High-yield investments: where to invest

High-yield investments: where to invest
High-yield investments: where to invest

There are no high-yield investments without risk, so they are chosen by those who are ready for certain losses for the sake of quick earnings. And such investors have access to instruments with different levels of profitability.

If you take the time to analyze and check the reliability, you can get a significant increase in capital in a few months.

What investments are called highly profitable

This category includes those investments that bring large profits or increase resources quickly. High margin, significantly higher than deposit rates (15%), is the main difference between high-yield investments.

where to invest
where to invest

Investing in high-yield projects inevitably involves significant risk. For this reason, it is important to carefully study specific instruments, initially calculating possible losses.

In most cases, investors choose among the following options:

  • mutual funds.
  • FBU.
  • PAMM accounts, Forex.
  • Hedge funds.
  • HYIP-projects.
  • Cryptocurrency.
  • Peer-to-peer lending.

It is important to understand that only free funds are invested in such projects, which the investor is ready to lose without serious consequences.

As for the risk, it is inevitable, especially when it comes to the rapid growth of capital. But at the same time, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of losing your money. To do this, you need to diversify - distribute your funds. That is, investing in several promising projects at once.

The main part of the funds is better to invest in the most stable instruments. For those who cannot calmly put up with high risks, it makes sense to pay attention to high-yield investments with insurance. There are companies on the market that provide services for full or partial compensation of invested funds.

How to choose projects

Among the many tempting offers, you need to be able to highlight real opportunities for earning.

cash investment
cash investment

In the selection process, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Features of the offer. It is important to study the terms of investment, working conditions in the project and other factors affecting the level of earnings.
  • Reliability and availability of technical support. Feedback is very important, as various failures and errors can occur, leading to loss of money. In such situations, a quick response from the company is very important.
  • Tariff plans. Any prices and percentages promised for a particular project should always be checked againstauthenticity. Sometimes bright offers and tempting numbers hide nuances that negatively affect the final profit. Unreliable projects often have unfavorable terms for withdrawing earned funds.
  • Advertising campaigns. The solid sums invested in the promotion of the project and its continuous development indicate the seriousness of the company. If the advertising is cheap, made illiterately and there are no project updates for a long time, then you should not risk your money.
  • Website. It is also an indicator of quality. You need to pay attention to the uniqueness of the site, the average cost of its design, the level of protection, the type of hosting and the script. It is also necessary to check the legal and physical address, details of managers and contact numbers.
  • Reputation. Any project needs to be studied, including through reviews. There are many websites, blogs and forums dedicated to monitoring investment projects. You can find all the information you need there.

Checking a specific project requiring investment is a necessary measure to reduce risks. And if we are talking about a highly profitable investment, then you need to monitor everything and carefully.

How to calculate possible profit

Before starting the process of finding suitable projects, it is important to understand how the ROI can be calculated. Such a skill will quickly determine the relevance of a particular offer.

It is better to do the calculation as a percentage - it is easier to determine the level of efficiency of the selected instrument. The following formula is used for this purpose:

ROI=(revenue - cost): amountinvestment x 100%, where ROI is the profitability ratio.

This formula is used to evaluate trades. If we are talking about asset ownership, then you need to apply a different calculation scheme:

ROI=(revenue - cost) x period: investment amount x 100%.

This investment calculation needs to be mastered and constantly applied in order to objectively assess the real benefit.

Investing in mutual funds

Mutual investment funds have become very popular due to the high profits they bring to investors. Such profitability was possible due to real estate transactions and investment in high technology.

how to calculate ROI
how to calculate ROI

Now managers of mutual funds are also working with various companies. Those funds that invest trusted funds in bonds and precious metals have good performance.

If the goal is to find a reliable mutual fund, then you need to initially count on a moderate percentage of profit. Such organizations use optimal strategies, which reduces profitability.

The average percentage that an investor can count on is 9-14% per month. Nearly two-thirds of existing funds return 3-4% per month.

When choosing a mutual fund, you need to pay attention to the manager: if he has been working recently, then it is likely that the strategy for using the funds received will be aggressive. As a result, profitability indicators may turn out to be high due to the labor enthusiasm of the staff. But the risk in this case will also be significant.

Thus, a mutual fund can be safely classified as a high-yield investment. But a stable result will be possible only with a competent analysis of the instrument itself and the potential of the manager.


Bank Management General Fund is a good option for those looking to invest.

Here, as in mutual funds, everything is based on trust management. The bank receives funds from investors, combines them into one fund and invests in securities. Other tools may also be used. Such activities are regulated by applicable law, but the risk of losing money always remains.

To implement different strategies for working with the financial market, the bank can create several funds, each of which will be focused on a specific scheme.

The degree of risk and the level of income when investing in OFBU largely depends on the manager. For this reason, it is important to study the peculiarities of the work of the funds created by the bank.

