2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
India is considered the first territory where cattle was domesticated. It happened over 8000 years ago. The first cows were not too pleased with milk yield - about 500 kg of milk per year. Thanks to centuries of selection, new breeds have appeared. Record-breaking cows today are able to produce up to 20 tons of milk of excellent quality with high fat content in one lactation. The average for dairy breeds is considered to be milk yield of 5000 kg.
Cattle breeds
Today there are up to 1200 breeds of cows in the world. The classification is based on the productivity of the animals. It depends on the specialization of the animals. This is reflected in the appearance of cows, their ability to "pay for" feed either by high average daily gains or by good milk yields. What are the breeds of cows? They are divided into three groups:
- Meat cows. The purpose of breeding is to obtain meat. Animals are distinguished by a powerful physique, a high percentage of slaughter meat yield,the ability to quickly gain live weight. The most popular breeds are: Hereford, Charolais, Aberdeen Angus, Kazakh, Limousin.
- Dairy cows. From representatives of this group receive the maximum milk yield. The main breeds of dairy cows from those that are bred in the territory of the former Soviet Union: Ayrshire, Holstein, Kholmogory, Black-and-White.
- Double productivity cows. Universal animals, have good both dairy and meat indicators. The predominance of one or another type of products obtained from animals is determined by the breed. Within the group, they are divided into meat-and-milk and dairy-and-meat. However, it should be noted that in terms of productivity they are inferior to specialized dairy or meat breeds. These include: Kostroma, Bestuzhev, Swiss, Simmental.
Signs of dairy breeds
Consider the structural features of the body of dairy cows. Their description, according to the standards, is as follows:
- body type is lean, muscles are poorly developed;
- skeleton is light;
- body has an elongated shape in the form of a triangle (slightly flattened from the sides), its base is the back of the animal;
- head light;
- thin delicate skin;
- back straight;
- chest deep;
- legs high;
- long movable neck (noted that the presence of skin folds indicates the high productivity of the animal);
- well developed heart, lungs and digestive system;
- have a calm, balanced disposition.
Mainthe task in breeding dairy animals is to get the maximum amount of milk from the cow. Therefore, one of the most important signs of animal selection is the correct structure of the udder. It should be tub-shaped or bowl-shaped. Volume - at least 110 cm, depth - from 25 cm. It should clearly show visible veins. A well-developed milk well (it is located at the junction of the udder with the body) indicates a good productivity of the animal. Through it, blood is pumped into the udder. The shape of the nipples is finger-shaped, the same length. This is especially important for machine milking. There are no ideal shares of the udder, usually the rear ones are larger than the front ones.
Breeding work is carried out constantly - there is no limit to perfection. The purposeful selection of animals for reproduction, and then the selection of pairs to consolidate or improve one or another trait is the main goal of breeding. Thus, the continuous improvement of the breed is ensured, valuable hereditary qualities are accumulated and fixed in subsequent generations.

Features of breeding dairy cows are the careful selection of animals for a number of indicators inherent in cattle in this area of productivity. Basic:
- Milk productivity. Estimate milk yield for 305 days of lactation (or shortened - 280 days), while taking into account the age of the animal, breed, fat content of milk, protein content. In order for the assessment to be objective, it is carried out under normal feeding conditions andcontent and for several lactations.
- Origin. Pay attention to the productivity of ancestors, especially in the first two generations. It is preferable to select animals of proven lines and families. On the father's side, productivity indicators should be higher. The number of highly productive individuals in the pedigree up to the fifth generation is taken into account.
- Exterior. They focus on articles related to the productivity and he alth of animals. Dairy breeds differ in the type and size of the udder, the correct nipples, the depth of the chest, and the development of the abdominal cavity. The severity of the pedigree belonging of an individual also matters. With a 10-point assessment of animals, 2 points go to assess the legs (correct posture), 3 - to the general appearance (chest depth, type of body structure, etc.), 5 - to the udder.
The following factors have a great influence on the productivity of cows:
- Containment conditions. A long grazing period has a beneficial effect on the increase in milk yield. Stall content without free grazing, on the contrary, reduces them. In summer, the fat content of milk drops somewhat due to the consumption of fresh grass and abundant watering.
- Feeding. The saying "Cow's milk on the tongue" is absolutely accurate. The quantity, fat content and organoleptic properties of milk depend on the correct and balanced feeding with high-quality feeds. Unusable silage will transfer its unpleasant odor and taste to the milk.
- The age of the animal. The maximum productivity indicators fall on the 6-8th lactation. After that, it gradually decreases. Therefore, most farmsspecializing in the industrial production of milk, they try to cull animals when they reach 7-8 years of age. Intensive farming practices force culling somewhat earlier. Animals are only used for 4-5 years.
In the territories of the former Soviet republics, both bred in the Soviet Union and foreign dairy breeds of cows are bred. Reviews of private owners and farmers differ in the assessment of animals. Some prefer exclusively domestic breeds, others are sure that foreign breeds are better.
One of the most popular is the Ayrshire breed. To create it, Scottish and English cattle were crossed, getting the desired type of cows for breeding. The names of the breeds whose blood flows in the veins of the Ayrshires are Dutch, Alderney, Tiswater and Flemish. Pedantic purposeful crossing made it possible to get the desired type of animals back in the 19th century.

