Family budget: plan, recommendations, tips

Family budget: plan, recommendations, tips
Family budget: plan, recommendations, tips

A young family faces financial problems sooner or later. For the most part, they arise if the family budget is not agreed upon, the plan of which must be drawn up every year. It is better to agree on how you plan to spend money even before the wedding. This will save you from many quarrels and misunderstandings. However, in any case, it is never too late to return to this issue. Today we will draw up a family budget plan.

family budget plan
family budget plan

Basics of the basics

Calculation of the family budget is best done in the table. To get started, write down the standard payments for each month. This may be a mortgage, credit, utilities, payment for a home phone, Internet and television services. This also includes other fixed costs, for example, circles and courses of the daughter, the sports section of the son. After that, add to the table single payments that happen to you once a year. This must be done without fail so that they do not come as a surprise to you and do not spoil the entire family budget. Such expenses usually include: payment of taxes for an apartment and real estate, various insurance services, and so on. If you are undergoing preventive treatment once a year, for example,strengthen immunity in the spring, then also fix the amounts allocated for this.

Going to the details

family budget plan
family budget plan

Now, having calculated your total income, subtract the expenses of each month from it and record this difference next to the name of the month. With this money you will live. Next, our family budget, the plan of which we draw up, should be divided into different categories: the amount for food, household expenses, car maintenance, entertainment, and so on. These categories in each family may be different. Determine together the funds that you can spend on a particular direction. Be sure to leave an amount for personal use for each family member. We can say that the family budget is ready, the plan is written down. However, you may still have difficulties. This is due to unforeseen expenses. For them, you should have an item: "Reserve". This will help you work out the right amount of cash spending in certain categories at the beginning and will not lead you astray if you suddenly fall ill or do not receive the expected bonus.

Separate budget

family budget calculation
family budget calculation

It is not necessary to draw up a general family budget, the plan of which is described above. Many spouses do not put everything in one pile, but prefer to keep a separate scheme of expenses and income. There may be more controversy and misunderstanding here. Therefore, it is better if you, in the same way as it was described, calculate the monthly and annual expenses and divide them equally among yourself in advance. Exactly the same needshare the cost of food, child support, household needs. As a result, each of you should be satisfied with the proposed scheme. Consider unequal money sharing if either of you is underpaid.


This is a special part of the family budget, which is difficult to predict. In this case, in order not to spend all the money on restaurants and cafes, get yourself a general list of financial goals. They should also suit both of you. When you have extra money, just choose something from this list and there will be no problems.
