Earn by downloading apps and files

Earn by downloading apps and files
Earn by downloading apps and files

More and more people are trying to use the Internet not only for entertainment, but also to turn it into a source of income. To earn decent money, at least comparable to the income from your main job, you need special knowledge and skills. This is how programmers, designers and copywriters make money.

There is another way - to organize a business on the Web. There is no ceiling on income. On the Web, you have access to an audience of millions for ridiculous money - compare the cost of advertising on the Internet and on television for clarity.

However, this approach has a significant disadvantage - it requires initial capital investment. Yes, it's cheaper than starting a traditional business, but you still need money, and a lot of it.

A laptop and a cup of coffee - everything you need to make money on file hosting
A laptop and a cup of coffee - everything you need to make money on file hosting

And what about those who do not understand programming, design, copywriting and are not ready to invest money? Is it really impossible to make money without complex skills and starting investments?

Just such options are discussed below. Allthey do not require starting investments and special skills, but you will have to spend a lot of time. Especially at the initial stage. It's about making money on downloads.

Of course, you won't be able to earn millions in a few days. But you can pay for the same Internet in a month. And then you can scale the process to infinity.

Earnings on file hosting

earnings on file hosting
earnings on file hosting

Everyone has ever downloaded something on the Internet: new music, an interesting movie or a book. When clicking the "Download" button on any site, rarely does anyone think about where the file is physically located and where the link they clicked leads to.

And it leads to a file sharing service. In simple terms, this is just a repository where certain files are located. There are millions of such files. And each of them was placed there by someone - “filled”, in professional terms.

If the file is interesting, like a new movie, or useful, it will be downloaded frequently. And the file sharing service is ready to pay money to the person who posted it for every thousand such downloads. Many people hope to earn money in this way.

The more popular the file, the higher the desire to download it. Accordingly, more people will pay for premium access - the ability to download quickly and without ads. And for those who still decide to get the file for free, advertisers will pay.

It is beneficial for a file sharing service to have popular files uploaded to it. After all, they are in high demand. However, no one will do it for free. That's why we have to sharepart of the profits.

At first glance, everything is simple. You need to find an interesting file and "upload" it to a file hosting service. The procedure is no more complicated than downloading something from the Internet. Only in reverse order.

However, the audience has yet to learn about this file. To do this, prescribe keywords by which the file can be found in the search.

But that's not enough. To attract really big traffic, you will have to advertise the link to the file wherever possible: on special “varezniki”, on social networks, on forums.

This way of promotion requires a significant investment of time. You need to look for sources where you can download hype files and advertise your links.

If you select content wisely, for example uploading movie premieres, then the number of downloads of each file can reach tens of thousands per day. So, if 1000 downloads cost 300 rubles, for 10,000 downloads you will receive 3,000 rubles. And that's just from one file. And if you fill them at least 10 a day?

How to find files that will be downloaded frequently?

laptop - a tool for making money
laptop - a tool for making money

The most difficult thing in this way of earning money is to find the right files. There are several ways:

  • use the latest ratings of the most popular films and programs - they will certainly be in demand;
  • take advantage of the statistics on "varezniki";
  • use hype videos from YOU TUBE and other video hosting sites - there are programs that allow you to save videos from YOU TUBE or VKontakte to your computer, but not everything aboutthey know and know how to use them;
  • great if you have access to rare music or movies.

To earn decent money, it is enough to upload at least 10 files every day. Moreover, attention should be paid not to quantity, but to quality. Only rare and useful files will be downloaded constantly. This means that you will receive passive income for several months.

How to advertise links to your files

Earn money online without investment
Earn money online without investment

Another important point is to attract traffic. The audience needs to know what goodies you have prepared for them.

It's not enough just to spam a link to a movie. To collect really decent traffic, you will have to come up with a “delicious” description - such that you want to save the movie on your computer right now.

The same applies to software. You will have to move your brains and come up with news for the "warezers" that will draw attention to your link.

