2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
During the history of mining this metal, many devices were invented, the old equipment was gradually modernized or completely replaced by more advanced options. Today, licensed companies are engaged in the development of deposits. Do-it-yourself gold mining equipment is purchased only under a license, that is, individuals cannot claim their own plot in the spirit of the American Klondike. However, enterprising prospectors use certain types of washing facilities, catching particles of the precious metal in the course of rivers.
Main amateur sports
Conventionally, all used units and devices can be divided into five categories. The simplest of them include a tray and the so-called lazybones. With such tools, mining is carried out in very modest quantities. The compact size allows the use of these tools in many situations. Such equipment for gold mining is dearly loved by beginners whotrying to find the precious metal in the rivers that run through the gold-bearing rocks.
Another ubiquitous device is an ordinary metal detector. This tool allows you to successfully search for gold deposits right under your feet. At the same time, the found nuggets are of completely different sizes. Modern metal detectors are considered powerful enough, because they are able to detect only a gram of gold under several kilograms of rocks. Mainly used by miners who don't feel like washing.

Types of professional equipment
If the above options are suitable for lovers of small private production, then the use of an industrial device or a dredge takes the process to a completely different level. The first of these is part of the semi-professional equipment. For gold mining in territorial terms, it is suitable primarily in the immediate vicinity of rivers. The production volumes increase many times, and the peculiarity of the location of the place to work is associated with the mechanism of operation of the industrial device, which requires a large amount of liquid for continuous flushing.
Dragoy is a specialized set of equipment that can function underwater. The device is quite massive in size and fully mechanized. It can be said that a dredge is an enlarged and improved version of an industrial device for large scale mining of precious metals. It is used exclusively on gold-bearing rivers, where it can even dig the bottom. The mostlarge-scale mining is carried out using special industrial equipment that only a few large corporations can afford. The complex includes instruments for geological exploration of the area, detailed analysis of the soil, as well as the construction of a gold mine.

Easiest way for amateurs
When it comes to modest scales of local importance, then there is nothing easier than starting the process with an ordinary tray. A novice prospector will need from 500 to 2000 rubles for all equipment for gold mining. That's how much a tray of the right size costs in any store.
The mining itself is carried out on the river, the course of which can carry grains of the precious metal. It is necessary to scoop up sand with a tray along with water and prospective gold. Next, you need to substitute the device under the current and wait for the result. The principle of operation is based on the difference in weight: all the gold will settle at the bottom, and the sand will be washed out.
The application of this method does not require any special physical effort or heavy mental processes. Absolutely every beginner can cope with a tray on the river. In addition, the method allows production throughout the year. However, it is hardly possible to find really impressive volumes of gold. It is also highly desirable to have a tip to the right place in advance, otherwise you will have to conduct an independent geological exploration of the area.

Using a lazybones
To some, the process described above may seem very time-consuming and unproductive. Especially for such lovers, a "lazy man" was invented, which is something like a trap for gold. The highest efficiency of the tool was noticed when mining during heavy floods on the river. The device should be installed only in those places where there is a gold-bearing current.
If we talk about the appearance of the "lazy man", then it is very similar to a compact variation of one of the sections of an industrial dredge. The height and thickness of the walls are 5-6 and 8-9 centimeters, respectively. Such overall dimensions are due to intense and prolonged loads on the device during gold mining. All mini equipment for a small enterprise of a group of prospectors includes the following items:
- paws with holes on the bottom of the trap, holding the unit in one position;
- special mat on the bottom for sedimentation of rock particles;
- two holes (inlet and outlet), partially covered by small thresholds.
Industrial equipment
Quality industrial devices have a number of undeniable advantages over amateur solutions. Industrial units have much higher productivity, are easier to repair, and their reliability indicators are at a good level. During the development of such devices, engineers consult with geologists. It is conditionally possible to divide all industrial equipment for gold mining into personal, group and high-performance.
The design differs only in overall dimensions, but the list of main elements remains unchanged and includes:
- reducer;
- stencil;
- drive units;
- battery;
- enrichment gateway;
- rock loading hopper;
- drum for irrigation and crushing;
- diesel, petrol or electric engine.
The main of the above nodes is a stencil, because it is on it that precious metals settle.

