Heat engineer is Training, job descriptions, possible vacancies

Heat engineer is Training, job descriptions, possible vacancies
Heat engineer is Training, job descriptions, possible vacancies

Heat engineer - who is this? What are his responsibilities, where are they trained in this profession and where to submit a resume in order to find a job? It can be difficult to immediately explain the basics of a working speci alty, many even have associations with a stoker who works by the sweat of his brow. In order not to have an erroneous idea about this occupation, it is necessary to understand its essence.

Heating Engineer

Three decades ago, the profession was indeed called "stoker", but in modern times, specialization and main responsibilities have become wider. The work, which is very complex in its activity, requires deep knowledge in some exact disciplines, restraint, concentration of attention, responsibility, because the slightest mistake can lead the work of the enterprise to a dead end.

precision and accuracy
precision and accuracy

The main activity of a specialist is to provide residents of cities or enterprise facilities, when it comes to production, with light and heat. One of the main places of work for a heat engineer is a thermal power plant, it is here that the boiler equipment is adjusted, as well as the coordination of the work of shops and otherstation divisions. The second most important responsibility is considered to be planning the work of the enterprise and monitoring the implementation of the existing plan. Preliminarily, a forecast is made regarding the potential volumes of heat energy production, costs oriented towards fuel resources. The task of a specialist is to control the implementation of the points of the planned program.

Quality and professionalism

The work of a heat engineer is initially based on existing knowledge in certain typical disciplines. These are:

  • Installation, installation and maintenance of refrigeration, drying and heating equipment.
  • Theory and basic rules of heat engineering.
  • Hydraulics.

But without logical thinking, good memory, attention and accuracy in production, one cannot start work. Therefore, it is difficult to say that a profession is for everyone. No, its highly specialized side shows that the heating engineer is a kind of "brain" of the station, and not everyone will be able to properly cope with the assigned duties.

supervision of the system
supervision of the system

A highly qualified worker will always have a job, specialization is in demand on the labor market, enterprises and companies, depending on the duties performed and the region, offer wages from 20,000 rubles (for example, in the Voronezh region) to 45,000 rubles and St. Petersburg) per month or more (in Moscow they offer 80,000 rubles).

Modern profession

Highly qualified business, although it isat the moment, massive, quite in demand at the labor exchange. Such high attention is due to the fact that obtaining an engineering speci alty is considered an honor. Drawings, complex projects, active participation in production processes - this is a small part of what the heating engineer expects.

profession training
profession training

How do the workers themselves describe their work? Professionals with a high culture and technical mindset describe it as responsible, important, useful, complex, but very interesting. Material goods, to which everyone is accustomed, do not appear from nowhere, behind comfortable living conditions (electricity, gas, water, etc.) there is a painstaking well-coordinated joint work of a person, communications and technical means, in combination, which provide millions of people with heat and light. Also behind such a common thing today is a huge responsibility for the stable operation of the equipment, which in the future guarantees the safe life of people.

What do they teach in class?

Heat engineering institutes carefully approach the training of students and future specialists. The study of students is based on the study of such disciplines as “Operation of boiler plants”, “Heat supply and heat engineering equipment”, “Operation of heat and fuel supply systems”, “Operation, calculation and selection of heat engineering equipment and heat and fuel supply systems”. Practical classes are aimed at a detailed consideration of issues on the technology of production of electricity and heat, the use and repair of fuel supply, the problem of saving fuel and energyresources.

student in practice
student in practice

Educational institutions are trying to direct students' thinking towards understanding and developing possible logical solutions to improve the operation of the heat supply system.

Analysis of resource transportation

To transfer heat to a designated place, a piping system called a heat network is used. Delivery takes place by means of steam or hot water. A heat engineer is the one who controls whether the pipelines meet the requirements, whether they are strong and tight at the stage of transportation, whether the fittings are reliable at design pressures, whether the temperature corresponds to the planned indicators.

gas and heat
gas and heat

New generation heat pipelines must meet the following parameters:

  • high thermal resistance design for insulating purpose;
  • quick failure detection and fixing on the spot;
  • basic items available for factory fabrication;
  • assembly of their finished components on the track;
  • economical operation.

Let's go to the goal

An important and main technological task of a specialist is to reduce costs and energy consumption that arise during the manufacture, delivery and distribution of thermal energy. To reduce the loss of resources to a minimum, it is necessary to take care of effective insulation of the heat pipe. It is its protective design that helps to reduce unnecessary costs and extend the service life.

put a heat pipe
put a heat pipe

WorkThe heat pipeline most often occurs underground, respectively, in conditions of high humidity and temperature, when there is a high risk of corrosion of metal structures. External factors negatively affect the design, especially since there is no such type of pipe that would be strong, reliable, safe, and elastic. At the moment, it is impossible to find the perfect type, so you should choose the best pipes, where there is reliable insulation, supporting structures, rational routing, and all this taking into account the external environment and terrain features.


When building houses, the choice of building heat engineering is important. The design of enclosing structures and structures for various purposes should take place in accordance with the normalized temperature, taking into account the humidity of the indoor air. There are mandatory indicators of heat resistance, air permeability and vapor permeability of enclosing structures, the list of which includes floors on the ground, walls, partitions, ceilings between floors, filling in window openings, shop windows, stained-glass windows, etc. All figures for each object under construction are individual, only a competent specialist can calculate all necessary coefficients.

comfortable conditions
comfortable conditions

Heat engineer is a professional working in the construction industry, who provides heat and water supply to the building, at thermal stations, in housing and communal services, can use his knowledge in the design and maintenance of boiler houses. Not a single house, shopping center, shop, production can do without heating andhot water supply. To make a project for which the installation of systems will be carried out, the knowledge and skills of a professional are necessary. A responsible approach and following the instructions will allow the equipment to work for a long time, and the heating systems to serve the benefit of a person.

Job Description

So, heating engineer. What job will a student of an engineering university have to work with and what work will be included in his duties? The speci alty sounds similar, it involves ensuring the technical use and stable operation of thermal equipment. The employee must:

  • participate in organizing meetings with heat energy suppliers, as well as in drafting and signing contracts;
  • conduct supervisory activities, be personally responsible for timely corrected equipment problems;
  • to carry out the preparation and maintenance of thermal power plants;
  • study foreign best practices in maintenance of equipment;
  • keep records of indicators of heat consumption devices;
  • analyze the reliability of available equipment figures with calculated data;
  • participate in the preparation of instructions and monitor its implementation in the operation of the equipment;
  • draw up requests for the supply of spare parts, provide reports on the implementation of the set plans;
  • responsible for preparing thermal installations for operation during the heating season;
  • practice maintenance work during the non-heating period.
controlthermal systems
controlthermal systems

Heat engineer is the one who bears a great burden of responsibility. For failure to fulfill their duties assigned by the instruction, administrative and even criminal liability is provided, depending on the situation, compensation for material damage, within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
