Tomato Black Crimea: description with photo, variety characteristics, reviews

Tomato Black Crimea: description with photo, variety characteristics, reviews
Tomato Black Crimea: description with photo, variety characteristics, reviews

The domestic tomato variety Black Crimea is well known not only in our country, but also in Europe, and even in the USA. Back in Soviet times, Swiss breeder Lars Rosentrom drew attention to these unusual tomatoes. During the travel of this specialist in the Crimea, among other things, he was presented with the seeds of such black tomatoes. He really liked them.

Tomatoes Black Crimea: general description

This wonderful variety belongs to the group of indeterminate. That is, the growth of these tomatoes during the season is not limited by anything. The length of the stems of tomatoes of this variety can reach a considerable length - up to 1.8 m. Especially high, while such bushes grow in a greenhouse.

The root system of Cherny Krym tomatoes, like practically any other indeterminate ones, is very well developed. At the same time, the bushes of this variety usually grow quite thick.

Black Crimea on the bushes
Black Crimea on the bushes

This feature of Black Crimea tomatoes should be taken into account when growing. Space for each such plant requires a lot. It is not recommended to thicken plantings between Black Crimea tomatoes too much, becausein this case, they, firstly, will lack soil nutrients. Secondly, if plants are placed too often, plantings with them will subsequently be poorly ventilated. And this, in turn, can cause the development of fungal diseases.


Cherny Krym belongs to the group of early varieties. The fruits ripen on the bushes of these tomatoes approximately 75-80 days after planting. It is allowed to plant this old variety, which has long been loved by summer residents, both in open and in closed ground. However, since Black Crimea does not differ in a special degree of frost resistance, like any other southern tomatoes, it is recommended to grow it only in a greenhouse in central Russia. The same applies to Siberia and the Urals. It’s just that Russian summer residents usually plant these tomatoes in open-air beds only in the Crimea, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

To the pluses of this wonderful variety, gardeners, among other things, include a very good yield. With proper care, you can get up to 4 kg of fruit per season from a Black Crimea bush alone. Also, this variety is characterized by a high degree of resistance to major nightshade diseases.


Cherny Krym tomato bushes look very strong and impressive. However, the main feature of these tomatoes, which distinguishes them from the bulk of modern varieties, is the appearance of the fruit. These tomatoes got their name, of course, not in vain. In the last stages of development, the fruits of the Black Crimea are usually dark brown in color. Upon reaching the samematurity, they become almost black.

The weight of the fruits of this variety is on average 300-350 g. The lower tomatoes may also differ in large sizes - up to 500 g. The shape of the tomatoes of the Black Crimea is flat-round. At the same time, on the fruits you can often see a slight ribbing in the region of the stalk.

Harvest of the Black Crimea
Harvest of the Black Crimea

The taste of tomatoes, according to most summer residents, is simply excellent. The pulp of the fruits of this variety is sweet, juicy, fleshy and very fragrant without sourness.

Seeds in Black Crimea tomatoes are usually quite a lot. However, the seed chambers themselves are not too large. The main part of the fruit of these tomatoes falls precisely on the pulp.

Photos of Black Crimea tomatoes are presented on this page. As you can see, the shoots of these tomatoes are really very powerful, and the fruits have a really unusual appearance.

Some of the disadvantages of many gardeners include the fact that, although their fruits are covered with a fairly dense skin, they, unfortunately, do not differ in special transportability. When growing the Black Crimea, it is important not to overdo it with watering. Otherwise, ripe fruits, among other things, can also crack right on the bushes. The keeping quality of tomatoes of this variety, unfortunately, is also not particularly good.

Using fruits

Grow summer residents Cherny Krym primarily for fresh consumption. It is also believed that tomatoes of this variety are great for preparing summer salads.

Tomato fruit pulp
Tomato fruit pulp

Sizethe fruits of the Black Crimea are large. Therefore, in general, they are not pickled or s alted. In addition, during heat treatment, the skin may burst in the fruit. When harvesting vegetables for the winter, the fruits of this variety are usually used only for making juice and ketchup.

Tomatoes Black Crimea: reviews of summer residents

The advantages of this variety, gardeners, as already mentioned, primarily include high yields, unusual fruit appearance and disease resistance. Also, these tomatoes attract summer residents and their relative unpretentiousness. For southern tomatoes, this is, of course, a rarity. The only thing that needs to be monitored when growing the Black Crimea, according to summer residents, is to ensure that in late spring - early summer the bushes do not beat return frosts. Otherwise, the plants will die.

Judging by the descriptions of the Black Crimea tomato variety available on the Internet, its undoubted advantages include the fact that the fruits on it ripen gradually. This makes it possible to make salads in the summer using such tomatoes almost every day.

Reviews about Black Crimea
Reviews about Black Crimea

Some disadvantage of this variety, in addition to poor keeping quality, summer residents also consider that it gives ovaries rather sluggishly. To increase the yield of this variety, experienced gardeners recommend forming its bushes into 2 stems.


The Black Crimea tomatoes, like any other, are grown by domestic gardeners using the seedling method. In boxes, the seeds of these tomatoes are sown about 60 days before being transferred to open ground. That is, they plant seedlings of the Black Crimea, usually in the middleMarch.

From the very first days, the sprouted sprouts of this variety begin to develop very intensively. The seedlings of the Black Crimea look, judging by the reviews of summer residents, usually much more powerful and large than those of other tomatoes. Accordingly, the ground for such tomatoes in the boxes should be poured nutritious. For planting seeds of the Black Crimea, you can, for example, mix ordinary garden soil with a small amount of steamed manure.

Seedlings of the Black Crimea
Seedlings of the Black Crimea

Permanent Landing

By the time they are transferred to the greenhouse or to the beds, the seedlings of the Black Crimea already usually reach a height of about 20 cm. Experienced summer residents recommend planting tomatoes of this variety in a permanent place in a checkerboard pattern. At the same time, gardeners advise doing this in such a way that there is a distance of approximately 60 cm between neighboring plants.

Immediately after planting, it is recommended to tie the bushes of the Black Crimea to the supports. This will contribute to better plant survival. A day after the transfer to a permanent place, it is advisable to water the seedlings. Further, the beds can be mulched with well-rotted manure.

Care in a permanent place

As already mentioned, Black Crimea tomatoes are formed in most cases in 2 stalks. At the same time, experienced gardeners advise removing stepchildren from such tomatoes when they reach a height of about 5 cm.

Actually, the technology for caring for these tomatoes is usually used by gardeners as standard. That is, when growing summer residents use the same methods that are suitable forany other indeterminate tomatoes.

How to care for tomatoes
How to care for tomatoes

The only thing is that when growing the Black Crimea tomato variety, it is recommended to slightly adjust the standard frequency of watering. As mentioned above, with too frequent moistening of the earth under such tomatoes, their fruits may crack when ripe. Moreover, judging by the reviews of summer residents available on the Web, in this case the pulp of Black Crimea tomatoes, although it remains sweet without sourness, still turns out to be somewhat watery. Summer residents usually water these tomatoes no more than 1-2 times a week plentifully.
