Life and he alth insurance. Voluntary life and he alth insurance. Compulsory life and he alth insurance

Life and he alth insurance. Voluntary life and he alth insurance. Compulsory life and he alth insurance
Life and he alth insurance. Voluntary life and he alth insurance. Compulsory life and he alth insurance

Not all people think about their he alth, about the fact that an accident can happen to them, or they can get some kind of injury while they are doing well. But when adverse circumstances occur, it is often impossible to prevent them, and then the fight against the consequences begins.

life and he alth insurance
life and he alth insurance

Voluntary insurance of citizens

The best opportunity to reduce risks and guarantee the resolution of many disputes regarding payments and compensation due to harm to he alth is voluntary life and he alth insurance.

Today, most people insure their life and he alth in case of disability.

Life and he alth insurance, of course, is better to trust reliable and trusted companies with an impeccable reputation and positive feedback from their customers. Every self-respecting insurance company has a website where anyone can get to know its terms and conditions better.assess insurance rates - in order to make the right choice. As a rule, today there is a whole list of insurance companies that post all the necessary information and rules for life and he alth insurance. An online consultation is possible, with its help you can calculate the total amount of the cost of services.

You can use different programs and services from different companies, but there is no doubt that human life and he alth are at risk everywhere, and it is for this reason that you need to take care of yourself and loved ones in order to cope with possible problems in various situations.

voluntary life and he alth insurance
voluntary life and he alth insurance

Life and he alth insurance programs

Insurance may vary. If you take a closer look at risk programs, you can see that they are compensated if unforeseen events occur - injuries, injuries, partial or complete loss of he alth and ability to work. Risk premiums are usually small, but compensation can be quite hefty. Risk programs fully financially protect a person and his family if she loses a breadwinner, or if the insured person is unable to work as a result of he alth problems.

life and he alth insurance rules
life and he alth insurance rules

Cumulative insurance

Also, for citizens of the Russian Federation, it is possible to use accumulative insurance. It differs in that the amount of compensation can be received even if there were nono insurance circumstances or events. Savings programs provide for a certain rate of income, and the amount will depend on what initial conditions are selected in the billing. This program is convenient in that payments can be assigned for a certain period, for example, when a certain age is reached. With such a program, you can have a guarantee that a specific amount will be received at the right time. Periodicity for accumulative insurance can be very different - up to life. With payments, you can also act at your own discretion - both in favor of yourself and transfer them to other persons who are related to these payments under an agreement drawn up for he alth and life insurance.

The cost of an insurance premium or premium may depend on a large number of conditions - from what tariff and insurance conditions are chosen, to what a person's age, he alth status and living conditions are. More accurate information about life or he alth insurance should be obtained first from the insurance companies themselves.

he alth and life insurance cost
he alth and life insurance cost

Insurance for persons liable for military service

There is another important point in insurance - the state makes sure that the life and he alth of military personnel are insured without fail. Compulsory state insurance is an attempt to help those who have lost their lives or he alth while defending the Fatherland. All servicemen are subject to such insurance from the moment they join the Armed Forces until the last day of their service. But, you needtake into account that the validity of this insurance continues for a whole year after leaving the Armed Forces in the event that death or disability was associated with injuries or diseases received during military service.

To insure the life and he alth of military personnel, the state allocates multi-billion sums. But far from all of this money gets to those who need it. This is due to the fact that people are not aware of their rights in financial, pension and insurance matters. In order not to lose the money that is supposed to be received in accordance with the current legislation and legal documents, you need to have at least basic knowledge for those areas of life that you are facing or will have to face. In particular, life and he alth insurance during military service.

Russian laws imply that persons doing military service are insured by the executive branch, more precisely, those of its federal bodies that provide for military service. These bodies may be the Ministry of Defense, Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Service for the Correction of Punishments, the Federal Security Service and others like them. The insurers themselves are insurance organizations licensed to carry out compulsory state insurance, which have concluded relevant agreements with the federal authorities. Funds allocated for the tasks of compulsory state insurance of military personnel are allocated by the federal budget.

life and he alth insurance programs
life and he alth insurance programs

Who is responsible for insuring military personnel

Who exactly does the state entrust with the task of compulsory insurance of military personnel? In 2011, these tasks were carried out by the MAKS insurance company, and earlier, in the period from 1993, the VSK Insurance House was engaged in the tasks of insurance of the Ministry of Defense. But everything changed by 2009, when Rosgosstrakh won the tender. The following year, 2010, a closed competition was organized, to which VSK Insurance House was not admitted. Those who did not receive the due insurance payments know that the Ministry of Defense sued the VSK Insurance House, making claims in the amount of 130 million rubles, justifying this with lost payments. The internal troops belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs are insured by Rosgosstrakh.

How to use insurance benefits

In order to deal with insurance, you need to take into account that there are not only Federal Laws and Government Decrees, but also a huge number of various departmental acts, and not everything is publicly available. Thus, using any of the benefits available in these acts is not easy, even with the help of experienced lawyers. But at the same time, these benefits imply constant funding from the budget. In this way, the insurance coverage of military personnel is very seriously confused.

military life and he alth insurance
military life and he alth insurance

Personal insurance

Military personnel in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,fall under the mandatory contract of life and he alth insurance by the state, namely - personal insurance. If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dies or dies before a year has elapsed after his departure from service, and his death is associated with injuries or diseases received during the service, his family should count on receiving a one-time allowance, the amount of which is ten years of the employee's salary. There is an appropriate budget for these purposes, and the amount itself is subsequently recovered from those who are directly responsible for his death.

Cases of payments and their conditions

Compulsory life and he alth insurance for military personnel provides the following benefits. If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives bodily injuries that prevent him from serving in the future, then he can count on receiving a one-time allowance, the amount of which is a five-year cash allowance, and the amount is again recovered from those who are guilty of this.

When an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is injured or otherwise injures his he alth, he is en titled to receive monetary compensation, which should exceed the pension amount. But these funds are paid either by the appropriate budget, or by organizations that have concluded an agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the property of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or his relatives receives damage, the funds are transferred from the budget, and then recovered from those persons who are guilty of this.

So, you can pay attention to the fact that you can receive a lump sum payment and compensate for damage only when the incident that led todeath, injury or damage to property was caused by the official activities of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

life and he alth insurance contract
life and he alth insurance contract

Cases of death and conditions for payment of compensation to the family of the deceased

In cases where an insured soldier dies, insurance payments can be received by his spouse, with whom marriage was registered at the time of death, parents or adoptive parents. Also, if the deceased insured soldier did not have parents, provided that he was kept or raised by his grandparents for at least three years, they can also receive insurance payments. If the stepfather and stepmother were engaged in upbringing and maintenance for five years, then they also apply for insurance. Also, if the children of a serviceman are under the age of 18, or they received a disability before the age of 18, if they study in any educational institution until the age of 23, they are also en titled to receive insurance payments.

Insured events under the compulsory insurance contract

Insured events with compulsory state insurance of persons undergoing military service are death during service, or in the event that one year has not expired after leaving it as a result of injuries or diseases received during service. This may be a disability while on duty or before one year has elapsed after leaving service as a result of an injury or disease sustained while on duty. An insured event may be in the event of early dismissal of a serviceman, ifthe military medical commission declared him unfit for service in the Armed Forces due to an injury or illness received during military service or training.
