Freelance FSB officer: who is he and how to become one

Freelance FSB officer: who is he and how to become one
Freelance FSB officer: who is he and how to become one

FSB (Federal Security Service) is an executive body in the Russian Federation, a special service that carries out, within the limits of its authority, tasks to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

This service is empowered to conduct preliminary investigations, inquests, intelligence and operational-search activities. Federal civil service and military service are envisaged.

The President of the Russian Federation directs this body.

FSB structure

In its structure, the FSB has departments, departments, services, various units that carry out the activities of the Security Council, as well as units that are endowed with managerial functions. The structure also includes territorial security agencies, which are departments (or departments) of the Federal Security Service for various subjects of Russia. In addition to them, the structure also includes those security agencies that exercise control over the troops. These are departments located inarmed forces, military formations, various troops and the bodies that manage them. The structure also includes border agencies. These are departments, detachments or departments of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for carrying out the border service.

FSB officers

Before you try to get a job, you need to understand what a freelance FSB officer does. Among the employees of the service there is a division into several groups: full-time and freelance.

Staff members are officially registered in the ranks of the FSB, have certificates confirming their belonging to this authority. The scope of their powers is strictly regulated by official regulations and legislation. For exceeding their authority, these employees bear criminal or administrative liability, depending on the nature of the crime and the severity of the misconduct.

FSB freelancer
FSB freelancer

Freelancers are not formalized. Their collaboration is not recorded anywhere and is on a voluntary basis.

Getting a job as a freelancer, you can get into any of the country's security units - border detachments or military formations.

Who is a freelancer

A freelance FSB officer has a different status from a full-time employee.

Individuals, with their consent, the bodies of the FSB may invite to cooperate in resolving the duties that are assigned to the FSB itself. Engagement may occur on a freelance basis. This means that the person who came to work is not listed anywhere in official documents.organs. It provides information on a voluntary basis. In most cases, this employee does not receive remuneration and is not a personnel employee.


A freelance FSB officer is vested with powers that are determined by the regulatory documents of the federal body in the field of security. The activities of a freelancer are controlled by a person authorized to do so by higher management. The actions of this employee are regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

A freelancer is not a person in official service with the authorities. Despite this, his actions are also tightly controlled and regulated. Such an employee is not issued a service weapon. His collaboration is purely informative. The use of illegal methods of obtaining information, the manipulation of data and the provision of knowingly false facts will entail liability, the extent of which will be determined by the court.

how to become a freelance employee
how to become a freelance employee

When participating in various operations to counter terrorism or drug trafficking, a freelancer must independently assess the danger or safety of the situation for him. He has no right to use weapons or violent measures. In case of non-fulfillment of agreements or excess of authority, the service may refuse the services of a freelancer. To terminate cooperation, you do not need to write a letter of resignation, work for 14 days, and so on. Moments provided by lawapply only to those persons who are formally registered. The rest of the terms are governed by the agreement between the freelancer and SB.


A freelance FSB officer has rights and obligations almost the same as full-time employees.

A person assisting the FSB has the right:

  • conclude a confidential contract with the FSB;
  • receive from service workers explanations of their tasks, rights and obligations;
  • to preserve the confidentiality of the individual, use documents encrypted for the purpose of secrecy;
  • get paid for work;
  • for damage to property or he alth during cooperation, receive compensation.


Working as a freelance FSB officer involves the performance of duties:

  • comply with the conditions specified in the contract or cooperation agreement;
  • carry out the necessary instructions from the FSB;
  • do not intentionally provide false, biased, slanderous information;
  • do not disclose state secrets or any information related to the mission.
FSB freelancer reviews
FSB freelancer reviews

In addition, there are a number of prohibitions that must not be violated under any pretext:

engage deputies, prosecutors, judges, minors, lawyers, clerics or persons officially registered with religious organizations on the basis of a contract

Information about employees working outsidestate, may be made public only after obtaining the written permission of these persons and only in cases provided for by federal laws.


The implementation of laws by the Federal Security Service is monitored by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, as well as the prosecutors who are authorized by him to carry out these activities. Information about persons who have provided or continue to provide assistance on the basis of confidentiality, as well as information about methods, means, tactics and methods of activity, do not fall under the supervision of the prosecutor.

What freelancers do

Who is a freelance FSB officer? What is it - assistance?

In fact, freelancers are those people who almost always provide assistance to the authorities. They take part in all sorts of raids or raids on retail outlets, assist in identifying administrative offenses, and receive useful and necessary information for the authorities.

Often they help at big events where there are a lot of people. For example, at football matches. Most often they do not receive money for their work, but at the same time they can receive a diploma, gratitude.

What is the essence of the work

A freelance FSB officer, in fact, assists the official authority in every possible way. By carrying out various assignments, a person helps to oversee the security of the country.

