VAT accounting in accounting

VAT accounting in accounting
VAT accounting in accounting

VAT calculation in accounting has its own characteristics. The latter can be especially carefully checked by employees of the Federal Tax Service when checking the activities of legal entities. Therefore, correct accounting of VAT in the organization is necessary.

Tax calculation

Accounting for such a tax in accounting is carried out on several accounts. The main ones are 19 and 68. In the latter, such a payment is recorded on the subaccount of the same name.

  • The receipt of certain valuables by the enterprise is reflected in the posting (debit-credit): 19 - 60 (76).
  • The amount of VAT recorded in the debit of account 19, reflected in the invoice, is debited to the account on February 68: 68.02 - 19.
  • If an organization sells products and issues invoices with the tax in question, then the following entry is used in accounting: 90.3 - 68.
  • VAT accounting
    VAT accounting
  • After the end of the reporting period, on the sub-account "VAT" 68 accounts (68.02) we show the balance reflecting the debt of the legal entity for this tax.
  • After transferring this payment to the budget, we make the posting: 68.02 - 51.
  • If the tax payment deadline is overdue, the organization is charged a pen alty fee, which is reflected in the posting: 99 (c / account"Accrued pen alties") - 68.02 (we use analytics on accrued pen alties).
  • Paying a pen alty is accompanied by posting: 68.02 (same analytics) - 51.

VAT accounting for an organization - tax agent for this tax

An organization can act as a tax agent for such a tax if it purchased products from a company that is not a resident of the Russian Federation and is not registered in our country, and also if it rents property that belongs to state or municipal structures.

VAT accounting in accounting
VAT accounting in accounting

In this case, the payment amount is calculated by multiplying the product cost and 18 (10), and then dividing it by 118 (110). Numbers in brackets or outside brackets apply depending on the tax rate applicable to a particular product.

VAT accounting in accounting when an organization acts as a tax agent for this tax is carried out according to the following entries:

  • 20 (10, 25, 26, 41, 44) - 60 - the amount accepted for accounting for products excluding VAT;
  • 19 - 60 - calculated tax;
  • 60 - 68.02 - withheld from a foreign organization;
  • 68.02 - 51 - tax transfer to the budget.

An organization accepts a payment deductible as a withholding agent if the following conditions are met:

  • there is an acceptance certificate signed by the parties;
  • payment from the supplier was collected and transferred to the budget;
  • was issued an invoice by myself.


As you know, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs,applying the simplified tax system in their activities are exempt from paying and accounting for VAT.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

1s VAT accounting
1s VAT accounting

A similar tax under the simplified tax system is paid in the following cases:

  • If products are imported into the territory of our state.
  • If the activity is carried out under concession agreements, trust management agreements or simple partnerships when an economic entity is recognized as a tax agent. VAT accounting under the simplified tax system is carried out by the same transactions that were shown earlier. The withheld amount of such tax is not included in the deduction, since this economic entity is not a payer of the tax in question.
  • If, at the request of customers, an organization located on the simplified tax system made invoices with allocated VAT. At the same time, revenue is classified as income, while tax cannot be attributed to expenses.

If an economic entity located on the simplified tax system acts as an intermediary, acting on its own behalf, then the tax in question is allocated in the invoices, the amount for which is not transferred to the budget.

Tax accounting

If an organization or individual entrepreneur is the payer of the payment in question, then both accounting and tax accounting for VAT is applied. This happens on the basis of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When implementing the latter, it is necessary to take into account the object and base of taxation, the constituent parts of the tax payable. The first in the considered VAT accounting are operations performed by an economic entity for the saleproducts. The tax base is the monetary value of this object.

The accounting in question is carried out at the accrued amount minus the allocated tax for reimbursement by adding the restored payment.

VAT tax accounting
VAT tax accounting

During its implementation, sales and purchase books are filled in, and also, if the economic entity is an intermediary, the invoice registration log.

These registers are based on all invoices. Those forms of the above, which are used in the organization, constitute its accounting tax policy. It is being developed along with accounting.

Prices for goods for tax accounting should be average market with possible fluctuations within 20%.

VAT accounting in the program of the company "1C"

In 2016, the company updated the program, as a result of which it became possible to apply separate accounting for the tax in question. It must be used for those entities that carry out transactions both subject to such a payment and not subject to it.

VAT account
VAT account

After that, accounting for VAT in 1C became more understandable. Input tax can be tracked at any time.

VAT accounting in "1C: Accounting" is based on accumulative registers, which are the corresponding databases. Through them, you can detect errors in calculations and deductions. They speed up reporting and analysis.

Accounting for such a tax in the program under consideration occurs automatically. It is produced on the basistransactions and documents entered by users into the database.

From the "Receipt" or "Sale of goods and services" forms, you can register the "Invoice".

If an organization is just starting to carry out accounting in the described program, then at first it is necessary to set the accounting policy of the organization. For entities using OSNO, the program configures the VAT accounting parameters.

In closing

The main VAT accounts are 19 and 68.02. The wiring is shown above. It is carried out both in accounting and tax accounting. The tax is taken into account by maintaining the relevant registers, which include: a book of sales, purchases and a register of invoices. This concept, as a storage database, is also used in the main program used for accounting in general and for accounting for the tax in question in particular - "1C: Accounting".
