Job description "Seller of food products": sample

Job description "Seller of food products": sample
Job description "Seller of food products": sample

The most important document of grocery store employees is the job description of a grocery seller. The sample compilation, structure and main provisions that should be set out in it are discussed below. This document regulates the actions of the seller, clearly defines the scope of his duties, rights and responsibilities. The job description is equally important for both the employer and the employee, so its preparation is a serious matter that requires a careful and thorough approach.

grocery store job description
grocery store job description

First section

The job description of a grocery seller is an internal document that is approved by the store's management body. When applying for a job, the employee is obliged to familiarize himself with it, confirm this with a signature in the relevant document (appointment order, statements, etc.) and then work strictly within the framework indicated by this paper. An exception may be the execution of individual orders and orders of higher management, if they do not contradict the job description and current legislation. The first section of this document is usually general provisions, which include, for example, the following:

  • This position belongs to the category of workers.
  • Reports directly to the store's senior salesperson (head of department, manager, director, etc.).
  • Must pass a special medical commission and not start work duties if there are signs of infectious diseases.
  • At the time of absence (illness, business trip, parental leave, etc.) is replaced by a person holding a similar position, at the discretion of the director (head of department, head salesman, etc.).


The list of functions and tasks assigned to the employee must be reflected in the job description. A grocery seller performs a fairly wide range of different duties, for example:

  • Receipt of products and packaging material from the warehouse.
  • Attachment to goods of price tags, promotional and other labels, as well as other leaflets and signs with information provided for by applicable law and internal documents of the store.
  • Checking the workplace, counter, trading floor for the availability and serviceability of the necessary equipment, tools, inventory.
  • Placement of goods on shelves, racks, refrigerators, as well as aesthetic and artisticwindow dressing.
  • Checking the expiration dates and sale of products, the appearance of the packaging and its integrity.
  • Customer service: consulting, weighing, cutting, counting the required quantity, packaging, costing.
  • Control the flow of customers, study supply and demand.
  • Control product range, calculation and preparation of orders for missing items.
  • Participate in inventory.

These are the most common duties that the job description contains. The seller of food products can perform many other functions and tasks that should be recorded in the document. The main thing is that these obligations do not contradict the current legislation. Most often, such additions are due to the specifics of the activities of specific points of sale. For example, in some small stores, especially in remote regions, a system of pre-orders may work, and the function of accepting them is the responsibility of the seller.

food salesman job description
food salesman job description


Not only duties contain job description. The food seller also has a number of rights, which are also reflected in this document. For example:

  • To get acquainted with the documents confirming the quality of the goods, as well as information about its manufacturer, composition, methods of storage and use.
  • To submit proposals for the expansion or reduction of the product range for consideration by the higher management,window dressing, purchasing the necessary equipment, tools, inventory.
  • To get acquainted with the internal documents regulating the work of the store, as well as orders, instructions, etc.
  • Demand the provision of everything necessary for the proper performance of official duties.
  • Refuse to comply with instructions, orders, etc. that are contrary or inconsistent with the law, or may harm others.
job description of a senior food clerk
job description of a senior food clerk


The job description "Seller of food products" must contain this section. It is desirable to prescribe it carefully, but you can get by with general phrases. For example, a seller of food products is liable for improper performance of his official duties and legal violations, including for actions that caused harm or material damage to third parties within the limits established by law.

job description of the seller of the cashier of food products
job description of the seller of the cashier of food products

Two in one

Both in large supermarket chains and in small shops, the functions of several positions are often combined by one employee. The job description of the seller-cashier of food products, for example, is supplemented by the following items:

  • Accepting money from customers for the purchased goods, performing the necessary operations on the cash register and issuing a check.
  • Ensuring the safety of money accepted from customers until the cash desk is closed and transferred to the appropriate persons.
  • Monitoring the operation of the cash register, as well as compliance with current legislation governing cash transactions.

The most important

The job description of a senior grocery seller has some differences and features. This person is responsible not only for his actions, but also for the quality of work of his subordinates. Based on this, the powers and responsibilities of the senior seller are supplemented, for example, by the following provisions:

  • Has the right to issue direct orders to persons who are directly subordinate according to the staffing table.
  • Must collect and study information, including reports, memos, proposals, as well as draw appropriate conclusions and take the necessary actions.
  • Responsible for the quality of the performance of their duties by persons who are directly subordinate, according to the staffing table.
job description of the seller of food products sample
job description of the seller of food products sample

The job description "Food Seller" may contain only the main provisions listed above, but it will be much more convenient for the owner, and for the management, and for the employee to have clearly defined rights, duties and responsibilities, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the activity specific point of sale. In this case, the employee will be much clearer what from himrequired what he should do.