Brief description of the breed:
1. Appearance. The backbone is very strong, light, the physique is proportional. Muscles are of average development. The chest is deep. The head is small, decorated with large lyre-shaped light horns. The neck is thin, usually with skin folds. The legs are low, well set. The udder is cup-shaped, well developed, the middle teats are usually spaced at an ideal interval (for machine milking). The skin is thin, the color is red-mottled with various options: almost completely white, almost completely red, even distribution of red and white spots.
Averageanimal measurements:
- 1, 22-1, 24 m - height at the withers;
- 1, 65-1, 75m bust;
- 1, 45-1, 55 m - oblique body length;
- 0, 15-0.7 m - pastern girth.
2. Productivity. The average productivity is 4-5 tons of milk with an average fat content of 4.1-4.3%. The mass of adult animals: cows - 410-500 kg, bulls - up to 700-800 kg. Slaughter yield does not exceed 55%. The weight of newborn calves ranges from 25-30 kg.
3. Pros and cons. Perfectly adapts to the harsh conditions of detention. It is bred in 23 regions of Russia, from Karelia to the Krasnodar Territory. They are distinguished by high productivity, precocity (cows can give milk from 2 years of age). Their shy and sometimes aggressive nature spoils the picture. Animals do not tolerate dry hot climate.
Holstein Dairy
The group of the best breeds of dairy cows includes the Holstein. Bred in the vastness of America and Canada. Breeders sought to get strong cattle with high milk yields. In 1861, the Black-and-White Holstein-Friesian breed was approved, in 1983 it was renamed Holstein.

Description of breed:
1. Appearance. Large, wide body with moderately developed muscles. Body shapes are angular. Properly set strong limbs, joints are well defined. The head is slightly elongated. The chest is long and deep. The belly is voluminous, but not pendulous. The udder is bowl-shaped (in 95% of cows), wide, voluminous, with large cone-shaped nipples. The suit is black and motley.
- 1, 35-1, 45 m - height at withers;
- 1, 97-2, 01 m - bust;
- 1, 52-1, 63 m - oblique body length;
- 0, 18-0, 20 m - pastern girth.
2. Productivity. Holstein dairy cows on average produce 6.5-7 tons of milk per year, fat content - 3.6-3.9%. Adult animals reach a weight of 900-1200 kg - bulls, 650-700 kg - cows. The yield of pure meat is up to 55%. Calves weigh 43-48 kg at birth.
3. Advantages and disadvantages. They have excellent he alth, perfectly adapt to different climatic conditions. The warm maritime climate has a positive effect on productivity; up to 10 tons of milk can be obtained from an animal. Clean, affectionate animals. Bulls are often used for breeding other breeds. Holsteins cannot be attributed to economical animals. They eat a lot, require a balanced diet and quality feed. A spacious, clean stall is a must.
One of the young dairy breeds, bred by Soviet breeders in the second half of the twentieth century. Ostfrisian and Dutch cattle took part in its creation. As a result of many years of selection, a strong, highly productive cow adapted to local conditions was obtained.

Description of breed:
1. Appearance. The correct exterior, characteristic of the dairy type of animals. The body is deep and wide, strong constitution. The peritoneum is voluminous. Legs are straight and strong. The head is slightly elongated, the horns are gray. musculaturewell developed. The udder is large and bowl-shaped, excellent for machine milking. The skin is thin. The suit is black and motley.
- 1, 28-1, 32 m - height at withers;
- 1, 70-1, 90m bust;
- 1, 50-1, 70 m - oblique body length;
- 0, 18-0, 20 m - pastern girth.
2. Productivity. The average milk yield for the breed reaches 5000 kg with a milk fat content of 3.7-3.9%. From record holders milk up to 8000 kg. The live weight of males reaches 800-1000 kg, black-and-white cows can have a maximum weight of 600 kg. The slaughter yield of meat is 51-55%. Newborn calves weigh up to 42 kg.
3. Advantages and disadvantages. Animals are distinguished by excellent he alth, fast acclimatization, calm character. Quickly increase live weight. A successful combination of quality and quantity of products makes this breed profitable and very cost-effective. It should be borne in mind that cows are very demanding on the conditions of detention. Breeders are still working to improve animal productivity.
The vast territory of the USSR and the difference in climatic zones are the factors that led to the emergence of different groups of this breed of cows. Description of species distributed in the following regions:
- Central part of Russia (Central Russian). Animals are large, live weight of females - from 550 to 650 kg, males - more than 1000 kg. A great option not only for milk, but also for meat. Milk productivity - 8000 kg, fat content - 3, 6-3, 7%.
- Ural. Representatives of the local branch have a harmonious physique, dry and lightconstitution. Breeding farms receive milk yields of 6-8 tons with a fat content of 3, 8-3, 9%.
- Siberia. By live weight, the branch occupies a middle position between the two types described above. The live weight of cows is 550-560 kg. Animals give 5500 kg of milk per lactation with a fat content of 4%.
There are two versions of the origin of the Kholmogory breed of cows:
- local cattle methodically improved with Dutch cattle;
- this is an exclusively local, aboriginal breed, without any influx of blood from outside.
The Arkhangelsk region is considered the birthplace of the breed, it appeared in the 18th century.

