Russian transport inspection ensures road safety

Russian transport inspection ensures road safety
Russian transport inspection ensures road safety

Most of our lives are spent on the road. A special place in this case is given to road transport. It is inherently highly mobile and at the same time less affected by external factors.

Russian transport inspection: the need for its existence

transport inspection
transport inspection

Modern road transport is the most mass-produced area, which has long occupied and firmly holds leading positions in the general economic complex of the state. The development of market relations in the Russian Federation contributed to the destruction of the previously existing sectoral system for managing such mobile vehicles. Despite the necessity and naturalness of this process, the effect at the initial stage was negative. It was accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of accidents on the roads, a decrease in traffic volumes and the output of the rolling stock fleet. This was primarily due to the lack of an equivalent system of state management of activities in the transport sector to replace the scheme that existed at that time. However, the new systemshould have been adapted to modern economic conditions.

With demonopolization and privatization, a large number of private carriers appeared in this service sector.

Creation of transport inspection

road transport inspection
road transport inspection

In order to exercise state control over compliance with legal, regulatory and technical acts that regulate the activities of this industry, as well as over the implementation of international transportation by cars in 1990, a transport inspectorate was created within the structure of the Ministry of Transport. And in 1991, the relevant territorial bodies were organized in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

At the initial stage of its existence, the transport inspectorate had to form a staff of qualified employees, professionals. Their responsibilities included solving issues of organizing the structure of this industry, creating databases on car owners, on the number of rolling stock both in general in the Russian Federation and in its constituent entities separately.

Thus, by the beginning of 1992, the transport inspection functioned in full. In its structure, subdivisions of inspection and licensing of rolling stock, departments of road facilities, as well as such necessary departments as accounting and financial accounting were organized.

Functions and tasks of the transport inspection authorities

Russian transport inspectorate
Russian transport inspectorate

As the market economy in Russia has developed, the transport inspectorate has gained a wider range oftasks and functions. However, the most important among them are the following:

- development and approval of rules for the admission of newly registered business entities in the field of the motor transport market;

- licensing of this type of activity;

- monitoring the fulfillment by transport workers of the requirements in accordance with the license issued to them, as well as the existence of the right to apply sanctions in case of violation of these requirements in accordance with applicable law;

- analysis of rolling stock maintenance.

The traffic inspectorate performs its functions in the following three areas: control at business entities and on the line, checking complaints from enterprises.

Inspection results

As mentioned above, the history of this state body has more than 20 years. Even in the first years of its existence, the result of its work was already a significant reduction in accidents on the roads. Such an effective tool as licensing was of great importance in achieving such positive moments. This is a mandatory norm that forces the licensee who has entered this business to ensure the operability of all internal production systems designed to prevent the occurrence of accidents on the roads, as well as to improve the quality of the transport services provided. In other words, the carrier must have highly qualified drivers, officials certified in a special manner, to fulfill all license requirements in order to maintain safety.traffic on the roads.

Interaction between the Transport Inspectorate and the Tax Service of the Russian Federation

transport tax office
transport tax office

Transport tax inspection as such does not exist. However, there are divisions in the structure of the Russian tax service that administer such a tax.

Back in 1992, a Letter was signed on the interaction of transport and tax inspectorates, providing for the exchange of information on newly registered enterprises engaged in transportation, as well as on the availability of the necessary license for this type of activity.
