Tomato "snowman": description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato "snowman": description and characteristics of the variety
Tomato "snowman": description and characteristics of the variety

Breeders are constantly working on breeding new tomato varieties. One of the recent innovations is the snowman tomato. This is an unusual hybrid that deserves the attention of gardeners. A distinctive feature of the variety is ease of care, which allows not only professionals to grow it on their plots, but also those who are just starting to master gardening.

Tomatoes "Snowman" photo
Tomatoes "Snowman" photo

Variety description

Tomato "snowman" - a variety bred by domestic breeders. The plant is determinate - about 60 cm, and in the greenhouse it grows up to 120 cm. It inhibits development immediately, as soon as six flower brushes form on the bush. The variety does not require pinching, tying, although it is recommended to put props under the brushes with tomatoes.

The hybrid showed itself perfectly throughout the Russian Federation. It has a high yield - about 5 kilograms of fruit can be harvested from one bush. They are used not only for salads and fresh consumption, but also for canning,processing. Tomatoes ripen in bunches, each of which forms up to six fruits.

Tomato "Snowman"
Tomato "Snowman"


The fruits of the tomato "snowman" have excellent commercial qualities. They are even, round, saturated red, without a green spot at the base. The weight of each tomato is about 150 grams. The pulp is elastic, juicy, sweet in taste. The fruits have a pronounced tomato flavor.

Tomato "snowman" perfectly tolerates transportation. If you suddenly do not have time to harvest, then you can not worry that the fruits will crack. It is typical for this variety to retain its appearance in the beds for a long time. The harvested crop is stored for a long time without loss of external and taste qualities. The taste is not lost during preservation and after heat treatment.

Tomato "Snowman" reviews
Tomato "Snowman" reviews

Features of the "snowman"

According to the description, the snowman tomato grows well in greenhouses, in open ground conditions, under temporary shelters. With any method of cultivation, the variety gives a stable yield. Moreover, it is resistant to most diseases of the nightshade family, which is why it needs to be treated with chemicals less often than others.

Experts recommend growing a variety for summer residents who live in conditions with an unfavorable climate. According to reviews, the snowman tomato will provide a stable and high yield even in prolonged rains and drought. However, there is a possibility of fruit loss, but this is quite possible to avoid.

With the observance of agricultural technology, you can get an impressive harvest of the most delicioustomato with an attractive appearance. The first fruits can be harvested within three months from the moment of sowing seeds for seedlings.


The variety has many advantages.

  1. Resistant to drought, cold.
  2. Bushes are compact.
  3. Early ripening.
  4. Excellent immunity.
  5. Ability to harvest when fruit color is milky white. During maturation, they ripen without loss of taste.
  6. Fruits with excellent taste.

No deficiencies were found in the variety.

Tomatoes "Snowman" description
Tomatoes "Snowman" description

Features of cultivation

To get the "snowman" tomatoes in the photo, you need to grow seedlings. It should be sown taking into account the expected date of planting seedlings in a permanent place. For example, if you plan to plant seedlings in early May, then seedlings should be sown in early March: by the time of planting, seedlings should be about 60 days old.

Sowing seedlings

Seedlings are grown in boxes or any other containers. It is best to use a ready-made substrate for seedlings or tomatoes. It can be purchased at any country store. And you can make the composition yourself, taking the land from the garden, humus, peat and sand.

Sowing is carried out in grooves with a seeding depth of 1-1.5 cm. To speed up germination, the container with crops is placed in a bright, warm place. At a temperature of 23-24 degrees, sprouts appear in a week.

When forming 2-4 true leaves, seedlings dive in separate containers or in anotherbox. You can not carry out this procedure, but simply sprinkle the plants with soil.

As soon as the seedlings are 45-50 days old, they begin to harden them off. To do this, the container with the plants is taken out to the greenhouse for 20 minutes, then the time the plants stay in other conditions is increased, bringing it to a full day.

Tomato "Snowman" photo reviews
Tomato "Snowman" photo reviews

Planting plants

To get a good harvest of tomatoes, you must first prepare the beds. When grown outdoors, they choose places where cucumbers, onions or carrots used to sit. Tomatoes show good results when grown next to strawberries. Both cultures benefit from this.

Don't plant tomatoes in places where potatoes, eggplants or peppers were grown before. Fertilizers are applied to the soil. The use of compost is considered ideal. It is not only rich in various nutrients, but also attracts many earthworms, which loosen the soil, create favorable conditions for bacterial parthenogenesis.

Tomatoes are planted in the finished bed, keeping the distance between plants 30-35 cm, and between rows - 50 cm. Seedlings are planted in cloudy weather or in the evening. Planting a "snowman" with a square-nest method is not worth it.

After planting the plants, they are not touched for a week. At this time, they take root. A week later, the first watering is carried out.

During the growing season, 3-4 top dressings are carried out, and bushes are also treated from pests. To do this, use various insecticides, a decoction of celandine or a solution of ammonia.

For top dressingapply mullein, a solution of bird droppings, mineral fertilizers. At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogenous fertilizers are used to increase the green mass of the bushes. Be sure to use potash and phosphate fertilizers. Approximately two times complex top dressing is carried out using mullein or complex mineral fertilizer.

Important! Nitrogenous fertilizers should be used with caution, otherwise the plant will rapidly increase its green mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Features of pollination

According to the characteristics, the snowman tomato belongs to the varieties of the universal growing method. This plant is self-pollinating. When grown outdoors, flowers produce a lot of pollen, which is enough to pollinate neighboring flowers. However, in greenhouse conditions, pollen is less produced, and fruits are not always tied. To help with this, tapping on a trellis or flowering brush is recommended. This procedure is carried out at 10-11 o'clock, at a temperature of 22 degrees and above. Immediately after pollination, the plants are sprayed to help the pollen stick to the flower.

Tomato variety "Snowman"
Tomato variety "Snowman"


Numerous reviews of the snowman tomato, the photos of the fruits of which are given in the review, prove high yields. Every gardener who has grown a variety recommends planting it. And as some summer residents say, “this is a real find.”

The variety does not require special cultivation skills and is ideal for beginners. It does not need to be stepsoned, formed, tied up. The bushes are quite powerful and low, do not require support. However, as reviews confirm, the brushes need props.

Early return of the crop avoids infection of plants with phytophthora and other nightshade diseases. Moreover, the “snowman” is resistant to many diseases. Because of this, plants are recommended for growing in the extreme conditions of the north, as well as in areas with unstable weather.

The reviews say that the fruits have excellent taste, which confirms the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. Moreover, as some professional gardeners say, the excellent taste of early tomato varieties is a rarity.

Despite the many positive qualities, the variety has one drawback - it is the impossibility of self-collecting seeds. Hybrids do not retain parental qualities, which is why it is necessary to purchase seed from the manufacturer.
