Asph alt production: technology. asph alt concrete plant

Asph alt production: technology. asph alt concrete plant
Asph alt production: technology. asph alt concrete plant

Large-scale production of asph alt in the territory of the Russian Federation has been carried out since 2013. This year, it was decided to launch several government projects, which included the construction of new road routes, as well as the repair of old highways.

General Description

A material such as asph alt is used quite often, especially nowadays. With its help, almost any roads are built, which can be either federal highways between cities, or small private paths in the garden. For the arrangement of both options, the same mixture is used. If we talk about the general composition of this solution, then it includes several elements. Bitumen will act as a binding base for this substance.

In the production of asph alt, raw materials such as sand and some mineral fillers cannot be dispensed with. The third and final element will be additives, also made from minerals or synthetically.

asph alt production
asph alt production

Raw material for asph alt

It should be noted that this material maybe of two types. There is asph alt of natural origin and artificially created. If we talk about the natural form of this substance, then it comes from heavy oil residues. This substance is a refractory black material.

In the production of artificial asph alt, the most commonly used materials are hard and loose minerals, such as sand, gravel, limestone. Viscous binding elements are added to them, which can be bitumen or tar.

It is important to note that in order to obtain an asph alt concrete mixture, it is not enough just to mix all these elements. To make the solution hard enough, it is compacted and rolled out with a roller. After passing through this procedure, the substance becomes as strong as a stone, and able to withstand enormous mechanical stress.

asph alt plant
asph alt plant

General description of asph alt types

In the production of asph alt, one of the most important tasks that the manufacturer faces is the observance of all proportions with very high accuracy. If it happens that there are too many viscous substances or loose minerals, then the resulting coating will not be able to withstand high loads. It will crack under the influence of factors such as temperature changes, high humidity.

It is also worth mentioning that the type of asph alt and its constituent components can vary quite a lot depending on where exactly the pavement will be laid. In other words, the climatic conditions of the area play an important role.

Today, there are many different types of this raw material. The simplest and cheapest to manufacture is sandy. The composition of this material is very simple - sand and bitumen. If crushed stone and a little mineral powder are added to this composition, then the output will be a crushed stone type of coating. Depending on the technology of asph alt production, everything will change - from its characteristics and place of application to the price.

asph alt cost
asph alt cost


There are three groups of asph alt concrete material. The difference between these categories lies in the temperature at which a substance such as bitumen melted. The three main groups are hot, warm and cold asph alt. The difference also lies in the temperature at which the work on laying the new road surface is carried out.

  • The first type is hot laying of material. As part of such a mixture is bitumen, which melted at very high temperatures, and therefore for its laying it is necessary to heat the asph alt up to 120 degrees Celsius and above. Most often, the substance is used to build new highways.
  • The second type is warm styling. The composition of the solution includes low-viscosity bitumen, which should be heated to an indicator of 40-80 degrees Celsius.
  • The last type is cold asph alt, or cold paving. The composition of the mixture includes a special bituminous base, which can be used if the air temperature is not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. This option is implemented most often. Main scopeapplications are repairing tracks, patching holes or potholes in an existing pavement.

Manufactured in-house

It is natural that asph alt plants are engaged in manufacturing. There are only two types of these enterprises. The difference between them lies in the process of production of the substance. There are cyclic or continuous factories.

asph alt plant
asph alt plant

The first category of plants is most often built near large cities, where asph alt is constantly required, but not in too large quantities. A feature of this type of enterprise is that it is possible to change the type of mortar produced several times in one shift. It is also important to note that this does not impair the quality of the material produced.

Cyclic Enterprise

This type of asph alt plant is equipped with the simplest but most efficient equipment. There are units for receiving solids, a place to store the finished product, as well as an asph alt mixing plant. In addition to the main units in production, there may also be some specific additional equipment. It can be a tower, a screen, a crushing and screening vibrating sieve used to sift stone raw materials. In addition, the use of such a device as a screen significantly improves the quality of the resulting asph alt due to the fact that all bulk substances are divided into fractions even before they enter the mixture.

asph alt production technology
asph alt production technology

From the disadvantages of such an enterprise, one can single out the fact thatit produces relatively little road material. In addition, it is completely stationary due to the presence of such units as a tower and a screen. The cost of asph alt will be higher than continuous production.

Continuous production

The main advantage of a continuous type asph alt plant is that it has only the most necessary equipment to carry out its activities. This allows you to constantly move it.

Naturally, the second advantage of this enterprise is the continuous production process, thanks to which it is possible to obtain a large amount of asph alt. All the necessary components are constantly supplied to the bunker for heating. There the main process takes place, and the output already has ready-made asph alt. From the bunker, the substance is transferred to the storage silo. In such places, you can keep the temperature of the material up to four days.

cold asph alt
cold asph alt

Among the disadvantages of such a production, it stands out that there is no roar, which means that the ingredients are not sieved. The absence of this procedure worsens the properties of the final product, since quite often purchased raw materials, solid mineral elements do not meet the standards and contain impurities. The ingress of such unnecessary components into the mixture and reduces the durability of the coating.

The cost of asph alt depends on the quality of its preparation. The price starts from about 600 rubles per ton and can reach 3,000 rubles for the same volume.
