Structure of housing and communal services: departments, services, positions, facilities, equipment

Structure of housing and communal services: departments, services, positions, facilities, equipment
Structure of housing and communal services: departments, services, positions, facilities, equipment

At the moment, there are more than 30 areas of activity in the organizational structure of the housing and communal services. The most famous of them are electricity, water, gas supply, hotel direction. Also engaged in the structure and housing, the provision of funeral services.


Improvement of roads, sidewalks in settlements, as well as bridges is also carried out by the management of housing and communal services. It is also responsible for lighting streets and buildings. This institution is also engaged in cleaning them from debris, snow.

In total, more than 50,000 enterprises operate within its framework, and approximately 4,000,000 people work in it. Although the volume of services and products provided by housing and communal services management systems is constantly increasing, many enterprises are officially recognized as unprofitable. All companies included in the structure are considered legal entities.

For this reason, they always have a lot of requirements that are associated with fixing the schedule. They are largely determined by the presence of various divisions in the structure, the number of houses under management.

Water supply
Water supply

At the head of the institution is the director of the management company. He is responsible for his efficient work. In the largest companies, he also has deputies, heads of individual sections. They perform the same functions as the chief executive. But their powers extend to separate groups of houses. Each group has its own control room and emergency services.

Main activities

The most important direction is to communicate with homeowners, to ensure that all labor protection rules are observed. The housing and communal services of the district are engaged in and control over the activities of employees involved in the repair of buildings and roads, constantly interacting with official bodies. The duties of each employee are fixed in a proper instruction. Each category has its own. Also, there is always a staffing table. It is in it that all tariff rates and salaries are listed.

Technical control

The most important activity of management companies is the implementation of technical control over the condition of the premises. Houses are serviced, complaints and requests for certain services are registered. The quality of the services provided is also controlled, the relevant documentation is being developed and maintained.

There are many different positions in the staff of the housing and communal services structure. There are those that are necessarily present in any household, if the services it provides are of high quality. Dispatcher is one of these required employees.


dispatcher at work
dispatcher at work

Dispatchers are accepting applications from residents under the management of the management company. They also transfer them to the structural divisions of public utilities. Dispatchers are obliged to advise residents on issues of interest to them, confirm the fulfillment of applications, and control the work schedule of the heat and power facilities. They also send calls to the emergency services. The dispatcher is responsible for failure to fulfill the duties specified in the job description.


Plumbers handle orders for the tools they use in the course of their work. They are responsible for ensuring that materials are used wisely and accurately. Responsibility is provided for plumbers for violating the orders of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, non-compliance with discipline, shirking their duties.


The most important category of employees available in the state of public utilities - electricians. They are the ones who troubleshoot all sorts of electrical problems. They make repairs, maintain equipment, which provides stable electricity in residential buildings. Electricians detect illegal connections to the network, prevent all kinds of emergencies. All information, including on activities at the request of residents, they enter into special journals.

Electricians are liable for violations of the law related to the electrical networks that will be available on their shift.


This category of employees is necessarily present in enterprisescleaning up residential areas. They are responsible for keeping the sites clean. In addition, they are trained in fire safety skills and contact emergency services if necessary.



Understanding the structure of the institution, it must be taken into account that at the moment all relations between residents and these enterprises are of a commercial basis. All residents make timely payments for the services provided to enterprises servicing engineering networks and structures, for water, gas, and so on. Repair work and other activities specified in the contracts are also subject to mandatory payment.

Services provided by the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities are divided into the category of mandatory and optional. For the first category payment is made every month. These include direct maintenance of housing - replacement of lamps, repair of the roof. The second category includes new elements. And the residents themselves decide whether they will order such services.


In all cases, the housing and communal services structure includes a financial department. It is headed by a financial director or an accountant. Depending on the size of the plot, economists can also work here. All these specialists calculate the amount of resources consumed, identify the total cost of the services provided. They are also involved in the transfer of documentation to the tax authorities.

The role of this headquarters in the structure of housing and communal services cannot be overestimated. It has a wide range of functions. Due to correct calculationscompanies make a profit, and residents remain satisfied with the services.

Legal Department

Not a single housing and communal services structure can do without legal support. Often, legal tasks are transferred by the management company to third-party companies. If there is a legal department, it deals with the execution of contracts, develops their projects in a variety of areas. In addition, the legal department is entrusted with the task of handling claims. It is its specialists who consider complaints from residents, prepare responses to them, to appeals. Making sure that the documents of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities and the employees of this department comply with the norms of the law, also.

