What will happen if you do not pay loans to banks, and is there a way out of this situation?

What will happen if you do not pay loans to banks, and is there a way out of this situation?
What will happen if you do not pay loans to banks, and is there a way out of this situation?

When a borrower gets into a difficult financial situation, one of the questions that arise is: "What will happen if you do not pay loans to banks, what could be the consequences?" and so on. I would like to say right away that it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of debts, but it is quite possible to reduce the amount of accrued interest and fines. What needs to be done for this?

Where to start?

What happens if you don't pay bank loans?
What happens if you don't pay bank loans?

Don't focus on the reasons why you can't pay your bills. This has already happened, it is much more important to start acting and take step by step to improve the situation and your financial situation. If the deadline for non-payment of payments is not yet so long, then it is better to immediately try to contact the bank's security service and clarify the situation, ask about the possibility of debt restructuring, "freezing" the calculation of interest and other possible measures. However, it happens that there is work, butthere are so many loans that it is not enough to fully deposit money monthly and stably. The debt begins to grow like a snowball and one can only guess what will happen if you do not pay loans to banks. Nevertheless, I want to remain a normal person, get rid of this bondage and start living anew, without loans and debts.

Scheme of action

How can you not pay off a loan?
How can you not pay off a loan?

When the main question has arisen about what will happen if you do not pay loans to banks, then you need to sit down and calculate all your debt amounts for each bank separately. Collectors regularly call and send letters, so you won’t be able to get confused in the exact numbers. In order to somehow maintain your moral and mental state, it is better to change your phone number, since the situation is unlikely to clear up from the threats of collectors, and money will not increase. Next, you should re-register all existing property to the next of kin so that the bailiffs cannot take anything. It is not necessary to bring the matter to the point where the court decides to recover the entire amount of the debt in its entirety. Otherwise, you will have to pay the entire debt, and even incur legal costs. In this case, the inability to pay the loan is unlikely to be of interest to anyone.

What can a lawyer or anti-collector do?

inability to pay a loan
inability to pay a loan

A lawyer and an anti-collector will be on the side of the borrower in any case, and they will not tell how you can not pay the loan. Their main task is to reduce the pen alties and fines charged by the bank. In some cases, if it is possible to proveexpiration of the limitation period or illegal actions of the bank itself, the debt can be written off in full. These specialists have a lot of won cases on their account, and they will tell you exactly what will happen if you do not pay loans to banks, definitely, no one will be killed and he alth will not be taken away, and this is the most important thing. This question is not customary to advertise or tell at every step. Each situation is individual and there is always a way out of it. It is enough to certify with a notary the permission of the lawyer to represent the interests of the borrower in court and unsubscribe from the letters of collectors, then laws and law practice come into play. The task of the borrower is to believe in his victory and never again fall into a similar situation.
