Technology for growing cucumbers in open ground

Technology for growing cucumbers in open ground
Technology for growing cucumbers in open ground

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables. To grow it, it is absolutely not necessary to build a greenhouse. Growing cucumbers outdoors, under certain conditions, can bring a rich harvest.

Cucumber cultivation technology: basic subtleties

cucumber flower
cucumber flower

All plants require moisture, heat, light and nutrients. Of course, there are some cultures that may well grow without one of these components. However, the cucumber in this sense is a rather demanding vegetable.

The following are the main conditions for growing a good harvest:

  1. The main thing is warmth. The minimum temperature should be at least 12 degrees. In this case, cucumbers will grow normally. Before sowing seeds, the soil temperature must be measured. You can also use folk signs. Experienced summer residents know that the best time for sowing comes when acacia and lilac are in bloom. It is from this moment that you can start planting cucumbers. Cultivation and care in the open field differ significantly fromsimilar processes in the greenhouse.
  2. In case of insufficient heating, the cucumber may grow poorly. However, the lack of light will not adversely affect the plant. The bush will stretch, the foliage will wither, and there is no need to talk about the taste of cucumbers. Therefore, it is better to choose a well-lit place for landing.
  3. The technology of growing cucumbers in the open field provides for several periods of plant development. There is a time when vegetables should be watered abundantly, and there is a period when a large amount of moisture can adversely affect the yield. The first time after planting, the plant requires generous watering. It is then that the vegetable begins to gain vegetative mass. When watering, you need to know the measure, otherwise the water will stagnate and cause the stems to rot. After the appearance of buds, you need to reduce watering. This little trick will help you achieve better development. Subsequently, it is necessary to gradually increase watering. When the first greens begin to appear on the loops, it should be maximum.
  4. Experienced gardeners know some secrets of growing cucumbers in the open field. One of them is related to irrigation technology. Water should have a temperature ranging from 20 to 25 degrees. Watering cucumbers is best in the late evening. When watering, try not to get on the foliage. If this rule is violated, the plant may “get sick”. In this case, the quality of the fruit will noticeably deteriorate.
  5. Special attention should be paid to nutrients. Manure or compost is best for fertilizing cucumbers. The choice in thiscase depends solely on the gardener. It must be taken into account that fresh manure can harm the roots of the plant. Manure also contains a large number of weeds and infections. These nutritional supplements are best applied in a slightly overripe form. Since manure is a highly concentrated fertilizer, it should only be used as an additive. The most harmless and versatile fertilizer is compost.
  6. As for minerals, it is best to bring them to the cucumbers in the form of a solution. This is due to the special sensitivity of the roots of the plant. Feeding is the best way to provide nutrients.

Growing methods

cucumbers in the greenhouse
cucumbers in the greenhouse

The most popular among Russian summer residents is the seedling method. It allows you to reduce the time of sowing and get an early harvest. Growing cucumbers in open ground in this way has its drawbacks. Roots can be seriously damaged during transplantation. To solve this problem, you can use a simple method, namely growing seedlings in peat pots. Subsequently, you can transplant the plant into the open ground directly in them.

There are other ways to grow cucumbers outdoors. One of the most effective is considered a warm bed. To equip it, it is necessary to dig a small trench and fill it with unripe manure or compost. A mixture of these components is also suitable. From above, all this is sprinkled with a layer of earth. This is where the seeds need to be planted. Manure with compost will continue to rot and thus create heat, whichwill warm the bed. One of the varieties of this method is planting in a barrel. The vessel is filled from below with decaying organic matter, on top of which a layer of soil is laid.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • allows you to save space in your summer cottage;
  • helps avoid the unpleasant effects of frost;
  • creates the most favorable conditions for growing cucumbers;
  • provides convenience for plant care.

Old glasses are more suitable for landing. Holes should be made at the bottom and sides to drain water, as well as improve ventilation of the root system.

Recently, growing cucumbers on a trellis in the open field has become increasingly popular. This is a fairly convenient method, since it allows you to provide the most optimal conditions for the growth and development of the plant. Let's consider it in more detail.

Technology for growing cucumbers on a trellis

cucumbers on a bush
cucumbers on a bush

There are many methods by which you can plant cucumbers. Agrotechnics of cultivation in open ground on a trellis has become quite widespread. This is due to a number of advantages, which include the rational use of space, ease of care, improving the quality of the crop, creating the most comfortable conditions in terms of ventilation and illumination. It has long been known that cucumbers planted in this way are less susceptible to disease.

Structure of trellis

Today you can find several design options. The most convenient option is considered to be made in the form of a wall. To arrange it, you need to drive in the racks on both sides of the beds and pull the net between them. You can also drive several supports along a row and pull a cord over them. Thus, vertical cultivation of cucumbers in open ground is carried out.

Another popular type of trellis is double. The design in this case is erected simultaneously for two breasts. Such a trellis should have high strength. Usually it is arranged on fairly long rows with a large mass of cucumber lashes.

You can also arrange a trellis in the form of a tent. Outwardly, this method looks quite effective. It is great for small areas. In addition, such designs have a rather unusual appearance and are sure to attract attention.

