Strategic management as the foundation of enterprise competitiveness

Strategic management as the foundation of enterprise competitiveness
Strategic management as the foundation of enterprise competitiveness

Management, whatever it may be, is a process that is necessary to achieve goals.

strategic management
strategic management

Usually it includes several stages: setting goals and planning work, organizing it, determining and creating motivation, control. Strategic management is a process that relies on the human factor as the foundation for an enterprise or organization. It is focused primarily on the needs of the market (or in other words, consumers) and allows you to flexibly and quickly make the changes necessary to work in accordance with demand. It is strategic management that allows the enterprise to function normally in constantly changing conditions, to be competitive and bring stable profits. Unlike operational, this type of management allows not only to plan the work of the organization for the long term, but also to make it as successful as possible.

strategic management of the organization
strategic management of the organization

Strategicorganization management. Items and content

In order for an enterprise to be competitive and profitable in a constantly changing environment, it is necessary to take into account external influences. This is possible only if strategic management combines all labor, organizational and entrepreneurial strategies into a single whole. It is the unification of the line of conduct in all these areas that makes it possible to timely and optimally respond to external factors and predict their impact on production. Based on this, one can understand exactly how strategic management differs from all others, which is its main subject. This is:

  • problems that depend on external, uncontrollable factors;
  • problems directly related to the ultimate (or general) goals of the organization;
  • problems and solutions to reconstruct the structure of the organization in accordance with ongoing changes.

Actually, strategic management can be called when it clearly answers only three fundamental questions:

  1. What is the current state of the enterprise?
  2. What should it be after the specified period (1 month, 1 year, etc.)?
  3. What needs to be done to reach the specified position at the specified time?

Strategic enterprise management. Functions and tasks

To maintain the competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise at any time, it is necessary that planning be long-term and perform the following functions:

  • clearlyplanned not only the end results, but also the use of certain strategies;
  • correctly organized all activities aimed at fulfilling plans;
  • strategic enterprise management
    strategic enterprise management
  • coordinated the actions of all employees and departments aimed at fulfilling the set strategic objectives;
  • correctly motivated the activities of employees;
  • used current control methods.

Specialists have formulated the tasks that strategic management should solve in this way:

  • main: survival in any conditions in the long run;
  • timely adaptation to constantly changing external conditions;
  • search for new competitive opportunities;
  • flexibility and willingness to change;
  • focus on the human factor is the foundation of everything planned.