1. Appearance. Typical addition of dairy cows. The body is elongated, the chest is well developed. The head is small, slightly elongated. Legs are well set with well defined joints and tendons. The udder is medium, the development of the shares is uniform, the nipples are cylindrical in shape. The abdomen is round, voluminous. Musculature is moderately developed. The skin is elastic and thin. The suit is black and motley.
- 1, 30-1, 35 m - height at withers;
- 1, 75-1, 95m bust;
- 1, 55-1, 70 m - oblique body length;
- 0, 17-0, 21 - m pastern girth.
2. Productivity. Weight of calves at birth - within 32 kg. Adult animals weigh: bulls - 850-950 kg (upper bar - 1200), cows - 480-590 kg (maximum 800). Meat yield up to 60%. The average milk yield for the breed is 3.6-5 tons, the fat content is 3.7-4.5%. From high-yielding animalsreceive up to 10 tons of milk per lactation.
3. Advantages and disadvantages. They have stable immunity, are well adapted to an unfavorable climate, even with poor feeding they are able to give decent milk yields. The influx of Holstein blood undermines he alth. Crossbred animals are often forced to be culled due to gynecological problems and diseases of the limbs.
The group of the most popular breeds of cattle bred on the territory of the former Soviet republics includes the Simmental. It is classified as a dairy product, but animals can be an excellent source of quality meat. Animals bred in Switzerland. Breeders worked to improve the local Scandinavian breeds of cows.

1. Appearance. Animals have a strong skeleton with well-developed muscles. The back is wide, the sacrum is sometimes slightly raised. The chest is deep and well developed. Head with a broad forehead. The udder is rounded with large cone-shaped nipples. The skin is thick. The color varies from fawn to red. Tongue, eyelids and hooves are light pink.
- 1, 35-1, 40 m - height at withers;
- 1, 85-2, 05 m - bust;
- 1, 60-1, 65 m - oblique body length;
- 0, 19-0, 21 m - pastern girth.
2. Productivity. The average weight of calves is 45 kg. Adult bulls weigh 900-1000 kg, cows - up to 600 kg. The slaughter yield of meat is 55-60%. The average milk yield is 4-5 tons of milk, the average fat content is 4.1%. Often this figure reaches 5%.
3. Advantages and disadvantages. Very obedient and intelligent animals. They have strong immunity. They are distinguished by ease of childbirth, mortality among newborns is very low. Easily adapt to a variety of conditions. Young animals give good average daily weight gain. As a disadvantage, cases of the appearance of individuals with some exterior flaws are noted - incorrect setting of the legs, sagging back, and others. The udder may be unevenly developed.
Comparative characteristics
The table shows a comparative performance of the most dairy breeds of cows described above.
Breeds |
Body weight (kg) |
Milk yield per lactation (kg) |
Fat (%) |
Protein content (%) |
Top performers (kg/%) |
Holstein | 620 | 9248 | 3, 96 | 3, 4 | 30805/3, 8 |
Ayrshire | 575 | 8561 | 4, 33 | 3, 48 | 10122/4, 45 |
Kholmogorsk | 600 | 6500 | 4, 0 | 3, 0 | 10712/3, 97 |
Black-and-white | 560 | 6000 | 3, 9 | 3, 2 | 19106/4, 2 |
Simmental | 630 | 5500 | 3, 9 | 3, 5 | 15057/4, 85 |
The table shows the averages for breeds. Russian specialists assessed (on a 5-point scale) animals for their unpretentiousness to feed and resistance to diseases.

Curious facts
The best breeds of dairy cows are distinguished by record numbers. The largest amount of milk was obtained in 20 years from a Holstein cow. Her total milk yield was an incredible 211 tons. Sometimes representatives of not the most dairy breeds surprise. In Russia, a Jersey cow was milked 5,000 kg (average 3,500 kg) with an amazing fat content of 7%.

Animals surprise with their daily milk yield:
- Holstein - 110.9 kg (obtained from Ubre Blanca, Cuba, 1981);
- Yaroslavl breed - 82.15 kg (a cow named Vienna, USSR, 1941);
- Kholmogory breed - 78 kg (Russia, 2004).
According to the world's leading geneticists, milk yields of 31-32 tons per lactation will no longer be a rarity in the 21st century.
Most Fatty Dairy Breeds:
- 14, 06% - Jersey breed (England);
- 10.58% - Guernsey breed (England).
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