Caustic soda: where it is sold, description and properties

Caustic soda: where it is sold, description and properties
Caustic soda: where it is sold, description and properties

If you hear the phrases: caustic soda, caustic, caustic alkali or sodium hydroxide, then know that we are talking about caustic soda. What is this substance? How is it different from regular baking soda? What are its properties, scope? Where is caustic soda commonly sold? Let's find out.

What is caustic soda and how is it different from other types of soda

All sodium s alts of carbonic acid have one single name - soda, which can be of three types:

  • food (sodium bicarbonate);
  • calcined (sodium carbonate);
  • caustic (sodium hydroxide).
Where is caustic soda sold?
Where is caustic soda sold?

Each species has its own composition, properties and formula. If we distribute these sodium compounds according to the aggressiveness of the impact, then baking soda is the safest (its alkaline environment is about 8 PH), soda ash "takes silver" (alkaline environment - 11 PH), and caustic soda is the most active alkali (13 PH).

caustic soda where is sold
caustic soda where is sold

Sodium hydroxide is a solid in the form of crystals, similar to particles of sea s alt (white oryellowish color). Caustic soda does not exist in nature. It is exclusively a product of the chemical industry. Matter exists in both solid and liquid states. It is sold in powder or gel form. Caustic soda is a very aggressive alkali. Therefore, it is transported either in special bags or in tanks.

Important! In the process of transporting the substance, it is necessary to exclude heating and the ingress of moisture into it. The same requirements apply to stores selling caustic soda.

caustic soda where retail
caustic soda where retail

Her properties

Caustic properties:

  • dissolving in water, it releases a lot of heat and forms abundant foam;
  • reacts with aluminum, titanium and zinc;
  • does not react with metals having a low electrochemical potential;
  • toxic;
  • flying;
  • highly hygroscopic (that is, it actively absorbs water vapor from the air).

Important! The shelf life of caustic soda is only 1 year: strictly observe this rule.

Caustic application area

Caustic has long been successfully used in agriculture and in many industries:

  • automobile;
  • petrochemical;
  • metallurgical;
  • gas;
  • chemical;
  • food;
  • easy.
caustic soda where the address is sold
caustic soda where the address is sold

Caustic soda is a good helper in solvinga variety of domestic problems, as it perfectly copes with various pollution and blockages; Brings back the shine to burnt pans. Using it, you can even make homemade soap.

Where is caustic soda sold and what is its price? The cost of 1 kg of this substance is about 20 rubles. You can buy it in almost any hardware store.

Clean burnt pans and wash floors

In order for pots and pans to please you with their perfect shine, mix water, caustic soda and laundry soap (we rub it on a grater) in a metal container in a ratio of 5:1:1. We treat the surfaces with the prepared mass and leave them alone for 20-30 minutes, then rinse everything thoroughly with running water.

Important! Teflon and aluminum products should not be subjected to such cleaning.

Where do you usually buy caustic soda?
Where do you usually buy caustic soda?

To remove all dirt that appeared on the floor, add 3-4 tablespoons of caustic soda to a bucket of water and treat the surface with this solution. Then wash the floor with clean water and wipe dry.

To make cleaning not a burden for you and go quickly, just walk to the nearest outlet where caustic soda is sold and purchase it in the right amount.

Remove grease stains from clothes

To remove old stains on clothes, we suggest using the following recommendations. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of caustic soda into the washing machine along with the powder (washing temperature can be any). If you wash clothes by hand, it is also possibleusing caustic soda to keep laundry clean and fresh. Just pour the baking soda along with the powder into the water and leave things in it for a while (in case of heavy pollution: for 2 hours), then wash in the usual way.

Important! First: in the case of hand washing, be sure to wear rubber gloves. Second: when purchasing a substance in a hardware store (where caustic soda is sold), make sure that the product is of high quality (to avoid harm to he alth).

Cleaning sewer pipes

There are several effective ways to clean sewer pipes yourself:

First. Pour 150-200 g of caustic alkali into the drain and pour one glass of boiling water there. After 10 minutes, pour another 2.5 liters of boiling water. Over the next 1-1, 5 hours, do not touch the drain. Next, rinse the pipes with hot water for 20-30 minutes

Note! For preventive purposes, we recommend doing such cleaning once a month.

Second. We mix table vinegar with soda and pour this mixture into a clogged pipe. Close the drain tightly with a cork. After 2 hours, pour boiling water, wait again, and then turn on the running water

Important! During these manipulations, a very violent reaction occurs, which is accompanied by the release of foam. Be careful.

Where is caustic soda sold?
Where is caustic soda sold?

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to spend time going to the store or do not know the address where soda (caustic) is sold, you can order online for its delivery.

Advice!Beware of fakes and strictly follow the instructions for use.

Sodium hydroxide is used not only to deal with blockages and accumulations of protein compounds in the sewer. Very often, such a substance is introduced into pipes at the end of their acid treatment in order to protect them from corrosion and further destruction. By the way, this is a good idea for small businesses (on a paid basis to organize assistance to citizens in bringing sewer pipes back to normal). Delivery of soda can be made from bases where caustic soda is sold at retail and wholesale.

Safety rules for working with caustic soda

Caustic soda is called caustic soda for a reason. After all, it corrodes not only skin, paper, but also other organic matter. Therefore, when using this substance, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations:

Work exclusively in a bathrobe, glasses and rubber gloves that reach the elbows.

caustic soda where is sold
caustic soda where is sold
  • After preparing a solution with caustic soda, you must wait a while and only then start working.
  • Try to avoid splashing the mixture (caustic will cause a chemical burn if it gets on the skin).
  • In case of contact with the skin, quickly wash the affected areas under running water, then wipe with 2% boric acid (if there is no improvement within 30 minutes, you should consult a doctor).
  • Keep caustic in an iron or glass container with a tight lid. You can buy them where they sellcaustic soda.
  • Exclude the possibility of free access to the caustic.

If all precautions are followed, then caustic soda will be a great helper in everyday life.
