefits
Daikon radish, planting and care, planting dates and other nuances of growing which also depend on the species, is valued by domestic gardeners for stable yields and unpretentious care. Also, already ripened fruits can be perfectly stored for several months without losing their presentation, which is important.
In addition to the commercial qualities that are immediately visible to everyone, the benefits of the root crop are also manifested in the high content of vitamins and trace elements.
So, every vegetable can boast of having:
- phytoncides;
- glycosides;
- pectic substances;
- minerals;
- fiber;
- vitamin C;
- complex proteinstructures.

Also, the root crop perfectly cleanses the kidneys and liver of toxins and removes stones. With all this, the daikon does not have at all or contains minimal amounts of mustard oil, which gives bitterness and pungency to the vegetable. This gives the vegetable a huge advantage over other brethren, since even elderly people can eat it without fear.
All this has led to the daikon being the main vegetable crop grown in its homeland. So, what are the dates for planting daikon on the territory of our country?
Drop-off time
The timing of planting daikon in open ground is usually reduced to the beginning of July, so that gardeners can get a quality crop of root crops. For planting vegetables on greens, you can shift this period later, at the end of summer. Depending on the variety and place of cultivation, the timing may vary slightly. So, daikon Sasha, planting and care, the planting dates of which are the same for absolutely the entire territory of the country, can be planted in any region at one set time, since it quickly matures. The shape of this vegetable is round, small, which allows you to get ripe root crops earlier.

If growing daikon on an industrial scale, it is best to do it in light soils, well fertilized and neutral, as this will make it easier to pull out the roots after ripening. Especially these rules should be remembered when planting deep varieties.
In general, daikon, planting and care, the planting dates of which are not verydiffer from those for the usual radish or radish, and has similar recommendations for agrotechnical measures. You can grow a vegetable for your personal table on any soil, and caring for it is not at all difficult.
Features of planting for the winter
The timing of planting radish and daikon coincide in many ways, as well as other features of sowing. So, it is not recommended to make large beds, it is better to pay attention to small areas with half a meter row spacing. In order for the planting of the daikon, its ripening time and other yield indicators to be optimal, it is best to pre-soak the planting material for at least a day so that the seeds have time to hatch. They should be planted in the ground at such a distance that adult root crops can then fit in the free space. 2-3 seeds are placed in each prepared hole, so that when the first leaves appear, choose the strongest sprout from them and leave only it. The rest just pull out. You can throw them away or transplant them to another hole.

It is interesting that daikon radish, planting and care, planting and harvesting dates of which are suitable for most of the country, can be perfectly used as a secondary crop, because at the time of its planting, July, some plants are already removed from the beds. So, green onions, dill, parsley or lettuce can easily become the predecessor of Japanese radish. Ripened juicy root vegetables will delight gardeners in salads and other dishes throughout most of the winter, making the table more varied and refined.
Features of care
The timing of planting daikon radish in open ground does not change much across the country, as well as the rules for caring for the crop. The main recommendation is deep weeding of the vegetable, which provides it with breathing and the formation of a dense large fruit. It is necessary to carry out the event at least twice a season, and more often.

The radish needs to be fed with easily digestible mineral complexes. Since organic matter greatly affects the taste of the root crop and disfigures its shape, it is strictly forbidden to use it, even rotted manure is harmful and worsens the shelf life of the vegetable. Watering the daikon should be moderate and regular. Excess moisture leads to rotting of radishes right in the ground, therefore, with frequent rainfall, it is better to refuse watering altogether.
Optimal temperature
Planting daikon, the timing of which is already known, is due to the temperature regime that is optimal for obtaining a high-quality root crop. Many people sow this radish in the spring along with other crops, believing that this way they will get a harvest earlier, but everything is not easy. Cold spring air, together with a long daylight hours, leads to the fact that almost the entire landing goes into arrows. So that the vegetable does not go into seeds, you should strictly observe the timing of planting daikon in the middle lane, which are determined by the beginning or end of July (depending on the area).
When storing the already harvested crop, it is also important to observe the correct temperature regime. Root crops lie best inplastic bags or sandboxes in the cellar or refrigerator. The temperature for this is suitable from +1 to -5 degrees. With an increase in these indicators, fruit damage with white rot is observed.
Depending on the variety, the ripening period of the vegetable also changes, so the harvest can be done at different times. Most often, domestic gardeners choose varieties with a ripening period of 1.5-2 months, but there are specimens that grow for 90 days. Since the timing of planting daikon in the Moscow region will not allow you to get a quality crop with a long ripening period, it is better to pay attention to early ripening varieties.

