Work permit for citizens of Ukraine

Work permit for citizens of Ukraine
Work permit for citizens of Ukraine
Work permit for citizens of Ukraine
Work permit for citizens of Ukraine

When faced with the problem of finding a job in their home country or planning to move to another state, many people ask themselves the difficult question of how to get a work permit. Numerous citizens of the CIS leave to work abroad, including to Russia. Let us turn to the letter of Russian law. Here the answer is unequivocal - only those foreign citizens who have received a work permit have a job. An exception was not made for citizens of Ukraine either, so we will try to understand this issue.

work permit for cis citizens
work permit for cis citizens

For those people who are going to work without concluding an employment agreement (it is also called an agreement or contract), the validity of the document is limited to three months, and if there is an employment contract - up to 1 year from the moment of crossing the Russian border. Individuals are issued a plastic card, which indicates the speci alty in which they can work, as well as a certain region of the Russian Federation, which limits the scope of the job search. Obtain such a work permit for citizensUkraine can be done by applying to the relevant state institution (FMS) with a statement, and this process is simplified for Ukrainians.

Those who intend to work for more than 30 days must submit a he alth certificate to the state authorities, without which they will not be able to obtain a work permit. For citizens of Ukraine, visa-free entry to the territory of our country is provided, which also simplifies the process of issuing a work card. In addition, the categories of persons who do not need to issue a permit are clearly indicated. From the point of view of legislation, these include:

- persons with a residence permit in the country;

- foreign students studying at Russian universities and working here during the holidays;

- teachers and journalists accredited in Russia and invited to work.

Work permits for citizens of Ukraine and other foreigners should be issued only by the competent authorities, so questionable mediation by private firms offering document processing services should be avoided. There is a great danger of giving your money to scammers and eventually getting an invalid card.

how to get a work permit
how to get a work permit

After obtaining a permit, a foreigner is obliged to find a job within 90 days, otherwise he may be deported from the country. After he is hired, all responsibility for the hired person lies with the employer. Legal entities that accept foreign employees on their staff pay a fee to the state and are required to report employment to the migration office.service, tax and employment service, otherwise it will almost never be possible to avoid pen alties. Employers do not need to obtain permission to attract foreign labor from neighboring countries (the only exceptions are citizens of Turkmenistan and Georgia, for whose work a quota has been introduced).

Almost all citizens of the CIS need a work permit in advance, only Belarus is not included in this list. Its residents (in accordance with the agreement concluded between the states) can work freely.
