Electrical network manager: job description and rules for receiving calls

Electrical network manager: job description and rules for receiving calls
Electrical network manager: job description and rules for receiving calls

The job description is written in order to determine the scope of professional duties, work regulations and the scope of responsibility of the electrical network manager. Depending on the specifics of the company's work, some paragraphs or sections of this document may differ.

General provisions of the instruction

Appointment to and removal from office is carried out in accordance with the order established by the current labor legislation. The order is issued by the direct head of the organization.

The Electricity Manager is a member of the professional category. Reports directly to the person in charge. Each company determines the immediate supervisor of the dispatchers independently according to the internal regulations.

electrical district manager
electrical district manager

A candidate for the position of dispatcher must have a higher professional or technical education. Also, employment requires at least two years of experience in the field of operational maintenance of electrical installations. The company also has the right to requireapplicant for additional training in the established program. Applicants with a secondary vocational or technical education must have three years of work experience for the position of an electrical network manager.

What an applicant should know

For successful employment in any position, a candidate must have a certain amount of knowledge. The circle of knowledge is limited by the peculiarities of a person's work in a particular position.

Electricity manager needs to know:

  • documentation of organizational, administrative, regulatory, methodological nature, which relates to the process of operating the power grid, supplying consumers and supervisory control of power grids;
  • rules for the technical operation of the country's networks;
  • basic electrical installation rules;
  • basic rules for working with employees in organizations related to the electric power industry;
  • technical requirements for protective equipment, rules for their use and testing;
  • contents of instructions and regulations for recording and investigating accidents, industrial accidents and other violations of a technological nature.
electrical manager phone
electrical manager phone

When performing their professional duties, a person in the position of a dispatcher must be guided by the organization's organizational and administrative documents and internal regulations. Also, the governing documents are the job description, instructions, instructions,instructions and orders of direct management, labor protection, safety, fire protection, sanitation at work.

Professional responsibilities

A person in any position applies his knowledge and available practical skills, performing his immediate job duties. The job description issued at the enterprise clearly outlines the scope of duties of a particular specialist.

Responsibilities of the electrical network manager include:

  1. Operational management of the operation of power grids.
  2. Reception and handover of shifts in the manner prescribed by regulatory documents.
  3. Ensuring the coordinated work of the operational personnel of electrical substations, network areas in terms of maintaining the efficiency and reliability of operational schemes of the network, individual sections or objects.
  4. Implement load control at control points.
  5. Ensuring timely unloading of overloaded lines.
  6. Take measures to identify violations in the normal operation of networks, determine the location and nature of damage, ensure the normal operation of networks.
  7. The process of receiving and systematizing applications regarding the withdrawal of equipment and devices for protection and automation from work, their transfer to management or higher-level dispatchers, informing about the results of the decision.
  8. Reflection on the mnemonic diagram of changes in the operational network diagram.
  9. Managing the actions of subordinate personnel during the liquidation of emergency situations, taking measures to localize accidents,restoration of normal operation, elimination of consequences.
  10. Reception from higher-level dispatchers and transmission to network management, subordinate personnel, management of operational dispatch services and consumers of emergency messages.
  11. Take measures to eliminate and prevent the consequences of accidents or natural disasters.
  12. Participation in ongoing drills, civil defense and emergency drills.
  13. Instructing trainees, duplication at the dispatcher's workplace, control over their actions.
  14. Maintain operational and accounting records.
  15. Conducting classes with network operational personnel, visiting control rooms and electrical substations.
  16. Perform checks when visiting control rooms.
  17. Exploring new network equipment.
  18. Participation in the work of commissions involved in checking the knowledge of personnel, investigating the causes of accidents and accidents.
  19. Passing training in designated organizations with testing of acquired knowledge.
  20. Participation in the process of introducing new software and technical tools.
electrical manager number
electrical manager number

Dispatcher of the district electricity grid may be involved in the performance of their professional duties overtime. The procedure for overtime work is determined by the current labor legislation.

Basic employee rights

The list of basic employee rights is the same mandatory section as the list of duties. Every job description includes this section.

Emergency Power Dispatcher has the following rights:

  1. Make requests for information, documents and materials related to direct work with their subsequent receipt.
  2. To interact with departments of third-party enterprises within their competence.
  3. Be a representative of the organization in a third-party enterprise, without going beyond professional competence.
emergency electrical dispatcher
emergency electrical dispatcher

Their observance not only by the employee himself, but also by other representatives of the staff of the organization is mandatory. However, they should not be abused.


During the performance of their professional duties, the employee assumes responsibility. The area of responsibility provides for administrative, disciplinary, and in some cases criminal punishment for an unscrupulous employee.

electrical emergency manager
electrical emergency manager

The area of responsibility of the dispatcher of the emergency power supply network includes dishonest performance or failure to fulfill professional duties, the use of official authority for personal purposes, and the provision of false information about the work done. Responsibility also bears for the execution or non-compliance with orders and directives of the direct management, as well as the failure to take measures to suppress violations within their competence.

Basic rules for receiving phone calls

Calls to the electrical supervisor's phone must be properly handled. The quality of call processing determines how quickly and efficiently the application will be processed, and the problems will be fixed.

These rules are:

  1. When you receive a call to the number of the electrical network manager, the employee must introduce himself.
  2. Be vigilant and attentive during data processing and record them completely.
  3. Receive all incoming calls.
  4. Carefully clarify all the details of the incident, while maintaining tact and courtesy towards the client.
  5. Duplicate all received data aloud.
  6. Upon receipt of an emergency report, immediately report the incident to higher management.
  7. Be as specific as possible on the scene to avoid errors and delays in response.
Main Responsibilities of an Electrical Supervisor
Main Responsibilities of an Electrical Supervisor

All data received during telephone calls, the dispatcher must properly record in the relevant documents. Record keeping is one of the duties of an employee and is carefully checked.


With the help of the job description, you can clearly have an idea of what exactly the dispatcher will have to do during work. Knowing all the main provisions of this document will make your work better and more productive.
