The main tasks and responsibilities of the management company

The main tasks and responsibilities of the management company
The main tasks and responsibilities of the management company

A management company is a commercial type organization that manages various public infrastructure facilities. Its main task is to carry out the necessary anti-crisis measures, increase resource and social efficiency, as well as attract extra-budgetary financial resources to replace and modernize worn-out funds.

responsibilities of the housing management company
responsibilities of the housing management company

Any individual or legal entity can be registered as a management company, having completed everything in the prescribed manner and having received the necessary powers. After that, you can begin to perform the assumed functions related to the organization and coordination of the life of one or more multi-apartment buildings. In order to begin to carry out its immediate duties, the management company will need to assemble a team of experienced specialists in the field of repair and maintenance of the housing stock, and obtainappropriate state licenses to perform such services. These and other nuances of her work are described in detail in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

responsibilities of management companies
responsibilities of management companies

The main responsibilities of the housing and communal services management company are the accrual and subsequent collection of funds (utility payments) from the residents of the house. Also, its tasks include the provision of necessary services, repair and maintenance of the housing stock. In addition, the responsibilities of the management company include maintenance of the common property of the house. The latter includes entrances, roof, basement, communications, external walls. The procedure for organizing and carrying out all necessary work is described in detail in the relevant provisions.

management company responsibilities
management company responsibilities

In addition to all of the above, the duties of management companies include: representing the legitimate interests of the owners of residential premises, observing their interests and rights, including in legal relations with third parties, conducting office work and accounting, generating the necessary reporting, storing various technical documentation. Separately, it is worth noting the management of personal accounts of residents of the house, the issuance of certificates from personal accounts and certificates of residence, the organization of entries in house books. It is also the responsibility of the management company to conduct a systematic quality control of the services provided, in accordance with the indicators and criteria that are reflected in Russian legislation and concluded agreements. She must also carry outappropriate work with non-payers and achieve maximum payment from their side. The duties of the management company may also include the performance of a number of other tasks, however, all this is fixed individually at the conclusion of the contract.

The advantages of working with such an organization are, first of all, the ability of homeowners and tenants to check and then evaluate the result according to the results of the work performed. One of the most convenient moments for the residents of the house is that in this case they are dealing with a single company that is fully responsible for all utilities provided.