How the mining process works
The overall scheme is essentially the same regardless of scale. The basic application process of alluvial gold mining equipment includes five steps as follows.
- Soil is being loaded into the intake hole.
- The unit starts to clean the material from excess fractions. Washing of large rocks is also possible at this stage, depending on the equipment.
- The soil is fed onto a rotating drum, crushed and irrigated.
- The contents of the machine enter the enrichment lock.
- All mined material is thrown out after a full cycle of cleaning procedures.
On such equipment for gold mining, the master adjusts several parameters at once, for example, the speed of fuel consumption, the power of the drum and the intensity of cleaning the soil from impurities. Also, a choice of various options for processing rock can be offered, each of which is most effective.only under certain conditions. Industrial devices as a class are extremely popular among private licensed miners, because for reasonable money they make it possible to automate the process.

Dredging for gold mining
It should be noted that this type is for the most part a development of the previous described class of equipment. The device is based on an unchanged list of elements, presented below:
- ore washing lock;
- water deposit;
- suction device;
- hose;
- water pump;
- engine;
- air compressor;
- water collection bell.
Dredges of various levels and capacities make up a significant part of amateur and professional Chinese gold mining equipment. Size and weight vary by model. Soil is collected at the bottom of the river, and a powered apparatus scrolls the resulting material through a drum. The available depth for many models does not exceed three meters. For mining in Russia, you need to look for only certain types of dredges suitable for finding gold particles up to 1 mm in size.

Use of modern metal detectors
The principle of operation of devices is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetism. Each device is equipped with a special antenna in the form of a ring or an ellipse. This node, when the detector is turned on, begins to generate electromagneticwaves. If the signal reaches any metal, then there will be a response. When ore deposits are found, information will be displayed on the display, and the prospector will be additionally notified with a characteristic sound signal.
It is easy to guess what is the main disadvantage of this device as equipment for gold mining. Not only the necessary deposits will be found in the process, but also any other metals. However, you can pick up a high-quality expensive device with a microcomputer-analyzer. Such a metal detector is able to determine on the go what exactly emits a response signal underground based on some parameters. It is difficult to judge the error of this device, since exact information is not given anywhere.
Specifications of metal detectors
It is worth highlighting three main parameters that affect the quality of the device. The depth of the search is of paramount importance and depends on many factors, including the power and size of the built-in antenna, the characteristics of the soil under consideration, and the sampling rate. If the device is quite expensive and of high quality, then it will be able to detect particles up to 3-5 mm in diameter. The size of the detected particles depends on the sensitivity limit of the detector. This parameter, in turn, is based on the inherent frequency of the signal.
One more characteristic of such equipment for gold mining can also be distinguished - the ability to recognize specific metals. This procedure is performed due to the presence of a discriminator. Of course, computer analysis can make the mistake of assuminggold nuggets for something else, however, in high-quality models, they try to avoid such oversights during operation. To do this, preliminary testing of all manufactured products is carried out.

Use blowers
There is another do-it-yourself gold mining method available for beginners. Of the equipment in this case, you only need a special pneumatic lock called a blower. This device will be truly indispensable in the absence of direct access to water. The assembly of such equipment is usually carried out independently. The device is able to check about one and a half cubic meters of sand per day.
To automate part of the procedure, a modern blower can be equipped with a gasoline engine. The principle of operation is based on passing the rock through several stencils. Sand supply is carried out manually. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to fully automate the process in this device.
Dipsis gold mining equipment
In our country, the DEEPSEES company is very popular, producing various devices and complex tools for miners under its own brand. Experts note that the advantage of purchasing Dipsys products is the possibility of gradually increasing the functionality of industrial equipment.
Purchasing Necessary Tools
The company provides free delivery in Yekaterinburg. Equipment for gold mining"Dipsis" should be looked for on trading floors like "Avito", where some models of mini-drugs and other industrial devices are exhibited. Representatives of the company assure that all developments are of high quality, are sold at competitive prices and have a long warranty period.
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