Sometimes it is called legal.

Office work

Since the document flow in such institutions is always very large, the importance of competent paperwork also remains high. For this reason, professional secretaries, clerks, businessmen, administrators and other managers work here.

RF realities
RF realities

Regardless of how this position is called in a particular institution, the specialist will register all incoming documents, draw up outgoing papers. Also, the archive will be filled with them, business correspondence will be conducted, and telephone conversations will be frequent. In cases where the housing and communal services do not need a large staff, all these functions can be handled by dispatchers, passport officers.

In any field of activity that the housing and communal services are engaged in - in transport, electricity supply, sewerage provision - applications from residents often come. In this case, alwaysapplication is registered. A report on the actions taken is also written, protocols are formed.

As a rule, a separate log is intended for fixing such information. Strict requirements are put forward for its design, right down to how exactly it should be stitched.

To make paperwork easier, it is important to take steps to prepare documentation layouts in advance. For example, service employees usually use ready-made forms and report forms.

Resident Relations

An organization of this kind is unthinkable without a tenant department. Otherwise they call it a passport office. Specialists issue it, change passports for the population. In addition, they issue registration for citizens at a certain place of residence, issue certificates, extracts from house books. The passport office is subordinate to both the management company and the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The final structure will depend on how many specific functions the service performs. For the most part, there are three areas in housing and communal services - technical, financial and legal.

Overall structure

So, the standard structure of the institution includes: enterprises of water supply and sewerage, cleaning of streets, baths, swimming facilities. This group is called sanitary enterprises.

The next group is transport institutions that are responsible for the operation of buses, subways, trams and water transport in the village.

Allocate to the next group of enterprises for power supply and street lighting. This includes CHPpower plants. This category also includes gas utility services.

There are also institutions responsible for the external improvement of settlements. They are responsible for water supply and sewerage, prevention of landslides and other kinds of emergencies related to water supply. They are engaged in maintaining the optimal condition of roads, bridges.

The municipal services also include hotels, inventory of buildings, funeral services, crematoriums. Another area of activity is the maintenance of residential premises, to which the above communications are carried out.


No normal operation of housing and communal services would be possible without appropriate equipment. After all, these services are entrusted with the task of maintaining roads in a suitable condition at any time of the year. It is they who ensure the uninterrupted supply of water, gas, energy to residential premises. Garbage is taken out by the same institutions, which means that without their effective operation, cities would literally be bogged down in it.

For these purposes, any utility vehicle fleet contains special garbage trucks, water systems, hydraulic systems, brushes. Not to do when cleaning the streets and without bulldozers-loaders. They are used in almost all cities of Russia due to relatively low prices and reliability in use. For example, DZ-133 is common. It has both a bucket and a blade.

Snowplows are popular, which are able to cope even with large-scale blockages. They throw the fallen snow to the sides or immerse it in a separate car.

Mandatory available among the housing and communal services inRussia and sweepers. Models are purchased different, their work is carried out according to two different concepts. If the machine is vacuum, it has its own vortex system. Its activities lift contaminants from the very surface, and then are transferred to working bunkers.

Household waste is often loaded and transported using a domestic machine model KO-427. Garbage is loaded into small containers and unloaded using a special ejector plate.

KAMAZ trucks with pressure plates are also often used. They operate on the principle of a dump truck. In this case, the mechanism allows the regulation of the engine speed. Thanks to this, pressing is carried out efficiently.

Sewage work is considered a very delicate area in the activities of housing and communal services with the use of equipment. They are carried out by means of vacuum machines. For this purpose, both foreign MOROs and Russian KOs are used. The machines also carry out sewer cleaning works.

Housing and communal services equipment
Housing and communal services equipment

Attached equipment allows you to repair and restore water supply systems. In order for the pipes to be effectively cleaned of greasy deposits, a transverse nozzle is used. It is also important to use special nozzles, pumps. They sometimes need to pump water from wells or septic tanks. The most important point is the competent selection of brushes, because thanks to them the operation of the equipment becomes efficient.

Since Russia is located in the northern territories, equipment is often used here to combat snow drifts. It's pawsnowplows. As a rule, for each manufacturer, the equipment that performs the same task varies significantly in terms of the implemented ideas and the work technologies themselves.