The options for arranging the trellis can also include the joint cultivation of tall plants like sunflowers or corn with cucumbers. They will serve as a support and protection for heat-loving plants. This method provides several advantages at once. Firstly, the work of the gardener is greatly facilitated. Secondly, in this case, you can harvest two crops from one garden at once. It is worth remembering that you can create a “living support” only if the soil on the site is fertile enough. After all, nutrients in this case should be enough for two plants at once. It is also worth remembering the mandatory use of root or foliar dressings.

Another important point that you should pay attention to is the term for arranging the trellis. Herit is necessary to erect even before the stalks of cucumbers begin to lie down. Otherwise, you risk disturbing the shoots. It is necessary to create supports when the cucumber sprouts rise by about 10 cm.

Features of growing cucumbers in open ground

cucumber cultivation technology
cucumber cultivation technology

This may seem unusual to many, but in fact, the cucumber belongs to the gourd family of plants. Cucumber fruits are usually eaten unripe. The vegetable has excellent taste characteristics. This is a dietary product, which, in addition to everything else, has a number of medicinal properties.

A cucumber is 98 percent water. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. According to history, culture arose about 6,000 years ago. The cucumber originated in India. It was brought to Europe by merchants who did business in those places. In our country, cucumber first appeared in the 15th century. From the beginning of the 18th century, the technology of growing in open ground with soil heating began to be used. At the end of the 18th century, the first greenhouses appeared in Russia. Greenhouses with pine forest heating and glass frames began to be used only in the 19th century. In the middle of the past, with the advent of polymer film, a kind of revolution took place in horticulture. This material made it possible to quickly create shelters and greenhouses, which, in turn, simplified the process of growing cucumbers.

Cucumber: useful qualities

Vitamins and nutrients that cucumber contains are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The vegetable is a source of minerals as wellhas medicinal properties. It has a laxative, choleretic and diuretic effect on the body. It is also used for cosmetic purposes to create anti-acne and anti-aging products. Prolonged use of cucumbers in food has a beneficial effect on the state of the thyroid gland. The vegetable contains potassium and iodine. In addition, cucumber contains B vitamins, so it is recommended to eat it in the presence of diseases of the nervous system. The fiber contained in cucumbers helps to cleanse the body. In addition, it neutralizes the harmful effects of toxins. However, cucumber is not for everyone. It is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis and kidney failure.


cucumbers in warm beds
cucumbers in warm beds

Conventionally, all varieties of cucumbers can be divided into three categories:

  • greenhouse: smooth, can reach 30 cm in length;
  • bed beds: reach 10-15 cm in length;
  • gherkins: grow no longer than 10 cm.

Cucumbers with white spikes are commonly used for salads and fresh consumption. For pickling, varieties with black spines are more suitable. Many gardeners recommend German cucumbers. Outdoor cultivation of this variety allows you to achieve a rich harvest.

Seed preparation

After choosing a variety, you can start harvesting seeds. It is better to warm them up and germinate before planting. Heat treatment reduces the risk of diseases in the plant. This procedure is best done a couple of months before planting. Seeds are hung near the sourceheat in gauze. The day before sowing, the seeds are placed in water at room temperature so that they germinate. Then you can start landing.

Growing seedlings

cucumber care
cucumber care

Cultivation of cucumbers in the open field in the suburbs is very popular. But to get a good harvest, you have to seriously try. If you prefer to use seedlings, then the soil in which you plan to plant them should be identical in composition to that in which the sprouts were grown. For its preparation, it is best to use sawdust and peat. Before preparing the soil for sawdust, add a tablespoon of s altpeter, mix and leave for three days. Then the resulting mixture must be moistened and kept for another two days. This is done so that the soil is properly saturated with fertilizer. Only in this case, the plant will be able to get all the substances necessary for growth.

Pre-prepared soil must be distributed among the pots. After that, it is watered with a solution prepared from 10 liters of water, s alts of copper, manganese, zinc (0.08 grams of each component must be taken) and 0.02 grams of boric acid. In each pot, you need to make a hole and put a germinated seed. From above it is lightly sprinkled with earth. Experienced gardeners recommend covering the top of the pots with polyethylene. In this case, moisture will not evaporate from the surface. After the first shoots appear, the film should be removed.

How to make a garden bed?

Many today are interested in how to properly plant Courage cucumbers. Growing outdoors can bring good results. The plant also needs good lighting, high humidity and proper care. The first step is the preparation of the beds. This usually starts in the fall. To grow cucumbers, you need to dig a strip 30 cm deep and 70 cm wide. The length is determined by the size of the area that you are going to allocate for planting. A small depression is made in the center of the bed, in which grass, leaves, sawdust and peat are placed. In this state, they are left until spring. With the onset of heat, 15 cm of manure and fertile soil are laid on the bottom. After that, it is necessary to pour the prepared solution onto the bed. It consists of a liter of wood ash, 10 grams of potassium s alt, 20 grams of superphosphate and a solution of manganese. After that, the earth is abundantly watered and covered with a film.


proper cultivation of cucumbers
proper cultivation of cucumbers

And so how is the cultivation and care of cucumbers in the open field? With proper planting technology and proper care, you can achieve a rich harvest. If you want to get a positive result, be sure to study what conditions you need to create for plants.