PAMM accounts

This highly profitable investment tool has a significant plus - the ability to limit losses resulting from the manager's illiterate activities. At the same time, the amount of profit is not limited.

high-yield investment without risk
high-yield investment without risk

In order for the investment to pay off, you need to carefully choose the traders who manage the deposit and distribute the available funds to different accounts.

Stable managers, as in the case of other instruments, rarely give high interest rates. But in the end, the income will be significantly higher than bank rates ondeposits.

The transactions themselves are carried out on the Forex market. Compared to the stock exchange, it has a lower level of volatility, but a few successful transactions can give a significant increase in the deposit. At the same time, the manager is interested in good performance for two reasons:

  • earnings is a percentage of successfully closed deals;
  • trading using his own funds.

Therefore, losses are extremely disadvantageous for a trader.

It is also important to pay attention to the reliability of the broker, since the possibility of withdrawing funds directly depends on it.

In general, the profitability and return on investment when choosing a PAMM account can be at a high level. To do this, you need to distribute funds between stable experienced traders and managers with an aggressive trading style.

HYIP projects

The structure of such an investment project actually repeats the scheme of a financial pyramid. But formally, this instrument is positioned as a fund that manages depositors' money.

The possibility of high income is explained by the fact that managers trade on the stock and currency exchanges using the funds received.

In the vast majority of cases, such projects do not have real offices, detailed reporting and all the necessary documents. The level of offered profit can vary from 20% per month to 120% per day. That is, in a few months, some HYIP projects promise to give more than 3000% growth. But often they close before this time.

Profit in the vast majority of casespaid from the funds received from new depositors.

Although the degree of reliability of such instruments is low, they can be included in the list of high-yield investments. If you invest in HYIP immediately after its opening and do not delay the withdrawal of money, you can get a good income in a short time.

But before you invest, you need to conduct a competent analysis. You need to pay attention to several indicators:

  • Interest rate. The higher it is, the less likely it is to take your money. But with an adequate percentage, HYIP can even exist for several years, which will make it possible to make good money.
  • Launch date. It is important not to pour money into a project if it exists for more than 3-4 months. Otherwise, the risk of investing in a project at the stage of decline will be very high.
  • Distribution of attachments. In order not to go broke on HYIP projects, it is important to actively use diversification. That is, do not invest more than 10% of free funds in one HYIP. Therefore, first you need to conduct a competent analysis of the most reliable options and then invest small shares in several of them.

You can choose several HYIPs with an affiliate program. It will allow you to receive additional income by attracting other investors.

Hedge funds

Such a fund has an investment partnership structure. It is managed by the manager - the main partner. Background capital consists of investors' funds.

A feature of this instrument is a high entry threshold. Based on the current legislation, participate in the hedgefunds can be depositors who can offer investments from 3 million rubles.

the most profitable investment
the most profitable investment

When choosing where to invest money, you should pay attention to such funds for several reasons:

  • Extensive investment field. Money can be invested in stock and currency exchanges, land, real estate, etc.
  • Can be paired with other hedge funds for increased reliability.
  • Implementation of various investment strategies.

Such institutions can use many tools to make a profit and change their strategy depending on the state of the market. This makes a high percentage of capital growth possible.


If the goal is to find the most profitable investment, then Bitcoin must be used without fail.

highly profitable investments with insurance
highly profitable investments with insurance

It is worth investing in cryptocurrencies for the following reasons:

  • Stable growth of the exchange rate.
  • Inflation protection. Due to the structure of the code, Bitcoin will not depreciate.
  • Independence from governments, banks and other external entities.
  • Great liquidity. Bitcoin can be exchanged for many goods and services.
  • Popularity. Many investors have already invested in cryptocurrency and its capitalization continues to grow.

In addition to acquiring coins, you can invest in mining and generate bitcoins.

Investing in blockchain-based startups can be a source of high income. There are many similar projects, and there arewhat. As a result, such a direction as working with cryptocurrency and blockchain makes it possible to receive high profits from several sources. It's profitable and safe.

Peer-to-peer lending

Investing in P2P sites can bring good profits. We are talking about lending to small and medium-sized businesses at a favorable interest rate for the investor. Sometimes this figure is 120% per annum.

You can carry out the lending process using online platforms where an investor and a borrower meet.

profitability and return on investment
profitability and return on investment

Peer-to-peer lending as a tool for capital multiplication has 3 tangible advantages:

  1. Does not require the personal participation of the investor. All you need is to provide your funds, the rest will be taken care of by specialists responsible for the operation of the P2P site.
  2. Legal and transparent. Reporting and all necessary documents are in the investor's personal account.
  3. Moderate risks. The solvency of companies acting as borrowers is always checked.

In addition to this tool, you can use microcredit, which is also a popular way to get high profits.


High-yield investments include many tools that allow you to increase capital. And each of them requires careful study and analysis.

If you thoroughly approach the search for a company and a manager, then a significant profit in a short time will be a real task.