Tomato "princess": photo with a description of the variety, characteristics, reviews

Tomato "princess": photo with a description of the variety, characteristics, reviews
Tomato "princess": photo with a description of the variety, characteristics, reviews

What summer resident does not dream of harvesting the richest harvest on his small plot? For this, new care methods, modern or folk fertilizers, and the newest varieties are used. It is not surprising that many gardeners know about the Princess tomato variety. It is distinguished by high yield, excellent taste and many other important advantages. Therefore, it will be quite useful to learn more about him.

Features of the variety

First of all, it is worth characterizing the "princess" tomato. It is perfect not only for greenhouses, but also for open ground - subject to the use of seedlings. The yield is quite high - on average, 13-14 kilograms of ripe fruits can be harvested from one square meter, which is a very good indicator.

good harvest
good harvest

Ripening time - about 100-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

The bushes are quite tall - about 150-160 centimeters. Therefore, it is very important to use a garter so that they do not fall under the weight of the fruit - in this case, there is a high probability of rot, especially if the beds are notmulch is used. You also need to form bushes to achieve better yields.

Key features

Having appeared on the market relatively recently, the variety quickly gained considerable popularity. This is not surprising - it has a number of important advantages that make it a good choice for almost any gardener. We list the main ones.

fresh salad
fresh salad

First of all, it is resistance to many diseases that affect tomatoes and nightshade in general. This is especially important for small summer cottages, where, due to the small area, it is necessary to plant crops on the same plots year after year, without being able to change the location of the beds.

In addition, the bushes are quite good at resisting many pests that can cause considerable harm to both the fruits and the plants themselves.

Not to mention the excellent taste, but we will dwell on them in more detail later.

A sharp drop in temperature (of course, without falling to sub-zero temperatures) and a lack of sunlight, although it reduces yields, still does not pose a serious danger to plants. This is very important for many regions of our country.

Description of fruits

Now it's worth briefly talking about the fruits of the "princess" tomatoes, the photos of which are attached to the article. After all, it is for their sake that summer residents spend a lot of time and effort, working hard on the beds.

The fruits are quite large - an average of 150 to 250 grams. With good care, the first fruits formed on the bushes can reach even enormous weight - up to450 grams. But their number is usually small. Tastes are excellent. The high sugar content pairs well with the fleshy flesh, making tomatoes a good choice for salads, winter marinades, ketchup, and tomato juice.

Appetizing pulp
Appetizing pulp

The skin is quite thin and smooth - the color is rich raspberry or red. However, it is precisely because of the thin stone that the fruits are not suitable for long-term storage, and they also do not tolerate transportation over long distances. For some summer residents who have to drive on a bad road for many hours, this can be a serious drawback - alas, some of the tomatoes will most likely be spoiled during transportation.

Sowing seedlings

As mentioned above, in most regions of our country, seedlings will have to be used to grow tomatoes in open ground. The exception is the southernmost regions, where summer lasts half a year, and winter is very mild.

The first step is to prepare the seeds. Experienced summer residents soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - a few crystals per glass of warm water, in order to only slightly tint the liquid. It is enough to soak the seeds for half an hour. On the one hand, this will destroy any infections that are on the seeds. On the other hand, get rid of the empty ones that will float on the surface. They should not be used when planting, so as not to take up useful space in the seed container.

tomato seedling
tomato seedling

Sowing should start 45-60 days before planting in the ground. Then by the time the land is wellwill warm up, and the threat of frost will finally pass, the summer resident will have strong, well-rooted plants at his disposal.

After soaking, the seeds are planted in a container or in separate peat pots. It's best to use a store-bought mix or make your own using black soil, compost, a small amount of peat and sand to make the substrate lighter.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings do not require special care. Immediately after planting, the soil must be moistened and covered with polyethylene or glass, removed to a warm place - the optimum temperature is +25 degrees Celsius. After a few days, the first shoots will appear. After that, the glass or polyethylene is removed, and the seedlings are placed on the windowsill, preferably on the sunny side. The more light the sprouts get, the better.

Suitable for marinades
Suitable for marinades

But at the same time, you need to protect the seedlings from excess heat, otherwise they will simply dry out, despite abundant watering.

The earth is moistened as needed. You can use a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer to encourage leaf development and stem growth.


When the earth warms up enough, you can safely plant seedlings in open ground. The optimal planting pattern is 50 sizes between bushes and the same amount between beds. In this case, the plants will not interfere with each other. Immediately after planting, it is worth watering the beds with a small amount of phosphorus fertilizer dissolved in warm water - this contributes to the development of the root system and will help the tomatoestake root in a new place.

Bushes do not need special care. It is enough to regularly remove weeds so that they do not draw nutrients from the soil, as well as to loosen the earth. Watering - as needed, once or twice a week if there is not enough rainfall.

Parasites also rarely cause problems for summer residents who have chosen the "princess" variety.

Pack of seeds
Pack of seeds

But do not forget about tying. The bushes are very tall, so it is necessary to install sufficiently long rods in the garden and tie tomatoes to them 1 to 3 times during the season.

Some gardeners also practice shaping. There can be two options - in one stem or in two. The first option will be a good choice for open ground - tomatoes are clearly visible on a tall stem and receive a large amount of sunlight and heat. In two stems, a bush should be formed when grown in greenhouses - thanks to this, useful area is saved and a rich harvest can be harvested from a relatively small area.


Due to its numerous advantages, reviews of "Princess" tomatoes are mostly positive.

Many farmers note the ease of care and resistance to parasites and diseases. Versatility is valued - the possibility of growing in greenhouses and open ground. The fruits were not left unattended - excellent taste has become one of the reasons why the variety is so popular today.

At the same time, some note the high cost of seedsand not the highest yield when grown outside greenhouses in the middle lane.


This concludes our article on agriculture. Now you know more about the princess tomato variety. And reviews and photos will allow you to form the most objective opinion, thanks to which each summer resident can easily decide whether this variety suits him or it makes sense to look for another.
