Qnits reviews and review

Qnits reviews and review
Qnits reviews and review

Qnits is one of the largest affiliate programs in Runet, which is a platform for online stores. This service has rich functionality, with its help you can earn money on the Web and withdraw money in any convenient way. The Qnits platform has reviews, despite its popularity, that are still contradictory. Consider in the article all the pros and cons of the affiliate program.

What is this

The Qnits system, reviews of which can be read in this article, positions itself as a large trading platform, thanks to which you can promote your own and other people's products and make money on it. Dropshipping platform Qnits connects partner stores and suppliers. The partner receives a profit from each sold product. Here you can set the price yourself. Employees advise not to chase high profits, otherwise buyers will move to where it is more profitable to buy.

qnits reviews
qnits reviews

How it works

Many are wondering how does Qnits work? Feedback from system employees confirms that this dropshipping platform makes it possible to work onyourself and get a good profit without investment. Here you can sell products provided by the system and receive roy alties, or promote your own. After the order is confirmed by the manager (Call-center), the partner's account is replenished. Qnits employees make the purchase, call the buyer, deliver the goods, provide reliable service. You can promote a showcase created by a partner in Qnits for a fee or for free.

Free participation implies independent distribution of the link to the showcase in various social networks. When creating a storefront with goods, it is important to be able to properly promote it in the search engine or buy traffic. The Qnits program depends on partners, as it receives a percentage of sales. That is why she is interested in the efficient operation of storefronts. If you don’t want to create storefronts and set up work yourself, take ready-made offers. In addition, there are several options for their design, as well as the ability to create instant order forms in the Qnits system. Reviews of employees and partners confirm that it works correctly. There are all conditions for making a profit. The system works as follows: an application is submitted to Qnits, the manager calls the buyer, the goods are sent to the specified address, the buyer pays for the goods upon receipt or in another convenient way, the partner receives a profit, and Qnits receives a percentage of the transaction.

qnits employee reviews
qnits employee reviews


Dropshipping platform Qnits, and reviews confirm this, is positioned asa system where you can sell your product for a minimum commission. In order to transfer an order to Qnits, use ready-made offers (best offer, value, sale basis), fill out a quick order form, use a panel or a multi-page showcase, and also do it through the API (application interface). Qnits has its own customer contact center by phone. This means that within five minutes after the order, the sales manager will call the buyer.

A Qnits Partner gets free rein. He has the right to transfer orders manually to managers or via API. The peculiarity is that the system is completely transparent. For each order, you can track the processing history. In addition, the platform is convenient because it does not delay payments to partners.

qnits staff reviews spb
qnits staff reviews spb

Advantages and disadvantages

At Qnits, partner testimonials have confirmed this, working comfortably and safely. The necessary conditions for good earnings are created here. The advantage is that partners receive good deductions from the sale, as well as rewards from upsells (the amount of sales). Qnits has the ability to change the cost of goods and manage profits. Income here depends on the purchase of leads - the higher it is, the greater the profit. After confirming the order, you can receive early payments. The stability of Qnits is the main advantage of this system, which has been in existence for six years. The dropshipping platform guarantees full transparency of work. This means that the partner has the right to view information about the client, listen to call recordings, study andanalyze the history of orders and messages, independently track the delivery of goods to the buyer. Among the shortcomings: the Qnits affiliate program has nuances that should be understood after registration. Partners pay a commission for the services provided. To many, they will seem tall. So, the amount of deductions can be 65% of the profit.

qnits partner reviews
qnits partner reviews


On Qnits (reviews about the platform below) they are engaged in sales using the site. In order to earn money, the partner creates the required number of showcases with goods for sale. It is desirable that they be of the same theme. The advantage is that the Qnits platform allows you to trade not only on the site, but also in social networks. In the social network "VKontakte" there is an opportunity to create your own showcase, which is then added to the group for further promotion. Items are usually posted on free classifieds boards to attract buyers.

Withdrawing earnings from Qnits is easy. The platform supports withdrawals to a card, current account, Qiwi wallet, Web Money, Yandex Money, My Target (here the commission is 0%). To make money on a dropshipping platform, you need to register, create a showcase and start selling.

qnits employee reviews
qnits employee reviews


Qnits is one of the best affiliate programs on the Russian Internet, according to users. This project is professional and serious. He maintains an open policy with both buyers and partners. According to users, there are many offers that bring profitQnits partners and employees. Feedback from employees (St. Petersburg) confirms that the service is reliable and transparent, the interface is convenient, and it ensures sales. For full-fledged work, a minimum amount of investment is required. Of the minuses that partners point out: the high price for some categories. This scares off customers and does not make money. There is also an opinion that Qnits is a fraudulent service. Many people doubt the way of earning on it. In addition, partners are forced to give away most of the profits from sales. Net profit is only 35%. You won’t be able to earn much in Qnits if you don’t promote your showcase. Partners who earned in this way note that on average you can get from five to ten thousand rubles a month.