How to become such an employee

In order to join the ranks of civil servants, you need to figure out how to become a freelanceran employee of the FSB of Russia.

First of all, the most comprehensive information can be provided by the territorial body of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the city. To get an answer to your questions, you must come to the FSB office in the city and ask for an appointment.

In one of the offices you can ask a question about how to become a freelance FSB officer. So, those who wish will be taken to the necessary department.

Once in the required office, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will ask many different questions. Questions can be from the field of personal life, career, work, hobbies, plans, trips abroad. Being ready for such provocative and deep questions will relieve unnecessary stress.

work as a freelance employee of the FSB
work as a freelance employee of the FSB

When meeting with an officer responsible for making decisions or authorized to do so, you must be ready to offer something to the FSB. It is necessary to clearly understand why the structure itself needs cooperation. It will not be easy for a person who is simply in love with the romance of service in special agencies to understand the difference between what is shown in films and what intelligence officers actually face. Only the person who is clearly aware of the full responsibility of the service in the FSB, even freelance, will be able to obtain permission to cooperate.

Often in the city divisions of special services there may be questionnaires, having filled in which, an ordinary citizen can expect a call with an invitation to have a conversation. Such questionnaires contain a large number of questions on various topics, including personal information. Full picture,compiled by an employee based on the analysis of the questionnaire and communication with the candidate, will help to form the right impression about the person.

Few people know that this man is a freelance FSB officer. How to become one - there is little information. And taking into account the fact that the activity relates to the security of the state, it is strictly forbidden to talk about it.

Terms of cooperation

Most often, in order to work as a freelance FSB officer, you must meet the requirements:

  • have no criminal record;
  • be he althy physically and mentally;
  • get checked by medical professionals.

About work - from employees

On the net you can find a limited amount of information about how the work is actually carried out in such a position. A freelance FSB officer does not leave feedback on his activities for several reasons:

  1. The service is associated with dangerous elements, groups and is subject to secrecy.
  2. Disclosure of information relating to the work of special services is punishable by law.
  3. In case of cooperation with the FSB on issues related to drug trafficking or countering terrorism, disclosure of information about one's identity may be dangerous for the employee himself or his family members.

How to protect yourself

Many citizens, thinking about cooperation with the authorities, are wondering how to protect themselves in case of unforeseen situations.

freelance employee fsb vacancies moscow
freelance employee fsb vacancies moscow

There is information that a freelancerThe FSB, which is provided with a receipt from the service itself, can, on the basis of this note, go to court and appeal against any actions / inactions. However, it is difficult to judge the legal force and reality of such a note. Most often, cooperation is carried out on a contractual basis, and receipts are not issued. However, if a receipt was given, then it is necessary to ensure that the points listed in it are indicated clearly and without double meaning.

Who is hired most often

Representatives of official bodies report in an interview that truly patriotic people are most often hired. Those with fanatical eyes are shunned so as not to provoke organizations that are being monitored. In addition, fanatics are difficult to control. Although such employees are not registered with the state, the responsibility for their actions may be assigned to the security structure.

Due to the fact that funding for such workers is limited, material incentives for cooperation are rarely used. These can be valuable gifts or letters of thanks, but this rarely happens. In this regard, those who consider such work as an opportunity to earn additional income will be disappointed. Cooperation is free of charge.

What does a freelance FSB officer do?
What does a freelance FSB officer do?

It is precisely because of the lack of additional finances that real patriots are hired. A person who wants to defend his country and his state on a voluntary basis will be much more useful thanwho wants to earn money on the security of his country.


No special requirements for this position. Bright tattoos or body modifications, extraordinary hair color can become an obstacle. Factors that attract additional glances can negatively affect the safety of a freelancer.

Where to work

They will tell you where a freelance FSB officer is required, vacancies. Moscow and the region place announcements for the recruitment of such employees most often. You can find such information on the websites of official divisions or directly on the board of appeals in the city division of the FSB.

In Moscow, it is possible to apply directly to the Lubyanka, at the address: Bolshaya Lubyanka, building 2. By visiting the complex of buildings included in the reporting, you can get a complete list of information about the personnel that are required at a particular moment, as well as leave an application, by filling out a questionnaire or questionnaire for this and leaving your contact details.

freelance FSB officer receipt
freelance FSB officer receipt

Depending on where people will be required, you can get a distribution or an offer of cooperation in one of the structures that are part of the service. Most often, the recruitment of freelancers is opened by the border service and security agencies in the troops. For these two divisions, help is never superfluous. As in the fight against illegal entry into the territory of the country, as well as in the import or export of goods, products, other items, and in the ranks of the army, people are needed who can show additionalvigilance.