How to scale your business and increase revenue

Earned money can be spent on advertising - post posts with your link in the thematic groups "VKontakte" or "Instagram", write a review about some program and post it with your link in the top blog.

All this will require some investment, but the potential payoff can be huge. Having spent once, you will receive passive income for a long time.

In the future, you can create your own “vareznik” or start a blog where you can publish reviews of popular programs and theirratings. At the same time, place the download link there as well. You can also create your own movie or music portal. In fact, there are many options, but this is for advanced users.

Another way to make money on file hosting: for the lazy

A smartphone or tablet will also help to earn
A smartphone or tablet will also help to earn

There is another way to make money by downloading files - to share part of the money earned. For example, for 1000 downloads, a file sharing service pays 300 rubles, and you give half to a partner.

Earnings on downloading various files to your computer is popular. Not everyone has access to interesting files and time to advertise them. Therefore, you can easily recruit a team of several thousand people who will agree to work for you. You can do this through the same social networks.

The next step is to "upload" the files. They pay only for unique downloads, so you will have to upload at least 1000 files to make your partner interested in working - 150 rubles a day will already allow you to pay for the Internet.

In this case, each file must be downloaded 1000 times, and from unique IP addresses. Accordingly, in order to receive a payment, you will need a team of 1000 people.

Yes, your partners will have to pay for a premium account. But downloading 1000 files at a good speed is not difficult. From experience, it takes 2-3 hours.

Now let's count. Let's say you recruited 1000 people to your team. Each of them will download 1000 files. This will bring you at least 300 rubles from each. Of these, 150 rubles is the salary of your partner. And your income will be 150 x 1000=150,000 rubles.

Please note that these are minimum rates. So Depositfiles.com pays up to 2,700 rubles for 1,000 downloads of a file larger than 1 GB. If you constantly “upload” new files and find at least 100 new partners every day, then your income will constantly grow.

Popular file sharing

Here is a list of trusted file hosting sites:

  • TurboBit,
  • Hitfile,
  • Letitbit,
  • DepositFiles,
  • Wupload.

For a start, these five will be enough. And you get not only money for every 1000 downloads, but also a percentage of the sale of premium accounts. And that's a nice added bonus.

Make money by downloading apps

Downloading and testing applications will allow you to pay for mobile communications
Downloading and testing applications will allow you to pay for mobile communications

Today, application developers offer smartphone owners to earn money. Every service needs testing. And developers are willing to pay for it.

Earning on downloads will not make you a millionaire. On average, you can get from 3 to 10 rubles, depending on the task: download the application, test its operation or rate it. Moreover, earnings on downloading IOS applications are slightly higher.

You won't be able to make decent money on this, but after spending 2-3 hours a day, you can forget about paying for your mobile phone.

The process of making money by downloading IOS or Android consists of several stages:

  • register on a site that offers assignments;
  • install the appto manage tasks on your smartphone;
  • receive and complete the task;
  • receive and withdraw payment.

Only owners of smartphones with sufficient RAM and physical memory will be able to make money by downloading Android and IOS applications. Otherwise, the process will take too much time and nerves.

Proven sites to earn money

Here is a list of reliable resources that offer to earn money by downloading applications:

  • Payforinstall.ru,
  • ProfitTask.com,
  • Appbonus.ru.

These platforms have been consistently paying for several years. There you can always find tasks for Android and IOS platforms.


Smartphone - everything you need to make money
Smartphone - everything you need to make money

As you can see, it is still possible to make money on the Web without special skills and investments. But for this you will have to invest your own time.

When choosing a platform to earn money by downloading files or applications, pay attention to the average prices. If a resource offers a payment that is significantly higher than the market average, you should be wary.

You may be prompted to download a file that is infected with a virus. This is especially true for making money on downloads on "Android" or IOS platforms - attackers often try to gain access to your smartphone in this way.

To avoid this situation, use the proven resources discussed above.