Crops can be harvested from household plots by hand if the soil permits. To do this, the roots are simply pulled out by the tops. If the soil is very dense, then you need to lightly dig the vegetables with a shovel. It is important to do this in dry weather, immediately sorting quality fruits from damaged ones.
Even when planting the daikon on time, you can see a small number of plants that have thrown arrows on the seeds. It is completely impossible to avoid this, since such behavior is completely dependent on weather conditions and the length of daylight hours. Only its reduction can slow down the reproductive function and favorably affect the development of the fetus.
Best varieties
To get a good harvest, it is important not only to follow all the rules for growing crops, but also to choose the right variety for your conditions. This includes not only climaticfeatures of the region, and the composition of the soil on the site. In the homeland of the daikon, the choice of varieties is so wide that you can find the best option for any soil features, but in the domestic market everything is not so simple. Among the abundance of varieties, it is best to pay attention to those that have already been tested by many gardeners on various types of soil.
So, it is recommended to grow these varieties:
- on light soils - Ninengo, Nerrima;
- on heavy soils - Shogoin, Shiroagari;
- on loamy - Tokinashi, Miyashige.
Good yields of these varieties are provided by deep immersion of root crops in the ground. Of course, no one canceled the timing of planting daikon in the Urals in the summer - this is the very middle of summer. Only an integrated approach to growing a crop can ultimately demonstrate maximum yields.
Interestingly, even with too early sowing, when most of the crop goes into seeds, the roots do not lose their taste. They remain the same juicy and are not subject to lignification, only their size differs. Root crops do not grow to the declared dimensions if shooters are released.

Yield per square meter
The maximum yield in our country is 10 kg per square meter.
It can be demonstrated by varieties such as:
- Dykunis;
- TsukusHaru;
- Green NeckMiyage.
Popular varieties such as Daisy, Bluesky and Haruyoshi,can boast of indicators of only 7.5 kg, subject to the creation of maximum comfort for growth. Further, the yield by variety is declining, but the listed varieties, with the declared indicators, are capable of producing fruits weighing up to 3.5 kg each. Of course, it is very rare to achieve such indicators in a private courtyard, mostly root crops weigh no more than 500 grams. This is especially true for late plantings, when the daikon is sown already in late July or early August, as is done in Siberia. Under such conditions, the yield does not exceed 5 kg per meter, and each fruit weighs about 300 grams.
It is interesting that in the homeland of the vegetable there is a variety capable of producing fruits weighing up to 40 kg each. It's called Sakurajima.
Domestic hybrid
Since the overseas vegetable is still not adapted to our climate and gardeners have to largely adapt to its characteristics, domestic breeders decided to start working on adapting the popular root crop to the Russian climate. The first and most common hybrid produced by Russian breeders is the Klyk variety. It was obtained by crossing the Tashanhong radish and the Chinese sample.

The resulting vegetable has dissected leaves with a round shape of each lobe. In total, there are about 20 pieces, which is 20% of the mass of the entire plant. On the surface of the entire green mass there is a slight pubescence, which does not allow the leaves themselves to be used as food. The root crop of the variety has a cylindrical elongated shape up to 22 cm. The diameter of each vegetable is no more than 9 cm, which makes it not very large. The maximum weight of such a fruit is 500 grams, and on average this figure ranges from 300 grams. The taste of the Fang is spicy-sweet, and as it grows, the roots rise above the ground, so they are easily harvested by hand.
The variety is sown to obtain seeds for the next year already in early spring, but for a quality harvest of root crops, planting is required no earlier than July.
Growing in Siberia
Daikon planting dates in Siberia and the Urals do not differ from those described earlier. To get a quality crop in such climate conditions, you only need to follow certain rules for caring for the crop. It is very important to regularly loosen the soil so that the fresh air entering the root crops helps them gain weight faster. It also keeps the plantings clean.

It is enough to water the daikon no more than once a week, but with frequent rainfall, this frequency should be reduced. Heavy rains can also provoke soil erosion, which must be eliminated by heaping the crop. In order for all shoots to be strong and strong, you need to thin them out in a timely manner, leaving the strongest shoots. You can also pick a culture at the moment the second true leaf appears, and then plant the sprouts at a distance of at least 6 cm between each other.
It is necessary to feed the planting exclusively with mineral mixtures, since organic matter does more harm to the entire crop.
Growing for seeds
As already mentioned, most of the spring planting itself goes to arrows due to the climate at this time of the year, but there is another way to get planting material. In order to be guaranteed to grow daikon seeds at any time of the year, it is necessary to take root crops that have ripened precisely after the spring planting. The tops are completely removed from them, only cuttings no more than 10 cm are left, after which the vegetable is placed in the refrigerator for 10 days. When the deadline has passed, the plant is planted in open ground at a slight slope. Such a vegetable will certainly shoot an arrow, and after it is fully ripe, it will be possible to collect high-quality seeds for subsequent planting.
Pests and diseases
Modern chemicals, which are used to treat many plants from parasites and diseases, provoke pests to develop immunity to the substances acting on them or move to other crops. So, the exotic daikon was also unlucky, which very quickly began to be eaten by local parasites. Since the vegetable belongs to the cruciferous family, the same pests that eat radishes, cabbage and other vegetables have stuck to it. Most often you can find slugs, sacral flea and garden scoop on the Japanese radish.
Since it is impossible to eat vegetables damaged by these parasites, it is necessary to deal with them even before they appear. To do this, the perimeter of the beds is sprinkled with red pepper or ash. It is better to do this in specially made grooves. You can crush the entire landing site with ashes directly aftersowing, then after the appearance of the first sprouts and then at the same frequency.

As it turned out, in order to get a good harvest of daikon, it should be carefully looked after. If you follow all the recommendations that were described above, then you are guaranteed to be able to enjoy dishes from this vegetable.
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