Objects and innovations

Housing and communal services facilities include directly residential premises of a certain area, hotels, not including tourist ones, hostels, swimming pools, beaches. This also includes facilities for water, gas, and electricity supply. Sports palaces are also considered objects.

It is noteworthy that at the moment in housing and communal services, for the most part, systems are used that have long been outdated. There is no talk of automation on them. At the same time, the development of automatic systems is being actively carried out, and their implementation is only a matter of time. So, at the moment, the introduction of modern ways of fulfilling duties by dispatchers has begun - it has become possible to control some elements using a tablet, smartphone, laptops. Ensuring data transfer security plays an important role here.

New web services are being developed for management companies that allow getting the most up-to-date information about the current state of the object. This moment is extremely important for the efficient operation of housing and communal services and the timely response of services to all changes occurring at controlled facilities.

In some farms, the introduction of special remote dispatchers began, which were endowed with the ability to exercise control over the object, while making entries not only in the journal, but also in the electronic system. Thanks to this, all employees began to receive timely notifications abouthappening.

These innovations lead to a more efficient response, which means a significant reduction in housing and communal services while preventing an emergency. There is also saving on fuel, replacement of equipment that has failed due to violation of operating rules.

Such systems are also useful for ordinary residents. Indeed, many are interested in obtaining reliable data on the amount of electricity consumed and other benefits provided by the management company. All this information can be contained in web services. In this case, the most important point will be to ensure the speed of such systems. After all, delays can provoke negative reactions. Web services must support many operating systems at the same time. For these reasons, the introduction of services that allow residents to personally familiarize themselves with data on the amount of water supplied to the dwelling, electricity consumed, is only gaining momentum in a number of management companies.

Snow removal
Snow removal

Interaction with owners

Keep in mind that utility bills differ from house to house, as each dwelling has its own maintenance costs. Determine the total amounts based on the total statement and estimates. The calculations take into account the data of metering devices. The final cost is also influenced by the number of services that were required for a certain time period.

The amount of utility bills is initially set at a meeting of homeowners at a meeting with representatives of the management company. Usually the minimumthe period during which the established norm is valid - one year. Often there are cases when tenants decide to terminate the contract with the utility company.

An agreement of this type is concluded with the management company by each owner of living space separately, while the management company as a whole is chosen by the council of owners. But sometimes the Criminal Code chooses a partnership of owners. In this case, the signing is carried out by the HOA. If the residential building is owned by the municipality, the contract is signed by the authorities and housing departments.

The contract lists the lists of services provided by housing and communal services to a particular house, the composition of ownership, determines the procedure for paying utility bills, and fixes the rules related to supervision of the Criminal Code.

There are cases when there is simply no contract - no one has concluded it. In this case, this violation must be immediately eliminated. This situation leads to the fact that tenants are deprived of the grounds to demand reports from housing and communal services on the elimination of certain shortcomings in housing maintenance. Such owners, left without a contract with housing and communal services, have the right to file an appeal with the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor.

Problems and Needs

The modern housing and communal services system continues to face problems that arose decades ago. At the moment, the processes of the activities of services are automated at a low level, because of this, data exchange is often not operational. As a result, the ability to use timely received information is also limited. This situation often leads to financial losses that simply cannot bejustified.

For this reason, ensuring effective information exchange between various services and departments of housing and communal services is actually a task of paramount importance in this area.

It is important that new technologies provide information services to authorities, local governments, the population, and other entities.

At the moment, conflicts arise on a regular basis around the sphere of housing and communal services. This is due to the fact that the housing stock, equipment are worn out, as well as utility networks. The procedures for fixing tariffs have not become transparent, and the population has many questions about high prices. Competition among management companies is rather weak, and their services are of low quality, while their cost remains high. There are also dishonest employees in the field.

According to official figures, municipalities simply do not have sufficient funds to resolve such issues. At the same time, the comfort of citizens, residents of apartment buildings, often suffers greatly due to poor quality service.

House in housing and communal services
House in housing and communal services

In official reports, there is information that a positive result from the innovations of the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund is observed, and yet the area needs many improvements. After all, the goal of increasing the efficiency of the use of the resource base is still not set. Losses are not decreasing, and the level of improvement of the housing stock is not growing. And even if the house has recently been renovated, it does not meet modern requirements. And suchthe situation is found everywhere in the Russian territory, residents of many regions live in similar houses.
