2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Nomenclature is a systematized list of certain names of cases that were entered in the office work of an enterprise, with the obligatory indication of the terms of their preservation. It is issued according to the approved form.

A related area of work with the compilation of the nomenclature is the archive, which, for the purpose of high-quality staffing with the necessary documents, controls and provides the required practical and methodological assistance to the office management service of the organization in compiling the nomenclature. The responsibility for compiling it lies with the documentary support service of the enterprise.
The nomenclature of the organization's cases is the basis for compiling inventories of cases of various storage periods, as well as one of the main documents in office work. And the archive is used to record temporarily stored cases. The nomenclature fixes the systematization of cases used in the formation of the card file scheme for all executable documents.
In office work, several types of nomenclature are used. This is typical, individual and exemplary for each specific organization. So,the standard nomenclature establishes the structure of cases that are brought up in the office work of similar organizations. It has the status of a normative document.

But the approximate nomenclature is the established composition of cases of an exemplary nature, started in the office work of enterprises to which it applies, with the obligatory indication of indices. The status of this type of document is advisory.
The set of typical and exemplary nomenclatures constitutes an individual one.
The structure of these documents is represented by the headings of cases provided for incorporation in the office work of the enterprise and specified taking into account the direction of the organization. And the storage period of cases, approved by the approximate or standard nomenclature, is transferred to the individual unchanged.

Nomenclature is a document drawn up according to an approved form based on the corresponding nomenclatures of divisions, which are developed in a typical form, agreed with the archivist and signed without fail by the heads of these divisions. This document is drawn up on the company's letterhead.
The nomenclature of accounting cases is exactly that component of the general nomenclature that is subject to approval by the head of the enterprise. The document in question is being formed during the last quarter of the current year.
And the nomenclature of cases agreed with the archivist is subject to clarification at the very end of each year with the mandatory approval of the inputchanges by the head of the enterprise. Its entry into force is carried out from January 1 next year.
The nomenclature is subject to compilation based on the study of the content and composition of the documents that take place in the activities of the enterprise. When compiling it, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations on the enterprise or the charter, the relevant regulations on its structural divisions, the nomenclature of the previous year, the staffing table, standard and departmental documents with the obligatory indication of their storage periods.
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